Concept and What is: Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is a form of depression that afflicts women after giving birth to a baby.

Data indicate that approximately 60% of new mothers suffer great melancholy after childbirth, which is known as baby blues. In Brazil, it is estimated that approximately 40% of women develop this type of depression, and of these, 10% at its most severe. Thus, it is imperative that a psychological or psychiatric monitoring is established early on so that the mother can establish a bond with his son.

Although there is still much controversy about the triggering factors of postpartum depression, some can be listed as:

Biological factors: arising from the great hormonal changes during pregnancy, which leads to changes in mood, and may collaborate with the installation of a depression.
Psychological factors: these originate from conflicting feelings of maternal relationship with herself as a mother or a daughter of his own mother, the baby or with the companion. Other factors also contribute to the triggering of this picture, as the social and family situation of women and childbirth related conditions.

What usually makes depression postpartum period is the intensity of the symptoms. Among the latter may be noted: bouts of crying, fatigue, low self-esteem, guilt, anhedonia (loss of the ability to feel pleasure), irritability, sleep disorder, eating disorders, tiredness, sexual disinterest, feelings of incompetence and social isolation.

The treatment of this condition is done through the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; However, like most anti-depressants reaches breast milk it is necessary to use appropriate substitutes. Thus, psychotherapy is the form most recommended therapy. The adoption of some habits can also help in improving mood, as consumption of foods rich in omega 3 and mineral salts, as well as practice exercises.
Published for educational purposes
Culture and Science