What was the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

What was the Chernobyl nuclear disaster?

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster refers to an accident occurred on April 26, 1986, when at 1:23 am exploded and caught fire the reactor number 4 of the nuclear power station in the town of Chernobyl, dying in place 31 people, 2 by the explosion and 29 due to radiation, all of them are workers of the plant.

This explosion produced the release and diffusion of an enormous amount of radioactive material into the atmosphere, thus allowing it would contaminate a large area of countries like Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Belarus.

The accident occurred after a series of human errors in the treatment of the reactor, when, finally, was removed from a line of steam turbine in order to perform a test. When this maneuver was performed, the voltage feeding pumps suffered several changes, forming steam bubbles in the nucleus that elevated radioactivity in high-grade, and therefore also its power, causing a huge explosion.

Some of the materials and a certain amount of fuel were thrown away due to the explosion, causing more than 30 fires in the surrounding area, claiming many lives due to fire and the exposure to radioactive material.

The consequences generated by this disaster over the years is quite difficult to calculate, because that exposure to radiation to which the inhabitants of the towns contaminated probably are exposed still affects their health.

The IAEA, or international of the Atomic Energy Agency, declared that because of the explosion of Chernobyl on April 26, 1986 would have killed around 4,000 people. However, and already more than 20 years of disaster, it is estimated that about 93,000 people would have died from cancer as a result of radiation. This figure comes from the 2 billion people exposed to radioactive fallout, including 270,000 would have developed some form of cancer, which include leukemia, cancer the thyroid, bowel, breast, rectal, bladder, lung and kidney cancer.

Health consequences can be seen not only as it is cancer, but it also developed cardiovascular disease from which were reportedly killed some 200,000 people, not to mention the countless number of children born with terrible birth defects.
Published for educational purposes
Culture and Science