The night dining syndrome > Health and Wellness.

In this condition he eats little throughout the day because the consumer comes after night, with the consequence that appears overweight and sleep disturbances. Find out if you suffer from syndrome of the night dining and how to deal with it.
"I didn't understand what was happening to my father, though out his daughter could see those many extra pounds that disturbing you and what cost a simple stroll around the neighborhood. The strange thing is that he didn't eat too, used to chop a little in the morning and drink something light to eat and thereupon he said to be satiated. Until one night desvelé me and I went to the kitchen, my father was also there and a plate of spaghetti that had left over food was taking. I figured it was something normal, since he had eaten nothing all day and I went to bed. But this behavior did not stay here, it was repeated one night after another, until we decided to consult a specialist. My father suffered from the syndrome of the night dining".

What suffers syndrome the night dining to whom?

Due to the disorder that occurs with the normal routine of meals, "people with syndrome of the night dining obesity are often or are predisposed to be it," explains gels Duch, a founding partner of the company of group nutritional support (GAN).
According to nutrition experts, the daily normal intake should be distributed in five meals. Teresa González, nurse expert nutritionist at the iron gate Hospital de Majadahonda Madrid, explains how it should distribute calories throughout the day: "the breakfast and lunch should provide 30 percent of the total energy, the mid-morning snack and snack between 10 and 15 percent and, finally, the dinner would be consumed between 10 and 20 percent of the calories of the day".
It is estimated that a 1.5 per cent of the general population suffers from the syndrome of the night dining and up to 42 per cent are obese
Meals must go decreasing calorie along which passes the day, since dinner the body does not need a large energy input when not subjected to physical or mental effort. On the other hand, in people who suffer from syndrome of the night dining, these scales are unbalanced, being capable of ingesting up to 70 percent of the calories night at those moments that are awake.
The second great effect of nocturnal eaters is that these people are raised repeatedly throughout the night and this behavior can end up causing insomnia. "There is no doubt that levels of a series of molecules in the body are altered, and as a result, amending also circadian rhythms or the so-called 'biological clock' (related to the sleep pattern, humor and the mechanisms of hambre-saciedad)," explains nutritionist gels Duch.
Other effects according to the Assistant of clinical psychology at the University Hospital of Guadalajara, Merino Mercedes, are the melatonin and leptin levels decrease during sleep, substances that are involved in the regulation of the weight, and that relate to the night hunger impulses and insomnia problems. The increase of the levels of plasma cortisol, involved in the metabolism of glucose, through the secretion of insulin. This alteration is not hungry during the day. And because of changes in the biological clock, produce alterations in the mood of the person being more irritable or sad.

Symptoms of the syndrome of the night dining

We are accustomed to hear about teenagers who suffer from anorexia or bulimia, but there are also other types of eating disorders that share plentiful symptomatology with any of the above, in addition to negative health effects.
In the case of the night dining syndrome, the guidelines are clear and are often repeated among the different observed people, tells them Rosa María Raich, Professor of psychological intervention and research of eating disorders in his book 'Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders':
  • People with syndrome of the night dining don't eat nothing or almost nothing throughout the morning, at breakfast or in the food, since their sense of appetite at this time is very low.
  • They are often highest mood in the morning, but that decays as they pass the hours.
  • They suffer from sleep disturbances, difficulties to reconcile it and frequent Awakenings throughout the night.
  • After dinner they made excessive consumption of food coinciding with periods of insomnia.
  • The most widely consumed foods tend to be rich in carbohydrates (sweets, pastries, bread, pasta, rice, etc). These foods secrete serotonin, a flattering molecule of sleep and improve mood.
  • Not consumed a large intake of food at once (non-binge eating), they are small intakes, pecking, or snacks, but which are made continuously throughout the night, depending on the number of Awakenings. Being unable to recover the dream if not swallowed some food.
  • The person is fully aware of his behavior, and often feel sad, helpless and with feelings of guilt, especially if their intake.
  • Intakes are increased when the person suffers periods of stress (work, personal, family...).

How is the night dining syndrome treated?

Although still causes of the syndrome of the night dining and its treatment are still under investigation, what is known is that initially should not be addressing the problem of overweight, but first treat the eating disorder. This has an explanation for the nutritionist gels Duch, "Unlike other eating disorders, this disorder is not related to the concern by the weight or body self-image, patients don't feel necessarily dissatisfied with your body".
Priority is to understand where that anxiety comes from that person and why you try to placate her with food. The solution often required a multidisciplinary intervention where involved experts in psychology, psychiatry and nutrition.
The issue of control of the weight would come later, it is not good to add stress that produces a restrictive diet to an emotionally unstable person.
Therefore, firstly, discussed how to help the patient from the psychological aspect, giving you tools that you learn to deal with your problem and change their attitudes and habits with food.
For all this help you also carry a few guidelines controlled food, as keeping a journal with what you eat, what hours, how is ready, gives what calories, and attempting to follow a diet basically diurnal, with at least five meals a day and punching something low in calories and rich in fiber before bedtime, that way at least reduce the risk of obesity associated with the syndrome of the night dining.
Published for educational purposes
Health and Wellness