Superiority complex

The person suffering from a superiority complex is trying to compensate for feelings of inherent inferiority. This term was coined by psychologist Alfred Adler, a disciple of Freud, who later breaks up with the master, and founder of Individual Psychology. The guy who develops this sense sees in others, judged by him as his subordinates, traces of inferiority which actually belong to him, i.e. it is a game of projections. Thus, it tends to marginalize them in the same way as also feels excluded, assigning them the same characteristics are imputed to him by others. It is very common for these individuals being seen as arrogant and pretentious.

The be with superiority complex can't balance on your inner potential and its limits, considering someone with worth and fitness overrated. Their perspectives about yourself are extremely high and he believes he has a power to conduct much larger than it actually has. He usually presents a unusual vanity, which is reflected in its own way of dressing, in its actions and attitudes, even in the manner of speaking, sometimes exaggerated and presumptuous. Trying to look better than all, the subject has proved intolerant, always contradicting the point of view of others and striving to dominate those who he perceives to be inferior.

Feeling essentially less than the person trying to look superior more for herself than for others. Although apparent superiority, she fears being socially scorned, feels insecure, has low self-esteem, even if all these feelings are hidden in your unconscious, but by no means least intolerable for his mind. It is at this time that man creates the famous masks, as present in the routine of our society, so that they look better than the others. Often isolated from the social conviviality for some reason or dipped in daydreams, the individual may resort to this complex as a way to survive before their inability to adapt to society.

So, is unavoidable-superiority and inferiority complexes are always very close and can peacefully co-exist on the same subject, throughout its existence. But how to identify those who bring themselves these complexes? Sometimes aggressively and presumptuous of the person behave already indicates the presence of these disorders, but in other cases the presence of the most frequent signs are so subtle, that only in times of extreme stress or anxiety she will reveal explicitly the presence of these symptoms. Before the social look these people are, in some cases, charitable, voluntary work benefactors, concerned with the good of others and the community, but at the same time conceal at its core the feeling of being better and more noble than others.

At the time of the collapse, the personas man reveals himself as really is, often charging for their actions of generosity, devaluing the effort of others. The pressure of the susceptibilities and high-brow is very strong, as it is difficult to live with the criticism, learn to accept them, digest them, and use them to our advantage. Often the superiority complex is activated as a defense mechanism, in the face of any threat to our Ego. Fight an unconscious feeling that we couldn't look forward, which we reject even when we got a glimpse of it, is a task that requires a lot of strength and determination. It is necessary very domain of himself to live with the opposite personality traits in perfect harmony and go beyond, appreciating the acts of those who surround us, whatever the context.
Published for educational purposes
Culture and Science