What is Emotional Lability o Mood Swing | Psychology Concepts.

Definition of Emotional Lability

Emotional lability is a set of alterations in the manifestation of the emotion (crying, inappropriate laughter or, in general, emotional response disproportionate reaction to physical involvement) and that in any case means that there is a real psychiatric problem.

The term reliability is often accompanied by emotional concept. I.e. emotional lability refers somehow to affective instability that can have a person. The concept emotional lability refers to some behaviors that are disproportionate in its manifest. For example, excessive laughter or exaggerated tears.
Own changes that one suffers as a result of the world in which we live

However, it is very important to point out that the person who has this kind of exaggerated behaviors does not suffer a psychological problem. Emotional lability, i.e. instability refers to a person who suffers frequent changes in mood and is voluble to the point of having attitudes that for being so changing are not predictable by way of cause and effect. There are such human causes such as stress which is seen having a person who may be sudden changes in mood.
Emotional instability affects the way in which one relates, personally and professionally

The truth is that instability also has consequences in personal well-being since a person much mentally exhausted when he has to adapt to many changes in a matter of one day. But in addition, personal relationships may also be altered by the person priorities change depending on the time in which it is located and its mood of that moment. Other matters as everyday as an unexpected issue may also cause a change in mood. A person can also show more emotional instability at certain time of the year.
Face the emotional lability

Cualquier person should aspire to become owner of your mood and not victims of external circumstances. A person cannot choose the circumstances that surround you but yes you can choose the mode in which is facing the facts. For this reason, it is possible to fight the emotional lability looking for a remedy and asking for help. For example, might make a psychological therapy with the aim of promoting self-awareness.

At the human level, it is important to point out that thinking influences feelings and at the same time, the feeling is reflected in action. Behind the abrupt mood swings, there may also be automatic thoughts that the person has internalized. These negative thoughts can produce unpleasant feelings. The self-improvement process is gradual, the important thing is to move slowly with small strides.

True happiness is one that is reached through emotional well-being marked by stability.
Published for educational purposes
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