Gustave Le Bon | Psychology Concepts.

The French psychologist Gustave Le Bon was born on the seventh of may 1841. Among other nominations, was social psychologist, sociologist, and amateur physicist. Le Bon was considered one of the most important names in the field of psychology, the themes addressed were of fundamental importance in the 20th century. Among them include psychology of the masses, herd behavior and theories about national characteristics and superiority of race.
With the onset of mass culture in the early 20th century, with the constant development and creation of a media conglomerate that included radio, television and printed media, Le Bon's work on the psychology of the masses began to be studied by Hadley Cantril and Blumer, two media researchers. The goal of the duo was give a description of the reactions of groups that were subject to the opinion of the media.
Le Bon's ideas were also of paramount importance in the discussions about the nature of energy and matter. One of his most popular books in France, called the evolution of matter, released on 12 issues, presented points that were taken into consideration by great physicists of the time such as Henri Poincaré, a mathematician, physicist and philosopher of science.
A great personality who discussed the ideas exposed in the works of Le Bon was Sigmund Freud, Austrian Jewish neurologist doctor, founder of psychoanalysis. This can be seen in the book group Psychology and the analysis of the Ego, which had been published in the year 1921, ten years before the death of Le Bon.
With an extensive and prolific publication, the French psychologist came to influence the writer Monteiro Lobato, which tackles the issue of the future survival of the white race in the book the Black President, published in the year 1927.
In the book Les Lois psychologiques de l ' évolution des peuples, Le Bon CITES miscegenation in Brazil as follows:
"All countries that have a large number of mestizos are therefore intended for a perpetual anarchy, unless they are dominated by an iron hand. Such was the case of Mexico, this will undoubtedly be the case of Brazil. This country has only a third of whites. The rest of the population consists of blacks and mulattoes. The famous Agassiz says with reason ' is enough to have been in Brazil for not being able to deny the decline results from crosses which have taken place in this country more widely than any other ' (...) ".

Works of Gustave Le Bon

  • Les Lois psychologiques de l ' évolution des peuples (1894)
  • La psychologie des foules (1895)
  • L'homme et les sociétés (1881)
  • Psychologie du socialisme (1896)


SHAH, Cynthia Pereira de (org.). History of education: processes, practices and knowledge. São Paulo: Scriptures, 1998.
Published for educational purposes
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