What is Philosophy of mind | Psychology Concepts.

The philosophy of mind is the branch of philosophy that focuses on the phenomena of the mind, including research on the essence of the psyche and generalized mental conditions. She also attends events such as consciousness, one of the most controversial areas of philosophical scope and neuroscience.
This approach realizes the psychological issues of a philosophical point of view. In addition to embrace themes such as memory, intentions, human attitudes, knowledge and interaction mechanisms between the mind and the body, the philosophy of mind seeks to understand the transcendent aspects involving the psyche, focuses on the way in which epistemically mental structures perform their self-knowledge and the relationship between mental conditions and the purposes which they symbolize.
She also research everything that refers to the Act of perceiving and other methods of data collection, as the evidence essential to the learning of the language and the subjective examination of conscience. This course also focuses on ethical elements, such as freedom, almost impossible to be conquered if the psyche fit the laws of nature.
The philosophy of mind appears officially in 1949, when the British philosopher Gilbert Ryle launches his book The Concept of Mind. From then on, this sphere develops through an interdisciplinary relationship with other scientific fields, such as philosophy of science, philosophy of language and philosophy of psychology.
Two important recent currents of science contribute to this field, neuroscience and artificial intelligence, the first by trying to situate the brain region in which consciousness rests, and the other for trying to produce machines that think. Although these plans were not followed through, were fundamental to advances in philosophy of mind.
But surveys of these philosophers do not depart from the view that there is a spirit, the part of the organic structure and, particularly, of the brain; they always revolve around issues linked to the science of knowledge, neuroscience, Linguistics and artificial intelligence to.
These philosophical investigations seek to unravel, for example, if the psyche is the set of personal thoughts and emotions, or an organization that transcends these elements; If the mind is a physical nature; If the mental structure and organic interact with each other, among other many questions still hang over science and Philosophy.
Today the philosophy of mind offers a wide bibliography, which seeks to give an account of numerous questions and puzzles, over which the authors scientists and philosophers in countless books and articles, which esmiúçam the contents of the psyche, the characteristics of the mind, their intrinsic conditions.


Vladimir Safatle. The philosopher and his tears, in Discussing Philosophy. Educational Scale. Year 2, Number 8, pp. 16-21.
Published for educational purposes
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