Who were the Incas?

The Incas began as a village of a few hundred people settled down in what is known today under the name of "Valley of Cuzco" on the Peru. It was formed by several ethnic groups who meet and some legends try to explain the why but for sure no one knows it. What they have in common the legends is the story of a town that was born from the union of dispossessed people attracted by a pair of "children of the Sun" that are brothers and husbands.

With the Incas were expanding their territories by means of very bloody wars and in some cases by alliances. Between the 11th century when its first ruler, Manco Capac, cover Cuzco and the 16th century, when the Spaniards arrive to these lands, their empire came from the South of Colombia following the Pacific coast until practically all over Chile. The term "inca" comes from the quechua and does not have a single translation, "Prince" are the most common or "King", even if usually use the term to refer to any citizen of the Empire the title of "El Inca" only could apply to the emperor.

To the best of its glory the Incas called their domains as "Tahuantinsuyu" which we translate as "the four parts of the world" or more colloquial form "all four sides of the world," hinting that they covered all known. His Government was eminently military, with excellent management and simple social organization: royalty composed by the Inca, his wife and heir; the nobility that included the other relatives of the Emperor and important people as priests; then were the people, servers of the Empire and slaves.

The economy of the Incas was based on the exchange of products. As for agriculture Excel techniques that allow you to pay without damaging the environment, using manure or small fish. In addition water between plots-filled grooves could be considered precedent of hydroponic techniques because they satisfy the same purpose: create a microclimate that attenuate the inclemency of the weather and to decrease the action of pests. Its advances in this are as notable as in mathematics and language with a huge disadvantage: they performed her quipus endorsements, string color which made knots as a language, but which many interpreted more as a memory resource.

The perishable fibers that quipus were made made most of the written history to be lost with the exception of the rescued by some historians of the time. In the construction of the Incas is the juxtaposition of rocks, with this technique were able to term to whole having almost unworked stones cities saving materials and effort with such finesse that today might not be passing a sheet of paper between two rocks despite the shekels that have elapsed. In metallurgy, we would say that the Incas were in the equivalent of the bronze age even though they already knew the iron, which used more like jewel or ornament. It was a great civilization, organized and magnificent that if not for the civil war in was Spaniards would have cost them much conquer it.
Translated for educational purposes.
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