Lead Nurturing or lead maturation: What is and how it can help your company?

Anyone who starts a business, whether of nature that is, objective is clear and main: make money. How? Getting customers and making these customers buy more products or services to be loyal.

What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead Nurturing is a marketing automation technology that is part of the process of Inbound Marketing. Through lead nurturing convert to users who are interested in the information of value that we publish (cold leads) on clients.
To do so, are put in place chain of automated emails with content personalized to the interests of the user. In these emails are offered informative content and value, it delves into the topics that attracted you at first to our site, to go gradually sending material ever closer to our product or service.
That is, through Lead Nurturing automation and customization are combined.
Lead nurturing is a complex concept, so we have prepared a video so you can dig a little deeper on the subject if you are interested in this:

Inbound Marketing and Lead Nurturing

See in depth what it means to make Lead Nurturing and how forms part of the process of Inbound Marketing.
After generating traffic to our website through different techniques of attraction Marketing and convert these anonymous in registers or cold leads visits, we are ready to start with marketing automation. We have a database of people potentially interested in our products and services, that we can bring to our commercial Department of automated and systematic way.
At the time in which a visitor becomes a lead, it gives us some personal data, so that from that moment we can launch some generic campaigns of emailing. To carry out the lead nurturing, therefore, must opt to monitor the activity of the leads using automation tools, as it can be Hubspot.
This type of platforms collect information of the behaviour of the user in the web, to assess the quality of the leads; that is, analyze what are more likely to finish shopping. This action is called a lead scoring.
From this moment is when you enter fully the process of Lead Nurturing, i.e. the phase of "nurture business opportunity" or "feed the desire of the customer buy". It is time to send e-mails personalized according to the profile of each lead, with content of value intended to encourage their desire to make the purchase.
Some content formats that are used within these chains of lead nurturing are eBooks, webinars, success stories, infographics, demonstrations and free trials of the product...
This maturation process also acts as a filter: only interested in purchasing leads are going to reach our sales department. These leads will continue to interact with our brand and content we make them come and receive by email various commercial offers that proactively may ask us to call them.
I.e., we finalized the Lead Nurturing process once the lead has shown interest in personalized emails that has received and responded to a proposal for a business contact. It is at this time when we can contact the lead directly and personally by a call that we will offer you exactly what you are looking for.

12 advantages of Lead Nurturing

As you can see, the advantages of Lead Nurturing are various:
  1. A method of is immediate marketing which prevents that client cools and loses interest.
  2. It is a great time-saving in making marketing decisions.
  3. Promotes the closing of the sale.
  4. It is a method of marketing non-invasive by their great customization and about to start when the user has shown interest in receiving information on a given topic.
  5. The lead feels attended way personal and special.
  6. Not only gets to attract more customers, but that it allows you to retain them in order to further sales.
  7. Reinforcing the engagement through to offer proposals of great value leads segmented for each type of client.
  8. By increasing the engagement, increase the positive perception that the target has the brand.
  9. In turn, clients themselves become in the best trade mark without a single extra cost. Give them content of value (an ebook, information on our blog, etc.) it is easy that this is shared.
  10. Increases ROI the investment in marketing, allowing us to streamline our database to get more sales.
  11. It is a powerful tool of information attracting potential customers.
  12. Is easy implemented using automation tools, like for example HubSpot.
Published for educational purposes