Meaning and Definition of Mathematics

From the latin mathematĭca, although more distant origin in a Greek word which can be translated as 'knowledge', mathematics are deductive science devoted to the study of the properties of abstract entities and their relationships. This means that the mathematics work with numbers, symbols, geometric shapes, etc.

On the basis of axioms and following logical reasoning, mathematics analyse structures, sizes and links to the abstract entities. This allows, once detected some models, assumptions and definitions which it does by implication.

Mathematics work with quantities (of numbers), but also with non-quantitatives abstract constructions. Their purpose is convenient because the abstractions and logical reasoning can be applied to models to make calculations, accounts and physical correlation estimates/measures.

We can say that almost all human activities have a link with mathematics. These links can be obvious, as in the case of engineering, or be less visible, as in medicine, or music.

Mathematics can be divided into different areas or fields of study. In this sense, one can speak of arithmetic (the study of the numbers), Algebra (the study of structures), geometry (the study of the segments and figures) and statistics (analysis of data), among others.

It should be noted that, in everyday life, we often use mathematics almost unconsciously. When going to the grocery store to buy a kilo of tomatoes, the seller told us the price and we immediately perform a basic calculation to know with what ticket we will pay and receive money.
Published for educational purposes
Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use