All Aesop's Fables by categories

Aesop's Fables by categories

Aesop's Fables by categories

The content index

  1. Eagle
  2. Ox
  3. Camel
  4. Cat and mouse
  5. Fox
  6. Bat
  7. Trees
  8. Hunter
  9. Woman
  10. Viper
  11. The donkey and the Mule
  12. The horse
  13. The deer
  14. The Raven
  15. The Hare
  16. Other
  17. Things
  18. The Labrador
  19. Mythological characters
  20. The frog
  21. The Milano
  22. Birds
  23. The goat
  24. The Crow
  25. The lion
  26. Aquatic animals
  27. Insects
  28. Man
  29. The fisherman
  30. Wolf
  31. The dog


The Eagle, Raven and the Shepherd

Launching from a crest, an Eagle snatched a lamb.
A crow saw her trying to imitate the Eagle, was launched on a ram, but with bad knowledge in the art that his claws were entangled in the wool, and beating maximum its wings failed to release.
Seeing the pastor what was happening, grabbed his Crow, and cutting the tips of its wings, brought it to their children.
Asked his sons about that kind of bird was that, and said to them:
-For me, it is only a crow; but, it is believed the Eagle.

The Eagle and the beetle

It was a Hare being chased by an eagle, and watching lost asked helps a beetle, begging him to save him.
He asked the beetle the Eagle who forgive her friend. But the Eagle, scorning the insignificance of the beetle, devoured the Hare in his presence.
Since then, looking for revenge, beetle watched the places where the Eagle put their eggs, and making them roll, pulling them to Earth. Seeing the pitch Eagle of the place where you want to go, it resorted to Zeus asking him a safe place to deposit their little ones future.
Offered Zeus placed them in her lap, but the beetle, seeing the tactical escape, made a ball of clay, flew and dropped on the lap of Zeus. Zeus then rose to shake off the dirt and pulled by Earth eggs without realizing it. So since then, the Eagles not lay eggs at the time on which come to flying beetles.

Cut wing Eagle and the Fox

One day a man captured an eagle, cut off their wings and dropped it in the pen along with all their chickens. Embarrassed, the Eagle, who was powerful, lowering the head and went without eating: it felt like an imprisoned Queen.
Spent another man who saw it, liked it and decided to buy it. It tore the cut feathers and made them grow again. Replaced the Eagle's wings, he raised his flight, he apprehended a Hare to carry thanks to its release.
A Fox saw her and maliciously evil advised him:
-Don't ask you Hare released which you, but captured that you; because that you already released it is good without more stimulus. It seeks rather to soften to the other, will not catch you again and boot you completely the wings.

The Eagle and the Fox

An eagle and a Fox that were very friends decided to live together with the idea that that would strengthen their friendship. Then the Eagle chose a very high tree there lay their eggs, while the Fox released their children under some bushes on the land at the foot of the same tree.
One day the Fox went out to look for food, the Eagle, who was hungry fell on the Brambles, was the zorruelos, and then she and their young rejoiced with a banquet.
Returned the Fox and more you hurt the not to avenge, to learn of the death of their children;
How could she, being a land animal, be able to fly, chasing one that flies? He had to settle for the usual comfort of the weak and the powerless: curse your enemy from far away.
But it was not long that Eagle received payment for his treason against friendship. Some shepherds, sacrificing a goat; they were in the field fell the Eagle on it and took a viscera which still retained fire, placing it in its nest. Came a strong wind and fire transmitted to the straw, also burning their small Montagu, who even did not know by small fly, which came on the ground. He then ran the Fox, and calmly devoured all the Eaglets in the eyes of his enemy.

The Eagle and the arrow

An eagle at the peak of a cliff waiting for the arrival of hares was seated.
But a Hunter saw it, and throwing an arrow through his body.
Watching the Eagle that the arrow was built with feathers of his own kind he exclaimed:
-Sad end my days because of my feathers!

The Eagle and the roosters

Two roosters quarreled for the preference of the hens; and at last one put in escape to another.
Resignedly withdrew the vanquished to a thicket, hiding there. The proud winner instead climbed a high wall with to sing with a great noise.
But it wasn't an Eagle dropped him and kidnap him. Since then the Rooster that had lost the rina stayed with all the chicken coop.


Steer and Heifer

Seeing an ox working, an Heifer that only rested and ate, pained her luck, rejoicing in it.
But came the day of a religious solemnity, and while to steer to the side, was caught the calf to sacrifice it.
Seeing what happened, the ox smiling said:
-Mira becerra, you know why you didn't have to work:
It's that you were reserved for sacrifice!

The oxen and the axle of the wagon

They dragged a few steers a cart which squeaked loudly. Those to the cart became saying:
-Hey friend-, we who carry the load. and you who is complaining?

The ox and the mosquito

A mosquito landed on the Horn of an ox.
Then remain there long time, go to your flight asked to steer if you looked forward to finally leave.
Steer replied:
-Ni I knew that you would come. Nor do I feel when you leave.

The oxen against butchers

They decided one day to oxen destroy butchers, who said the oxen, were running out with their Guild.
Then gathered to carry out its objective, and finely sharpened horns.
But one of them, the older, an experienced land plows, he said to them:
-Those butchers, indeed, kill us and destroy, but they do it with hands ready, and without causing us pain. If we get rid of them, we will fall into the hands of inexperienced operators and then it would suffer a double death. And I can assure you them, although already there is not a single butcher, humans will continue to looking for our meat.


That estercolo in the river camel

A river of water crossed a camel. He felt the need to estercolar, and then seeing passing in front of its excrement, swept away by the River, exclaimed:
-How does this happens? What was behind me, now I see it go forward!

The camel, elephant, and monkey.

The animals they voted to elect a King. Camel and elephant were in row disputing the votes, since they expected to be preferred over others due to their size and strength.
But came the monkey and declared them both of them unable to reign.
-The camel is not said, because it is not anger against wrongdoers, and the elephant nor helps us because we have to be fearful of that attack us a pig, animal who fears the elephant.

The camel seen for the first time

When humans saw for the first time to the camel, she was frightened, and frightened by its large size undertook the flight. But time passed and seeing that it was harmless, they have emboldened and approached him. Then seeing little that the animal did not know anger, they came to tame him to the point of putting a bridle, taking children to lead it.

The dancing camel

Bound by its owner to dance, a camel commented:
-What a thing! Not only lack of grace walk, but that dancing I'm worse still.

The camel and Zeus

I felt the camel envy by the bull's horns, and wanted to get his own. For this went to Zeus, asking him gave him a similar. But Zeus, indignant that are not gratified his great size and strength, not only denied giving the horns, but also cut off a part of the ears.

Cat and mouse

The cat and the rat

Had invaded House of rats. A cat knew it was her, and was gradually devouring the rats. But them, seeing that they were quickly hunted, decided to keep it in their holes.
Not cat reaching them, devised a trap to get out. He climbed to the top of a beam, and hung it became the dead. But one of the rats looked out, saw him and said to him:
-Hey Buddy, even if you were a sack of flour, not me closer to you!

Mice and weasels

Mice and weasels were in continuous war. Mice, which were always defeated, gathered in Assembly, and thinking that it was due to lack of chiefs who always lost, named several strategists. Newly elected new leaders, wanting to dazzle and distinguished from soldiers rasos, became a kind of horns and subjected them to be firmly.
Came the next great battle, and as always, the army of mice led the losing. Then all mice fled to their holes, and heads, and can not enter because of their horns, were captured and devoured.

The country mouse and the courtier.

A peasant mouse had by friend of the Court to the other, and invited that would eat into the countryside. More like only he could offer wheat and weedy, the courtly mouse said:
-Do you know friend, you're a life of Ant? On the other hand I have goods in abundance. Come with me and will have them at your disposal.
They departed both for the Court. It showed mouse citizen to his friend wheat and legumes, figs and cheese, fruit and honey. Amazed the peasant mouse, he blessed his friend with all my heart and rejected his bad luck. Arranged as to give a feast, a man suddenly opened the door. Terrified by the noise the two mice were launched fearful to holes. They then returned to look for dried figs, else delved into the place, but when he saw it, the two friends rushed again in a crevice to hide. Then the field mouse, forgetting his hunger, he sighed and said the courtly mouse:
-Goodbye friend, I see that comes up a lot and that you are very satisfied; but it is the price of a thousand dangers and constant fears. I, on the other hand, I am a pobrete and live nibbling barley and wheat, but no sorrows or fears towards anyone.

The frog and the mouse

A mouse of Earth he became friends with a frog for his misfortune. The frog, obeying to deviated intentions of mockery, tied mouse leg to his own leg. Then they marched first overland to eat wheat, then came to the edge of the Marsh. The frog, giving a jump dragged down the mouse while cavorted in the water throwing his famous shouts. The hapless mouse, swollen of water, drowned, leaving a float attached to the leg of the frog. Saw them a milano that there was flying and took the mouse with their claws, dragging with it the chained frog, who also served dinner to the milano.

The mice by putting the Bell the cat.

A clever cat made such slaughter of mice, I only saw one, was served dinner. The few remaining, no value out of its hole, was formed with his hunger. For them, this was not a cat, it was a devil butcher. A night that cat went to rooftops in search of his love, mice made a Board on its most urgent problem.
From the beginning, the mouse more elderly, wise and prudent, said that somehow, sooner or later it had to devise a means so that it always warned the presence of cat and could they hide in time. Indeed, that was the remedy and there is another. All were of the same opinion, and nothing seemed more appropriate.
One of the attendees suggested putting a rattlesnake on the neck of the cat, what excited them greatly and said would be an excellent solution. Only a difficulty arose: who put the Bell the cat.
-I no, I am not fool, won't!
-Oh, I don't know how to do it!
Finally, the meeting ended without adopting any agreement.


The foxes on the banks of the river meander

The foxes on the banks of the river meander gathered a day in order to quench their thirst; but the River was very turbulent, and although they stimulated each other, none dared to enter the river first.
Finally one of them spoke, and wanting to humiliate others, scoffed at his cowardice presuming to be the bravest. Thus, the water jumped daring and reckless. But the strong current dragged her to the center of the River, and companions, following her from the shore shouting him:
-We don't have sister, back and tell us how we can drink water without danger!
But the reckless, dragged without any remedy, and trying to hide his approaching death, replied:
-Now I have a message for Miletus; When to replace will teach them you how.

The Fox that was filled your belly

A hungry Fox found a few pieces of meat and bread that shepherds had been hidden in a cavity in the trunk of an oak tree. And entering into the cavity, the ate all.
But both ate and both enlarged belly which could not leave of him. He started to moan and complain of the problem that had fallen.
By chance there happened another slut, and hearing their moans came to him and asked that it happened. When he learned what happened, he said to him:
-Then stay quiet sister until you come back to the form in which you were, then insurance can easily exit without problem!

The Fox and the Hawthorn

A fox jumped over a few mounds, and was suddenly on the verge of falling. And to prevent falling, he grabbed a Hawthorn, but his barbs injured her legs and feeling the pain they produced him, told him to Hawthorn:
-I went to you for your help, and rather have wounded me!
Hawthorn said:
-You have guilt, friend, by hold on to me, well you know how good I am to hook and wound around the world, and you are no exception!

The Fox and the woodcutter

A Fox was being chased by some hunters when he arrived to the site of a lumberjack and begged him to hide it. Man advised him that you enter to your cabin.
Almost immediately became the hunters, and the lumberjack was asked if he had seen the Fox.
The lumberjack, with the voice told them no, but secretly pointed with his hand the cabin where they had hidden.
Hunters did not understand the signs of the hand and only relied on what was said by the word.
The Fox to see them leave, left without saying anything.
The woodcutter reproached him why despite having saved, did not give you thanks, to which the Fox responded:
-I would have given you thank if your hands and your mouth would have said the same thing.

The Fox and the snake

A fig tree at the edge of a road was, and a Fox saw a snake sleeping next to it.
Envying that so long body, and thinking it could match him, threw the Fox to Earth beside the snake and tried to stretch out as he could. So much effort did, until finally, by vain, it burst.

The Fox and the grapes clusters

I was a slut with very hungry, and saw hanging from a vine a few delicious clusters of grapes, wanted to catch them with his mouth.
More you can not overtake them, he walked away saying:
-They like me, and are not so green...!

The Fox and the crocodile

Discussing a day the Fox and crocodile the nobility of their ancestors.
For a long time the crocodile he spoke about the lineage of their ancestors, and ended by saying that their parents had become the guardians of the gym.
-Don't need you to tell me replied the Fox; the qualities of your skin very well show that for many years you do gymnastics exercises.

The Fox and the Panther

They were fighting another day the Fox and Panther about its beauty.
The Panther praised especially the special painted their skin.
Then the Fox replied saying:
-Much more beautiful I think I, not by appearances of my body, but rather by my spirit!

The Fox and the monkey crowned King

At a meeting of animals, he danced so pretty monkey, that earning the sympathy of viewers, was elected King.
Jealous the Fox by not having been her chosen, saw a piece of food in a trap and there led to the monkey, telling him that they had found a treasure worthy of Kings, but that instead of taking it to take it to him, he had kept it so that he would be personally who caught it, since it was a royal prerogative.
The monkey came without further reflection, and was pressed in the stocks.
Then the Fox, whom the monkey accused of that trap him concluded, answered:
-You are very silly, mono, and still intend to reign among all the animals!

The Fox and the dog

It penetrated a Fox in a herd of lambs, and striding to his chest to a small lamb, pretended to caress him.
Got a dog who took care of the flock and asked:
-What are you doing?
-Caress you and play with it - replied with the face of innocence.
-Then release it immediately, if you do not want to know my best touch!

The Fox and the monkey disputing about their nobility

Traveled by this land together a Fox and a monkey, competing at the same time each of their nobility.
While each widely detailing their titles, they came to a certain place. Monkey returned her gaze towards a cemetery and burst into tears. He asked the Fox that happened, and the monkey, showing them a few tombs said:
-Oh, how can I not to cry when I see the gravestones of those great heroes, my ancestors!
-Can lie as you want - answered the Fox-;! because none of them will rise to contradict you!

The Fox and the monkey disputing about their nobility

Traveled by this land together a Fox and a monkey, competing at the same time each of their nobility.
While each widely detailing their titles, they came to a certain place. Monkey returned her gaze towards a cemetery and burst into tears. He asked the Fox that happened, and the monkey, showing them a few tombs said:
-Oh, how can I not to cry when I see the gravestones of those great heroes, my ancestors!
-Can lie as you want - answered the Fox-;! because none of them will rise to contradict you!
When the goat claimed you violation of his agreement, became the Fox and told him:
-Hey partner, if you had as much intelligence as hairs in your beard, had not come down without thinking earlier how out after!

The Fox with the cut tail

A trap a Fox had cut that tail, I was so embarrassed, he considered his life horrible and humiliating, which decided that the solution would be to advise the other sisters also cut the tail, to disguise as well with general equality, personal failing.
He met then all her friends, telling them that the tail was not only an added ugly, but also a load without reason.
But one of them took the floor and said:
-Hey sister, if it wasn't for your convenience from now, would we give in fact this Council?

The Fox who had never seen a lion

There was a Fox who had never seen a lion.
Destiny put her one day in front of the actual beast. And as it was the first time I saw him, he felt a terrible fear and walked away as fast as he could.
To find a Lion for the second time, still felt fear, but less than before, and noted it with calm for a while.
In the end, saw him for the third time, is emboldened enough to approach him to strike up a conversation.

The Fox and the empty mask

It came one day a Fox in the House of an actor, and after reviewing their utensils, found among other things an artistically crafted mask.
He took it between his legs and noted it is said:
-Beautiful head! But what a pity you don't have brains.

The Fox and the farmer man

There was a man who hated a slut because it caused some damage occasionally.
After much trying, he could finally catch it, and looking for revenge on her, he tied him to tail a wick soaked in oil and lit him on fire.
But God took the Fox to the fields cultivated by man.
It was the era in which is was ready for harvesting the product and the labrador following the raposa, watched crying, how to pass it through their fields, burned all their production.

The Fox and the crab from the sea

Wanting to keep his life solitary, but a little differently than the already used, it left a crab from the sea and went to live at the beach.
A hungry Fox saw it, and as you couldn't find anything better to eat, he ran to him and captured him.
Then the crab, ready to be devoured said:
-I deserve all this, because as I animal of the sea, I wanted to behave as if it were land!

The Fox and the hungry Crow

A skinny and hungry Crow landed on a fig tree, and seeing that the figs were still green, stayed on the site waiting for you maduraran.
He saw a Fox the hungry Crow eternalized in the fig tree, and asked him what was doing. Once it did, he said to him:
-You do badly losing the committed time to a distant hope; hope full of beautiful illusions, but not for food.

The Fox and the Crow scream

A Raven stole a piece of meat to some shepherds and retreated to a tree.
A Fox saw him, and wishing to seize the meat began to flatter the Crow, praising its elegant proportions and its great beauty, adding also that it had not found anyone better endowed than him to be the King of birds, but that the fact that voice had affected him.
The Raven, to show you the Fox that non lacking voice, dropped the meat to launch proudly loud cries.
The Fox, without losing time, quickly picked up the meat and said:
-Friend Crow, if in addition to vanity you have understanding, nothing else would be missing you really to be the King of birds.

The foxes, eagles and the Hare

Some day the Eagles declared a war against the Hare.
They were then these to get help from the foxes. But they answered them:
We would have helped-if we did not know where you are, and if we did not know against whom they fight.

The Fox and the Hare

He said one day a Hare to a slut:
-Could you tell me if it is really true that you have many gains, and why you are called the "winning"?
-If you like to know - answered the Fox-, I invite you to have dinner with me.
He accepted the Hare and followed it; But arriving at House of Doña Fox saw that there was no more dinner than the same Hare. Then he said the Hare:
-Finally understand my unfortunately for where your name comes from: is not your work, but your delusions!

The vixen and the lioness

A Fox to a lioness reproached the fact that always only pariese to a little. And he replied the lioness:
-Yes, one, you're right, but a lion man!

The Fox and the old lion

An elder Lion, unable to obtain on their own food, decided do it using cunning. So he went to a cave and was laid on the floor, moaning and pretending that he was sick. Thus, when the other animals went to visit him, he captures them immediately for your meal.
Had arrived and already killed many animals, when the Fox, guessing what was his ruse, also arose, and stopping a prudent distance from the cave, asked the Lion How went you with your health.
-Evil - replied the lion, kindly inviting you to enter.
-Clear that it had entered - told the Fox - if not he saw all the fingerprints come, but there is no that came out.

The Fox, the bear and the lion

Having found a lion and a bear at the same time to a fawn, they challenged in combat to see which of the two stayed with the dam.
A Fox that was happening, seeing them exhausted by the struggle and with the fawn in the Middle, he seized it and ran quietly passing between them.
And so the bear as the lion, exhausted and no strength to lift, they murmured:
-Miserable us! Both effort and such fighting made that everything was for the Fox!

The bear and the Fox.

A bear's love men for the reason that the corpses disliked was bragging about. The Fox replied:
-Would the gods that you destrozaras to the dead, not the living!.


The Seagull, Hawthorn and the bat

A Seagull, a bat and a Hawthorn partnered to engage together in trade. The bat looked for money, Hawthorn some fabrics, and the Seagull, a quantity of copper. Done which they rigged a boat. But emerged a tremendous storm to sink the boat and losing charge; they just saved their lives.
So since the gull flutters always lurking on the banks to see if the sea throws in some beach its copper; the bat, fleeing creditors, only out of night to feed; and Hawthorn, in the end, apresa clothing of travelers trying to recognize its fabrics.

The bat and the weasels

A bat fell to Earth and was captured by a weasel. Seeing next to die, implored the bat for his life. He said the weasel that could not release him because of birth was an enemy of the birds. Bat said that it was not a bird but a mouse, waged with this cunning.
Some time later returned to fall back into the clutches of another weasel, and begged him that it does not engulf it. Answer this weasel who hated all mice. Bat said it was not mouse but bird. And he was thus fought for the second time.

The bat and the goldfinch

A goldfinch locked up in a cage hanging in a window sang at night. He heard a bat from a distance your voice, and approaching him, asked him why he sang only at night.
-It is not without reason - said - because of day I sang when I was caught, but since then I learned to be prudent.
-Well, now is when you should be it, because you're well caged, but it must have been before that you captured! -replied the bat.

The weasel and the lima

A weasel was introduced at a blacksmith workshop and began to lick a file that there was. After a while his tongue threw blood in abundance, and the weasel got very happy thinking that he had started something to iron, until they eventually lose their own language.


Pomegranate, Apple and Hawthorn

Pomegranate and Apple were fighting over which of them was the maximum.
When the discussion was in the most ardent, a Hawthorn, from your neighborhood raised his voice saying severely:
-Please, my friends, in my presence, at least let those futile discussions.

The walnut tree

A walnut tree which had grown up at the foot of a road and the walkers work stoned to take fruit, said for himself sighing:
-Unhappy from me for all the years I attract insults and pain! -

Fir and Hawthorn

They were fighting each other FIR and Hawthorn. FIR boasted saying:
-I am beautiful, slender and high, and serve to build ships and the roofs of temples. How have the temerity to compare yourself to me?
-If you remember - replied the Hawthorn axes and saws that you cut, you prefer the sort of Hawthorn!

The trees they wanted King

Determined trees a day to choose a King who ruled them, they told the olive tree:
-Queen in us. And the olive said:
-Renounce me the liquid oil that both gods and men, appreciate me for going to reign among the trees?
And trees along with the fig asking:
-Come to reign among us.
And also the fig tree said:
-Renounce I the sweetness of my fruits to reign among you?
Then the trees said to the Hawthorn:
-Come to reign in us.
And Hawthorn trees answered:
-If you really want to anoint me to reign among you, come and put you under my purview, or if not that arises the fire of thorn and devour the Cedars of the Lebanon!

Loggers and pine.

Some loggers rendered a pine tree and did so with great ease thanks to cribs that were manufactured with its own wood.
And pine said:
-No I hate both the axe that I cut wedges of myself.


The timid Hunter and the woodcutter.

A Hunter looking for the track of a lion, he asked a lumberjack if I had seen the steps from the fiera and where it had its den.
-You will highlight the same lion. -said the lumberjack.
-No, I'm not looking for the lion, but only track - replied the pale fear Hunter and teeth chattered.

The Hunter of birds and the ASP.

A Hunter of birds took the League and buttered twigs and departed for hunting. On the way he saw a thrush perched on a high tree and was proposed to chase it, which adjusted the wands as they usually do, staring, concentrated on the air all your attention. As he lifted his head, not warned that he stepped on a sleeping ASP, which, stirring, bit him. And the Hunter, feeling death, he exclaimed to himself:
-Wretched! I wanted to catch a prey, and didn't warn me myself becoming prey to death.


The woman and the hen

A woman had a hen which put him an egg every day. He thought that if he gave him more barley it would put two eggs, and increased their ration. But hen fatter and already failed or once a day.

The widow and the maids

A very hard-working widow had a few bred young people who woke up at night at the crowing of the cock to start work. They always pulled fatigue, resolved to kill the cock of the House for being the cause of his misfortune, his eyes since awakening his lady until the day it opened.
More executed the purpose found that he had aggravated his evil, because her mistress, not having the cock indicating you the hour, made them get earlier to go to work.

The woman and her drunk husband

A drunk husband was a woman. To rid him of this habit you imagined the following trick.
Waiting for the moment when her husband stayed insensible as a dead because of drunkenness, bore him on their backs, took him to the cemetery and there left it. When judged that already had happened the mona, returned and called to the gate of the cemetery.
-Who's calling there?-said the drunk.
-I am, I bring the food to the dead answered the woman.
-Me do not bring any food; I prefer that I bring drinking - replied the drunk.
And the woman, beating their breasts, he exclaimed:
-How wretched I am! Not even my trick has made you the least effect, husband mine, because you've not only not corrected you, but you've aggravated, your Vice becoming second nature.

The old woman and the physician

An old sick of the view called the promise of pay, a doctor. This arose in his house, and whenever applied you the ointment did not leave, while the old had closed eyes, steal furniture little by little.
When no longer had anything, also ended the cure, and the doctor claimed agreed wage. He refused to pay the old, and that took it to the judges. The old stated that, indeed, had promised him the payment if he healed you view, but its State, after the healing of the doctor had worsened.
-Because he said - before - looked all the furniture that was in my house, and now I see none.

The woman intractable

A man had a wife always Moody with all the people of his home. Wanting to know if it would be of equal humor with the servants of his father, he sent her to house with one excuse either.
Back after a few days, the husband asked how it had been treated in his father's house servants, and she replied:
-Pastors and the cattle I only looked askance.
-If so bad looked you, people come out with the herds at the break of the day and does not return until the beginning of the night, how you look all those with whom you spent the whole day?

The mother and the blind child

A child born blind, once said to his mother:
-I am sure that I can see!
And with the desire to prove to him his mistake, his mother put in front of him a few grains of incense aromoso and asked him:
-What is that?
The child replied:
-A stone.
What his mother exclaimed:
-Oh my son, I fear that you are not only blind, but have no sense of smell.

The lecherita

The daughter of a farmer carried a bin full of milk to sell to the people, and began making plans for the future:
-When you sell this milk, I will buy three hundred eggs. Eggs, excluding those who are not born, I expect to be at least two hundred chickens. The chickens will be ready to market them when the prices of them are at the top, so that by year's end, I will have enough money to buy the best dress to attend parties where all the boys pretend to me, and I assess them one to one.
But then she stumbled with a stone falling along with the pot of milk to the soil, watering your content. And thus all their plans ended in an instant.

The widow and the sheep.

A poor widow had a single sheep. At the time of the shearing, and desiring to take their wool in a cost-effective manner, she trasquiló it, but he used the tool in such a bad way that together with wool also cut her meat. The sheep bereaved and in pain, he said:
-Why me abuse as well, he loves? In that can benefit you to add my blood to the wool? If you want my flesh, called the butcher who will kill me instantly without suffering, but if what you want is my wool, it is Shearer, who esquilará me without hurting me.

The witch

A witch had as a profession to sell spells and formulas to appease the anger of the gods; no customers were missing and I earned so widely life. But she was accused of violating the law, and brought before the judges, his accusers were sentenced to death.
Seeing her leave of the Court, an observer said:
-You, witch, that you said to deflect the anger of the gods, how not have been persuaded men?

The grizzled and her two suitors.

A man already hoary had two suitors, a young, and another older.
Sorry of older deal with a younger man than her, whenever he visited her it took away the black hair.
At the same time the youngest, not wanting to be mistress to an old man, pulled him canos hair.
With this it came to pass that the man, bare alternatively by one and on the other hand, was completely bald.


The snake and the Fox

It dragged the current of a river to a snake coiled in a tangle of thorns.
He saw her pass a Fox that rested and exclaimed:
-For such kind of boat, such pilot!

The Viper and the lima

A workshop of a blacksmith came a Viper, asking charity to tools. After receiving some of all, missing only the lima, came to him and begged him to give him something.
-Well deceived are - said the lima - if you think that I will give you something.! I who have the habit, not give, but take something of all!

The snake and water snake

A snake used to drink water from a spring, and a water snake that lived in the tried to prevent this, indignant because the Viper, not content reign in its field, also arrived to bother your domain.
Both reached the anger that agreed to deliver a combat: which got the victory would come into possession of everything.
Set the day, and the frogs, who did not want to snake, went to Viper, exciting her and promising him that they would help it to its side.
He began combat, and frogs, failing to make another thing, throwing only cries.
He won the Viper and filled with reproaches to the frogs, because instead of help in the fight, they had not done more than give shouts. They said the frogs:
- But companion, our help is not in our arms, but in the voices.

The donkey and the Mule

The Mule

Billowing barley, a mule was to jump, saying to itself:
-My father is a fast horse on the road, and I am like all to it.
But came the occasion in which the Mule was forced to run. Finished the race, very upset, donkey agreed soon of his real father.

The donkey, the cock and the lion.

They were a cock and a donkey in a pasture when it came a hungry lion. And already was the lion to pull themselves up the donkey, when gallo, whose singing is said that you terrorized the Lions, cried out strongly, making rush and the lion as fast as he could.
donkey to see the impact that a single canto del gallo, was filled with courage to attack the lion, and ran after him for that purpose.
He had not traveled farther when the lion turned, caught it and cut it into pieces.

Playful donkey

A donkey climbed to the roof of a House and beyond jumping up, cracked the roofing. The owner ran after him and dropped him immediately, severely punishing it with a log. He said then the donkey:
-Why I punish, if I saw yesterday the monkey do exactly the same and everyone laughed happily, as if he were giving a great show?

The donkey and the dog faldera

A farmer was a day to their stables to revise their beasts of burden: among them was his favorite donkey, which was always well fed and who carried his master. Together with the farmer also had its faldera dog, which danced to his around, he licked his hand and jumping happily what could. Farmer revised her handbag and gave his dog a delicious snack, and sat down to give orders to their employees. The dog then jumped into the lap of his master and stayed there, blinking his eyes when master patted him their ears.
Jealous donkey see that, let go of your e browband headstall and began to stand on two legs trying to imitate the dance of the dog. The master could not endure the laughter, and donkey pushing him, put his legs on the shoulders of the farmer trying to get on his lap. Employees of the farmer immediately ran with sticks and pitchforks, teaching the donkey that crude performances are not joke thing.

The donkey and the Fox are a lion

The donkey and the Fox, having been together for their mutual protection, came out a day of hunting.
Not much went when they found a lion.
The Fox, safe from immediate danger, approached the lion and promised to help capture the donkey if he gave his word not to damage it.
Then, claiming to the donkey that would be not abused, led him to a deep moat saying that it guareciera there.
The lion, seeing that donkey was already assured, immediately seized the Fox, and then attacked the donkey at his whim.

Donkey carrying an image

Once it was an donkey load an image of a God in the streets of a city to be carried to a temple. And by where it happened, the crowd is prostrated before the image.
Donkey, thinking that they fall in respect to him, he stood proudly, giving aires and refusing to go one step further.
The driver, seeing his determined stop, threw his whip on his back and said:
-Oh, socket head, still has not reached the time where men worship the donkeys!

Miller, the child and the donkey

One day, the old Miller and his grandson were on their way to the village; donkey, jogging happily accompanied them.
They had walked a short stretch when they crossed paths with a group of girls.
-Look at that - he said, laughing. Which pair of fools! They have a donkey and go on foot...
The old then asked the grandson that I mounted in the animal and continued journey.
Later, came along with a few elderly people arguing heatedly.
-Here is the proof that I am right! -said one of them pointing to Miller and company. It does not respect elders. Look if not to that child, so orondo on the donkey, and the poor old steps you walk!
Then Miller made down to grandson and settled on the donkey.
After a while, they stumbled across a group of women and children. And they heard a chorus of protests:
-Where has been!
-What old lazy and selfish!
-It is very comfortable, while not giving the child poor legs to follow the donkey-trot...
Miller, with Holy patience, told the guy that it accommodate behind him, on the rump of the animal.
Near the village, a man asked him:
-The donkey, is yours?
-So, Mr.
-It does not seem it, by the way that loaded it. More logical would be that you two loaded with him, and he with you.
-We will try to please him - said the Miller.
They dismantled both, tied with ropes donkey legs, ensartaron them with a stick, and holding the bat on their shoulders, followed by road.
People had never seen anything so ridiculous and began to follow them.
When you reach a bridge, the noise of the crowd frightened the animal started to struggle to free themselves from the bondage.
He did so much that rolled over the bridge and fell into the river.
When he recovered, he swam to the shore and went to seek refuge in the nearby mountains.
Miller realized that, in an effort to get along with everyone, had acted like a huge fool.
And, what is worse, had lost his beloved donkey.

The horse

The old horse

An old horse was sold to take turns to a millstone. To be attached to the stone, said sobbing:
-After the laps of racing, here turns I've reduced!

The horse, ox, dog and man

When Zeus created man, he granted only a few years of life. But the man, putting to work their intelligence, arriving winter built a House and lived in it.
One day when the cold was very crude, and rain began to fall, not allowing the horse hold more, came running to where man and asked him to give him shelter.
Told the man who would only do so on one condition: that a part of the years that gave you. The horse agreed.
Shortly thereafter arose the ox that nor could suffer evil time. Replied the man the same thing: that would admit it if you gave him a number of years. Ox ceded a part and was admitted.
Finally, came the dog, also dying of cold, and giving a portion of their time of life, obtained his refuge.
And here is the result: when the men met while Zeus gave them, are pure and good; When they reach age orders the horse, they are fearless and proud; When they are in the ox, is dedicated to send; and when they arrive to use the time of the dog, at the end of its existence, become angry and petulant.

The horse and the groom

Had a groom who robbed and had to sell his horse barley; but on the other hand, spent the whole day cleaning it and combing it to look the best.
One day the horse said:
-If you really want to make me look beautiful, steal does not barley which is for my food.

The horse and the donkey

A man had a horse and a donkey. A day both going the way to the city, donkey, feeling tired, he told the horse:
-You take a part of my load if you are interested in my life.
The horse becoming deaf one said nothing donkey fell victim to fatigue, and died there the same. Then the owner threw all the load on top of the horse, even the donkey skin. And the horse, sighing said:
-What bad luck I have! By not wanting to carry a light bundle now I have to be loaded with everything, and even skin donkey up!

The horse and soldier

A soldier, during a war, fed barley to his horse, his companion of efforts and dangers. But, after the war, the horse was employed in menial jobs and transport heavy packages, being fed only with straw.
Announcing a new war, and to the sound of the trumpet, the owner of the horse rigged it, armed and mounted up. But the exhausted horse was falling all the time. Finally he said unto his master:
-Better go among infants, since I've become donkey horse that was. How would you like to now make a horse a donkey?

The deer

The deer, the spring and the lion

Overwhelmed by thirst, a deer came to a spring. After drinking, he saw his reflection in the water. Contemplating his beautiful antlers, he was proud, but it was discontent by his legs weak and thin. Plunged even in these thoughts, it appeared a lion who began to pursue him. He ran and won him a great distance, as the strength of the deer is in his legs and the lion in his heart.
While the field was plain, the deer kept the distance that saved him; but upon entering the forest their horns are engaged in branches, and not being able to escape, he was caught by the lion. Dying, he exclaimed to himself:
-Unhappy! I betrayed my feet, she thought, were that saved me, and my horns, which put all my confidence, are those who lose me.

The hind and the vineyard

A hind was pursued by some hunters and will shelter under a vineyard. Spent by hunters, and the DOE, believing themselves very well hidden, began to taste the leaves of the vines which covered it. Seeing hunters who leaves moved, quite rightly, thought that there is in a hidden animal, and firing their arrows mortally wounded to the DOE. This being death, spoke these words:
-He deserved me, because I should not be misused to who I was saving!

The one-eyed doe

A hind which lacked an eye merrily on the shores of the sea, turning his intact eye toward the Earth to observe the possible arrival of hunters, and giving to the sea side lacking eye, as there did not expect any danger.
But it turns out that a people was sailing through this place, and to see the DOE they struck it with his darts. And the cierva agonizing, he said to himself:
-Poor me! It was guarding Earth, who believed fraught with peril, and the sea, which considered a shelter, I have been much more deadly.

Deer and fawn

You said one day a fawn the deer:
-Father: you are greater and faster than dogs and also a few magnificent horns have to defend yourself; Why do you flee before them?
Hart replied laughing:
-Just what you tell me, son mine; but I don't know what happens to me, but when I hear a dog barking, I immediately am flight.

The Hind in the cave of the lion

A hind fleeing from some hunters came to a cave where we did not know that a lion was. Entering it to hide, he fell into the clutches of the lion.
Being hopelessly lost, he exclaimed:
-Wretched me! Fleeing men, fell into the clutches of a ferocious animal.

The deer in the Manger of the oxen

A deer chased by the Pack and blind by the terror of the danger in that was arrived at a farm and hid among a few straws in a shed for oxen. An ox kindly told him:
-Oh, poor creature! Why in this way, have you decided ruin you, and come to trust you the House of your enemy?
And Hart replied:
-Let me friend, stay where I am, and I'll wait for the best opportunity to escape.
At the end of the afternoon the muleteer came to feed the cattle, but did not see the deer. And even the administrator of the estate went through several of its employees without noticing its presence. Hart welcoming himself for his safety began to thank steers his kindness for help in times of need. One of the oxen back warned:
-We really want to your wellbeing, but the danger is not over. Still another man check out the stable, which seems that it has a hundred eyes, and until, you can not be sure.
At the time he joined the owner, and complaining that it had not well fed to cattle went to the barn and exclaimed:
-For which no straw here? Even there so that they throw.
- And those vague even cleaned the cobwebs!
And while still looking at everything, he saw Excel an antler arrowheads from the straw. Then calling their employees, he ordered the capture of Hart and his subsequent sacrifice.

Sick deer and its visitors.

Lay a sick deer in a corner of his land of pastures.
Then came his friends in great number to inquire about his health, and while they spoke, every visitor mordisqueaba part of the deer pasture.
In the end, the poor deer died, not because of his illness but because no had no where to eat.

The Raven

The Crow and the snake.

He walked a little food Crow and in the prado saw a snake sleeping in the Sun; He fell fast over her and kidnapped her. But the snake, awakening from his dream, turned and bit it. The Crow being die says:
-Unhappy me, I found a treasure, but at the cost of my life!

The Crow and Hermes

A crow that had fallen into a trap promised to Apollo you burn incense if you saved it; but once released from the trap he forgot his promise.
Captured again in other stocks, let Apollo to go to Hermes, promising him also a sacrifice. But God said unto him:
-How I'm going to believe you now, miserable, if already you deceived and you renegaste your first Lord?

Sick Crow

A crow who was very ill said to his mother:
-Mother, pray to the gods for me and already no llores más.
The mother answered:
-And what, my son, have mercy on you?
Will some who still don't have stolen meat be?

The Hare

The hares and the frogs

Hare met one day and lamenting together lead a life so precarious and fearful, as, indeed, they were not victims of men, dogs, eagles, and other many animals? More worth dying for one time that live in terror!
Taken this resolution, all at the same time jumped into a pond to die on it drowned.
But the frogs, which were sitting around the pool, as soon as they heard the noise of his career, jumped frightened to water. Then one of the Hare, which seemed more intelligent than the others, said:
High classmates! No hurry, because as you can see that there are still other more fearful than us!

The Hare and the lion

Hare arengaban in the Assembly and argued that everyone should be equal. The Lions then replied:
-Their words, ladies hares, are good, but lack of claws and fangs as we have.

The Hare and the tortoise

One day a Hare mocked the short feet and slow walking of a turtle. But this, laughing, replied:
-Can you be swift as the wind, but I you would win in a competition.
The Hare, quite sure that what was impossible, accepted the challenge, and they suggested the Fox to bring the path and the goal.
Come the day of the race, they tore off both at the same time. Turtle never stopped walking and walking slow but constant, quiet progressed toward the goal. On the other hand, the Hare, coming at times down to rest on the road, fell asleep. When he woke up, and moving the fastest that could, saw how the turtle had come first to the end and won the victory.



The son of a farmer was toasting a few snails.
Hear them Crackle said:
-Ah miserable what are their homes burning, and even sing! --

The pig and the sheep

Got a pig within a flock of sheep, and merrily with them. But one day the pastor captured him and the pig began to grunt and wrestle.
The Rams scolded him by Screamer to saying:
-Also check out to us hand constantly and never complain.
Ah yes - replied the pig, but it is not for the same purpose. They miss you hand for wool, but to me is for my meat.


The beaver is an animal that lives in the swamp. Certain parts are used, as they say, to cure some diseases. By that when it is discovered and pursued to cut parts, knowing why you are pursued, flees to some distance, using the quickness of his feet kept intact; but when you get lost, himself short parts thereof, throws them and thus saved his life.

The fortune teller.

Installed in the public square, a fortune teller was delivered to his office. Suddenly he was approached a quidam, announcing that the doors of his house were open and that they had stolen everything that was inside. He jumped up and ran, disheveled and sighing, to see what had happened. One of those who were there, saw him run, said:
-Hey, dude: you who you Spades foresee what will happen to others, why not have foreseen what would happen to you?

The beekeeper.

A thief was introduced in a Beekeeper's House during your absence, stealing honey and honeycombs. On his return, the beekeeper, seeing empty hives, paused to consider. Therein, the bees, returning from libar and finding him there, Sting you with their stingers and abused him horribly.
-Cursed vermin - told the beekeeper-let go without punishment that had stolen them diapers, and me that I take care of them with affection, I hurt in a relentless way!

The astronomer.

The habit of walking every night studying the stars had an astronomer. One day wandering on the outskirts of the city, absorbed in the contemplation of the sky, fell unexpectedly in a well. Still grieving and giving voices, it was right to pass a man who hearing approached their laments him to know his reason; aware of what happened, he said:
-My friend! want to see what's in the sky and don't see what there is on Earth?

The two enemies.

Two men who hated one another sailed on the same ship, one seated in the bow and another in the stern. A storm arose, and finding the boat about to sink, the man who was in the stern asked the pilot what was part of the ship that would sink the first.
-The bow - said the pilot.
-Then said this man - I don't expect the death with sadness, because I will see my enemy die before me.

The old man and death.

One day an old man, after chopping wood, loaded it back. Long was the path that was left. Fatigued by the March, it dropped the load and called death. This arose and asked why it was called; the old man replied.
-So help me load firewood...

The Bandit and Mulberry.

A bandit who had killed a man in a way, to be pursued by them that they were there, he abandoned his bloodied victim and fled. But seeing him a few travelers coming in the opposite direction, was asked why had the red hands; to which replied that he had just down a mulberry. Meanwhile arrived his pursuers, took possession of it and hung it on the mulberry. And the tree said:
-You don't mind me serve for your ordeal, since it is you who has committed the crime, cleaning up the blood in me.

The eunuch and the priest.

A eunuch was in search of a priest and asked him to make a sacrifice on his behalf so that he could be a father.
And the sacrificer said to him:
Noting the sacrifice, I ask you to be father; But seeing your person, even I look like a man.

The thieves and the rooster.

Thieves entered a House and found only a rooster; they took it and left. About to be slain by robbers, pleaded with them the Rooster that forgive him claiming to be useful to mankind, awakening them at night to go to their jobs.
-More reason to kill you, exclaimed the thieves--since waking the men us keeps stealing.

The butcher and the two young men.

Is hallaban two young men buying meat in the same establishment. Seeing busy butcher on another site, one of the boys stole some debris and threw them in the pocket of the other. To become a butcher and note the lack of the pieces, he accused the two boys. Which had taken them swore that he had them, but who had them swore that he had not taken them. Realizing his trickery, they said the butcher:
-You can escape me by a false oath, but you do not escaparéis to the gods.

The vanity of zither.

A vanity of zither talentless singing from morning to night in a House with very good stuccoed walls. As walls returned him echo, imagined that it had a magnificent voice, and you both believed it, which decided to present in the theatre; but once in the scene he sang so badly, that they threw him stoned to death.

The orator Demades.

The orator Demades was talking one day the citizens of Athens, more as they paid no attention to his speech, he asked that they help him tell a fable of Aesop. Granted the demand, began this way:
-Demeter, the swallow and eel were traveling together one day; they arrived on the banks of a river; the swallow was raised in the air, the eel disappeared in the waters... - and here the speaker paused.
- And Demeter..? -shouted you. What you did...?
-Demeter flew into a rage against you - replied, because you descuidáis the Affairs of State to entertain you with Aesop's Fables.

Pedestrians and axe.

They walked two men in the company. Having found one of them with an axe, the other said:
-We have found an axe.
-Do not say - said the first - "have found", but: "you found".
Moments later were reached by the man who had lost the axe; and he took her, to be lost, said to his companion:
-We are lost.
-Do not say - said this - "we are lost", but: "I'm lost", because when you have found the axe I have not admitted as part in your find.

Passers-by and the Raven.

Travelling people to a certain topic, when they found a crow that he had lost an eye. They returned towards the Raven her looks, and one of the pedestrians advised the return, because in your opinion do it was that advised the omen. But other walkers took the floor and said:
-How could this Raven predict the future if himself not has failed to foresee, to avoid it, the loss of his eye?

The travellers and the bear.

Two friends marching along the same path. Suddenly a bear appeared to them. One quickly climbed a tree hiding in it; the other, on the verge of being caught, threw himself to the ground, pretending to be dead. It approached the bear its snout, smelling it everywhere, but man contained his breathing, which is said that bear does not touch a corpse. When the bear had moved away, the man hidden in the tree fell this and asked his companion what had told him the bear ear.
-Not travelling in the future with friends who are fleeing the danger - he said.

The priests of Cybele.

Some priests of Cybele had an donkey which loaded with their lumps when they were on tour. One day fatigue donkey died, and desollando it, did with his skin drums, which were served. Having them found other priests of Cybele, asked them where was her donkey.
-Died - they were told-; but it gets more hits now than that they received in their lives.

The gardener and the dog.

A gardener's dog had fallen into a well.
The gardener, to save him, also fell. Believing the dog coming down to sink him even more, he turned and bit him.
The gardener, suffering with the injury, went out of the well, saying:
-It is I very well employed; who called me to save an animal that wanted to commit suicide?

The gardener and the vegetables.

A man stopped near a gardener who worked with their vegetables, asking why the wild vegetables growing thriving and vigorous, and the cultivated loose and undernourished.
-Because the Earth - replied the gardener, devoted mother and other careless stepmother.

Diogenes of travel.

Hiking trip, Diogenes, the cynic, became a torrential River and stood perplexed. A man accustomed to make people pass the River, seeing him indecisive, approached Diogenes, climbed on their shoulders and passed it complacent to the other shore.
Their poverty, which prevented him from paying his benefactor was there Diogenes, reproaching is. And while thinking about it warned the man, seeing another traveler who could not pass the River, went to look for it and transported it equally. Then Diogenes approached the man and said to him:
-No, I have to thank you now for your service, because I see that you do not by reasoning, but by mania.

Diogenes and the bald.

Diogenes, the cynic philosopher, insulted by a man who was bald, replied:
-The gods I clear answer with insults! On the contrary, praise the hairs that have abandoned that bare skull!

The batanero and tits.

A carbonero which made his work at certain home visited a fuller was working not far from him, inviting him to work in the same room, because in this way, in addition to greater friendship you live with less expenses when using only one House. But the fuller replied:
-That for me is impossible, because everything that I struck, your ennegrecerías it soot instantly.

The Athenian debtor.

An Athenian indebted, hurry by his creditor so that it will pay its debt, asked who granted a short term on the pretext that he was in trouble; but failing to convince you, brought the only sow possessing, preparing to sell it in the presence of his creditor.
Became a buyer asking if the sow was fruitful.
-So fruitful is - replied the debtor - that is up to extraordinary: the mysteries stop females and in the Anateneas stop males.
Buyer astounded by what they heard, the debtor exclaimed him:
-Do not Marvel so much yet, because this pig, in addition, will give you kids in the Dionisíacas!

The blind man.

Once upon a time a blind person very adept at recognizing touch any animal within reach of his hand, saying what species it was. They presented one day a Wolverine, he felt it and it remained undecided.
-Not success - he said, if he is the son of a Wolf, a Fox or other animal of the same quality; But what I do know is that not born to live in a herd of lambs.

Two men disputing about the gods.

They were disputing two men about which of the gods, Hercules or Theseus was the largest.
But the gods, angry against them, revenge is everyone in the country of the other.

The Warrior and the Ravens.

Split a man for the war, but on the way, hearing graznar Ravens, threw their weapons to the ground and stopped.
It took them a while back and continued their March; more again CAW the Crow. Again he stopped and then he said to them:
-They can scream how come them in wins, but they will not have a feast with my flesh!

The trickster.

A sick and poor man promised to the gods sacrifice them a hundred oxen if they saved him from death. Wanting to prove to the sick, the gods helped him to quickly recover health, and the man rose from the bed. But as she did not have committed one hundred oxen, modeled them with tallow and led them to sacrifice to an altar, saying:
-Here are, oh gods, my offering!
The gods decided to also make fun then turn of the trickster, and sent him a dream that urged him to go to the seashore, where they immediately find thousand silver coins.
Not being able to contain his joy, the man ran to the beach, but there fell into the hands of pirates who then sold it. And that was how he found the thousand pieces of silver.

The blowhard.

An athlete, who was well known for their fellow citizens because of their weakness, departed a day to distant lands.
He returned after some time, announcing that it had carried out great deeds in different countries; It had special dedication have made in Rhodes a leap that before any of the athletes crowned at the Olympics had never been able to perform, adding also that would present witnesses of their feat if ever some of which there were present came to their land.
One of the listeners took the floor and said:
-Hey, dude: If that is true, do not need witnesses. This is Rhodes, jumps and show it.

The black.

A man led to work in your property to a black, thinking that his color came because of an oversight by its previous owner. Once at home, tested all possible jabonadas, tried all sorts of tricks to bleach it, but in no way could change its colour and ended up putting sick black by dint of so many attempts.

The rogue.

A rogue undertook to demonstrate that the Oracle at Delphi was lying.
The designated day arrived and the rogue took a bird and hiding it bass of his cloak, approached the temple.
Facing to the Oracle asked if I had in hand was a living being or inanimate.
If God said "inanimate", the man would show the live bird; If I said «alive», he would teach it dead, after being hanged.
But God, displaying what it was with that evil intention, responded:
Leave your deception, rogue, because you know that it depends on to what you have in hand show dead or alive.

The man and the Ant.

He went to pique a day a ship with passengers, and a man, witness of the sinking, said that the decisions of the gods, were not correct since, to punish a just ungodly, they had also condemned many other innocent.
While he continued his speech, sitting somewhere full of ants, one of them bit him, and then, for revenge, crushed them all.
Appeared when the Hermes, and beating her with his Caduceus, told him:
-Will you accept now that we judge men in the same way as your judge to the ants.

The miser and the gold.

A miser sold all that he had more and bought a piece of gold, which was buried in the ground at the edge of an old wall and every day was going to look at the site.
One of his neighbors noted his frequent visits to the place and decided to find out that it was happening. Soon he discovered about the hidden treasure, and digging, took the piece of gold, stealing it.
The miser, your next visit found the empty hollow and pulling his hair he complained bitterly.
Then another neighbor, by learning the reason for your complaint, comforted him saying:
-Give thanks that the issue is not so serious. Go and bring a stone and put it in the hole. Imagine then that the gold is still there. For you will be the same as that whether or not gold, as of by itself wouldn't is never any use of it.

The merchant of statues.

A man made a statuette of a Hermes in wood and took her to the plaza for sale.
As no one came to buy it, came up with the attention, announcing a God that recieved benefits and benefits selling. One of the curious then said:
-Hey, if it's so good, why you are selling it and you do not get your help?
-Because I, you answered that - I need help immediately, and it is never rushing to grant their benefits.

The traveler and his dog.

A traveller ready to go on tour, saw your dog in your home portal stretching and yawning. You asked with energy:
-Why are there roaming?, everything is ready except you, so come with me instantly.
The dog, wagging its tail replied:
-Pattern Oh, I'm already ready, rather it is you to whom I am waiting.

The castaway.

Sailing an Athenian rich on a ship along with other passengers. Suddenly, because of a sudden and violent storm, it quickly began to make water the vessel.
And while other passengers, with their effort, trying to save themselves by swimming, the Athenian rico, invoking every moment to the goddess Athena, promised you warmly all kinds of offerings if by its means he could save himself.
One of the castaways that heard it at his side told him:
-He asks Athena, but also to your arms.

The young woman and the Scorpion.

A young man was hunting grasshoppers. It had already captured a good number when he tried to take a Scorpio mistakenly.
And the Scorpion, showing you their poison said:
-If he had touched me, I'd lost, but you also all your grasshoppers.

The child and sweets.

A child put his hand into a container filled with candy. And it took more that could, but when he tried to take the hand, the neck of the container did not allow him to do so.
Not wanting to lose those sweets, cried bitterly disappointment.
A friend who was close to him said:-settle for only half and you can take the hand with sweets.

The salt merchant and donkey.

Led a merchant to his donkey to the coast to buy salt.
On the way back to his people passed by a river, which, in a hollow, his donkey slid by wetting your load. When Rose relieved its weight considerably, because enough salt was diluted.
The merchant returned back to the coast and loaded more salt than before.
When they reached the river again, donkey pulled purpose into the same pit that had fallen before and arose again with much less weight, triumphantly prided of having obtained what they sought.
Noticed the trader trick donkey, and for the third time back to the coast, where this time bought a load of sponges instead of salt.
And the donkey, trying to play back to the same thing, throw in the hollow of the River, but this time sponges were filled with water and terribly increased its weight.
And so the trick bounced to the donkey, having to now carry on his back more than twice the weight.

The child and the worm of nettle.

A child was wounded by a worm of nettle. He ran home and told her mother:
-Me ortigo strongly, but I only touched it gently.
-Why you ortigo, said mother-, the next time that you approach a worm of those, grab it with decision, no caresses, then it will be as smooth as silk and not mistreat you again.

The young and the frogs.

Several young, playing near a pond, saw a group of frogs in the water and began stoning them.
They had killed several, when one of the frogs, taking his head shouted:
-Please stop boys, what is fun for you, it is death and sadness for us

Androcles and the lion.

A slave named Androcles was able to escape one day and ran towards the forest.
And as he walked aimlessly became where to lay a lion, that groaning begged him:
-Please please help me, because I stumbled across a Hawthorn and a plectrum was buried me in claw and has me bleeding and sore.
Androcles examined it and gently extracted the thorn, washed, and healed the wound. The lion invited him to the cave where shared with him the food.
But days later, Androcles and the lion were found by the search engines. Born Androcles emperor was sentenced to the arena to fight against the Lions.
Once in the arena, a lion was loose, and it began to roar and search the assault his victim. But as approached him he recognized his benefactor and threw over it but to lick it affectionately and settle on his lap like a faithful pet. Emperor surprised by what happened, he knew in the end history and forgave the slave and freed in the forest to the lion.

The father and his two daughters.

A father had two daughters. One married a gardener and the other with a brick manufacturer. After a time I went to visit the married to the manger, and asked him about his situation. She said:
-Everything is wonderful with me, but I do have a special desire: to rain every day with abundance so so plants have always enough water.
A few days later he visited her other daughter, also asking him about his status. And she said:
-I have no complaints, only a special wish: that the days are kept dry, without rain, with bright sunshine, so thus the bricks dry out and harden very well.
The father mused: If one wants to rain, and the other time dry, to which of the two attached you wishes?

The murderer.

A man who had committed a murder was pursued by the victim's relatives.
But arriving on the banks of a river, he stumbled upon a Wolf and, fleeing him, climbed a tree from the shore; and when it was uploaded there looked a snake that was climbing toward him, so we opted to lie down river, where it ended at the mouth of a crocodile.

The Shepherd and the young Wolf.

A shepherd found a young Wolf, and took it. Then taught him such as stealing the neighboring herds sheep. And the Wolf, now grown and showing as an excellent student, said the pastor:
-Since you have taught me very well to steal, pay good attention on your surveillance, or you will lose part of your flock also.

The thief and his mother.

A young teenager stole a book from one of their classmates and showed it to his mother. She not only refrained from punishing him, but rather encouraged him. At the next opportunity stole a coat and took her to his mother who again praised it.
The young man grew up and adult was stealing more and more valuables until one day was caught in the Act, and with their hands tied, was led to the gallows for public execution.
His mother followed him through the crowd and his chest of sorrow struck violently. To see the thief said:
-I want to say something to my mother in her ear.
She approached her ear to it, and this quickly bit his ear cut is. His mother claimed it was a denatured son, to which he replied:
-Ah! If I had rebuked in my first book that theft, it would have never come to this and be condemned to an unpleasant death.

The old woman and the wine container.

An elderly woman found an empty container that had been filled with the best wines and which still retained the fragrance of its old content.
She insatiably his nose was wearing it, and bringing it and away it said:
-That delicious aroma! What wonderful must have been the wine that made it its so lovely vessel perfume!

The young pastor announcing the Wolf.

A young shepherd, who looked after a flock of sheep near a village, alarmed residents three or four times shouting
-Wolf, Wolf!
But when neighbors arrived to help him, he laughed seeing their concerns. More Wolf, a day of so many, did really. The young pastor, now alarmed him, screaming full of terror:
-Please come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep.
But already nobody put attention to his cries, and much less think to come to help him. And the Wolf, seeing that there was no reason to fear evil, he struck and shattered at will all the flock.

The Shepherd and the sea.

A pastor who cared for his flock in the coasts, looked to the sea very calm and soft, and planned to do a trade trip.
Then he sold all his flock and invested it in a cargo of dates, burst into the sea. But came a strong storm, and being in danger of sinking the ship, throw overboard all the merchandise, and barely escaped alive in the empty boat.
Not long after when someone went and watched orderly calm of the sea, he interrupted him and said to him:
-Again it is sea wishing dates and why it looks calm.

Three guards.

A great city was being besieged, and residents met to consider the best way to protect yourself.
A brickmaker hotly recommended to bricks as the best acquisition for the most effective resistance.
A Carpenter, with equal enthusiasm, proposed the wood as a preferable method for the defense.
In that a leather Tanner stood up and said:
– Colleagues, I differ from you all, and warned that nothing will change of opinion. Affirm them that they are very wrong: to resist, there is nothing better than the covered with skins, and for that nothing as good as leathers.



Drunk oil from a lamp and launching a powerful light, boasted of being brighter than the Sun. But a strong wind blew in that and went right away. Someone turned back on it and said:
-Lights, lamp, but shut up: the glow of the stars far as easily as yours.

The stomach and feet

The stomach and the foot discussed his strength.
Feet repeated each time that his force was superior thereby, even leading to the stomach.
To which he replied:
-My friends, if I would not give them the food, I could not carry.

The two vessels

It was dragging a river waters to two recipients, one of terracotta and another bronze. Mud he said Bronze:
-Please stay away from me, because if you touch me albeit gently, I'm going to make pieces. And again, in no way desire to be close to you.

The rivers and the sea.

The rivers came together to complain before the sea saying:
-Why if we you deliver fresh drinking water, do such work, that you become our waters salty and impossible to drink?
The sea, perceiving that they wanted to take the blame for the affair, said:
-Please stop give me water and then already will not salt waters.

The Labrador

The labrador and the tree.

In the field of a peasant had a sterile tree that only served as a refuge to the sparrows and noisy cicadas.
Labrador, seeing his sterility, set out to bring him down and unloaded his axe against it.
They begged him to sparrows and cicadas that not pitch his asylum, so he could sing and please him to himself. More ignoring them, has dealt a second blow, then a third. Cracked tree, he saw a beehive and tested and liked their honey, which threw the axe, honoring and caring for since the tree with great care, as if it were sacred.

The farmer and the snake.

A snake came crawling where I was the son of a farmer, and killed him.
The labrador felt a terrible pain and, picking up an axe, was lurking near the nest of the serpent, willing to kill it as soon as it came out.
The snake looked head and labrador downed his axe, but failed coup, starting in two neighbouring stone.
After fearing the revenge of the snake, were to be reconciled with her; This answered:
- Or I can feed to you good feelings watching the stone axe, or you to me looking at the tomb of your son.

The farmer and the Viper.

Come winter, a farmer found a Viper freezing cold. Pity her, I picked her up and saved it on his chest. Resuscitated by heat, Viper, regained his senses and killed its benefactor, which feeling is dying, he exclaimed:
-Well deserve it by having me compassion of an evil being!

The labrador and fortune.

Removing a farmer with his plow the ground, he found a Gold package. Every day, therefore, ofrendaba to Earth a present, believing that this was who owed him such a favor.
But fortune appeared to him and said:
-Hey, friend: why are the gifts that I've given you to enrich you grateful to land? If the times change and gold passes to other hands, then miss the guilt to fortune.

The farmer and the Eagle.

A farmer found a dam Eagle in their stocks, and, seduced by its beauty, he dropped it and gave him freedom. Eagle, which was not ungrateful with his benefactor, seeing him sitting at the foot of a wall that threatened to collapse, flew to him and snatched with his claws Ribbon that is at his head.
The man lifted up to pursue. The Eagle dropped the tape; the farmer took it, and the wall at the place where before was sitting, being very surprised and grateful to have been so paid by the Eagle found collapsed to retrace their steps.

The labrador and dogs.

He imprisoned the bad weather to a farmer on his block.
And can not go out to look for food, he began by devour his sheep; then, as the bad weather continued, also ate the goats; and, finally, as it did not stop the storm, finished with his own oxen. Then seeing the dogs what had happened they said including:
-Get us of here, therefore if the master has sacrificed oxen working with him, how we would forgive us?

The farmer and his sons.

About to end his life, wanted a labrador experienced leave their children in agriculture.
Thus, he called them and told them:
-My children: I will leave this world; seek what you've hidden in the vineyard, and you will find it all.
Believing his descendants that had buried a treasure, after the death of his father, with great zeal they removed deeply the soil in the vineyard.
Treasure not found none, but the vineyard, fell as well removed, which multiplied its fruit.

The farmer and the stork.

A Labrador placed traps on freshly seeded turf and captured a number of cranes that came to eat the seeds. But among them was a stork, which had fractured it a foot in the trap and who repeatedly begged the labrador it to maintain her life:
-I pray to me free, I love you - said - just this once. My breakage will exalt your piety, and in addition, I am not crane, am a stork, a bird of excellent character, and I am very good daughter. See also my feathers, which are not as such cranes.
The labrador laughing said:
-It will be everything as you say it, but I only know this:
You captured along with these thieves, cranes, and therefore corresponds to die along with them.

The labrador and cranes.

Some cranes dug on lands newly sown with wheat. For some time the labrador brandishing an empty Sling, scaring away them by the panic that produced them.
But when the birds they realized the trick, already not is they kept from their food. The labrador, seeing this, charged his sling with stones and killed many of the cranes.
The survivors immediately left the scene, wailing ones to others:
-Better we go to Lilita, since this already not happy man with scare, has begun to show us what you can really do.

The disunited children of the farmer.

The sons of a farmer living in discord and disunity. His exhortations were useless to make them move of feelings, so it decided to teach them a lesson with the experience.
I called them and told them to carry him a bundle of sticks. Fulfilled the order, he gave them the rods in beam and told them to break them; But despite all their efforts, they did not succeed. Then he undid the bundle and gave them the sticks one by one; the sons broke them easily.
-There you have! told the father-. Yes also you, my sons, they remain United, they will be invincible before their enemies; but being divided shall be defeated one by one easily.

Mythological characters

Zeus, animals and men

They say that Zeus modeled the animals first and that it gave them strength to one to another fast, the of beyond wings; but the man left him naked and he said:
-Only me have left me without any favors!
-Do not you realize the present I've done - Zeus replied, and is the most important, because you have received the reason, powerful between men and the gods, more powerful than the most powerful animals, faster than the fastest bird.
Then the man, recognizing the present received from Zeus walked away praising and giving thanks to God.

Zeus and mother mona

Zeus made a proclamation to all animals promising a reward to whom his son be judged as the most handsome.
Then came the cute Lady along with other animals and presented, with all the tenderness of a mother, a little monkey with flat nose, no hair, and I sick, as its candidate for the prize.
A great laugh was the general greeting in your presentation. And she proudly said:
-I don't know if Zeus turns his prize on my son, but I do know very well, that at least in my eyes, those of his mother, he is the dearest, the most handsome and beautiful of all.

The ugly slave and Aphrodite

A bad and ugly slave enjoyed the love of his master. With the money that this gave him, the slave embellish with bright ornaments, rivaling her own mistress. To thank Aphrodite that make it beautiful, it made frequent sacrifices; but the goddess appeared to him in a dream and said to the slave:
-I appreciate not make you beautiful, if I do it is because I am angry against that man whom you seem beautiful.

The demigod

A man had in his house a demigod, he offered rich sacrifices. As he sat in these sacrifices to spend considerable sums of money, the demigod appeared overnight and told him:
-My friend, stop already squander your wealth, because if you spend you everything, then you look poor, Miss me guilt.

Boreas and the Sun

Boreas and the Sun were fighting over their powers, and decided to grant the Palm to which leave people to a traveller of his clothes.
Boreas started first, blowing with violence; and man against tightened their clothes, Boreas assaulted then with more force; but the man, annoyed by the cold, put on another dress. Boreas, expired, gave it to the Sun.
It began to glow softly, and the man stripped of her second dress; then slowly he sent him the Sun its most ardent rays, until the man, and can not withstand more heat, took off their clothes to go bathing in the nearby river.

Hercules and the cowbird.

A Bouvier was driving a cart into a village, and the cart plunged to a deep ravine.
The cowbird, rather than help to the oxen out of that trance, stayed there crossed of arms, invoking among all the gods to Hercules, which was that of his greater devotion. Then came Hercules and said:
-Takes a wheel, harasses the oxen and not choose the gods if there is no effort on your part!
-If you do not do so, we call in vain.

Hercules and Pluto

Received Hercules among the gods, and admitted to the Zeus table I greeted politely to each of the gods.
Pluto last arrived, and Hercules, lowering the ground view, turned away from him.
Zeus surprised by their attitude, asked why away Pluto's eyes after having greeted so kindly to all other gods.
-Because, - answered Hercules - in the times that I was among men, almost always saw him in the company of the rascals; that device the look of it.

The cart of Hermes and the wicked

Hermes was driving a day throughout the land a cart full of lies, deceit and bad art, distributing a small amount of its cargo in each country.
More arriving in the country of the wicked, the astute and the exploited, the cart, as they say, stalled suddenly, and the inhabitants of the country, as if it were a precious cargo, looted the contents of the cart without leaving Hermes to follow other peoples.

Hermes and the sculptor

He wanted Hermes know where men, believed him and, taking the figure of a mortal, was presented at the workshop of a sculptor.
Seeing a statue of Zeus, asked how much worth.
-A Drachma - answered him.
He smiled and asked again:
Would the statue of Hera and how much?
-It is more - he was told.
Seeing then a statue depicting him, thought that, being at the same time the Messenger of Zeus and the God of profit, it would be very considerate among men; so it asked its price.
The sculptor answered:
-It will cost you nothing. If you buy the other two, you regalaré this.

Hermes and the Earth.

Modeled Zeus the man and the woman and instructed Hermes down them to Earth to teach them where they had to dig the soil in order to obtain food.
Hermes was commissioned; the Earth, at first, resisted; but Hermes insisted, saying that it was an order of Zeus.
-Okay - said the Earth; I dig all you want. Already paying it me with her tears and moans!

Hermes and Tiresias.

Hermes wanted to check if the divinatory art of Tiresias was true; so you stole his oxen in the field and then, under the figure of a mortal, went to the city and entered the House of Tiresias.
When he found the loss of their yoke, Tirésias moved outside with Hermes to observe an omen on the flight of birds, asking Hermes to tell him the bird that appears.
Hermes saw an Eagle that was flying from left to right and said it is. Responded Tiresias that this bird did not matter to them.
The second time, God saw a Crow perched on a tree that ora lifted eyes to heaven, ora it leaned toward the Earth, and so said it. Then the magician replied:
-The Crow swears by heaven and Earth that is up to you to find my oxen!

Zeus judge.

Zeus decided to past times that Hermes record on shells the faults of men, depositing these shells beside her in a chest to do justice to each. Shells are mixed with each other, but that came after each other, pass before by hands of Zeus to suffer his fair judgments.

Zeus and Apollo.

Disputed Zeus and Apollo on the archery.
Apollo tended his and fired his arrow. but Zeus extended leg as far as released Apollo had his arrow, pretending that he did not beyond where he was.

Zeus and modesty

When Zeus modeled man, gave you in the
Act of all inclinations but forgot to provide modesty.
Not knowing where to put it, he ordered to come unless you notice his arrival. Modesty is stirred against the order of Zeus, but at the end, before his urgent pleas, said:
Okay, I will go; But if Eros does not come where I am; If he comes, I will be going soon.

Zeus and the barrel of goods

Zeus imprisoned all the goods in a barrel, leaving it in the hands of a man.
This man, who was a curious, raised the tonneau cover because I wanted to know what was inside, and in doing so, all goods flew towards the gods, less hope.

Zeus and the snake

Announced the marriage of Zeus, all animals honoured him with presents, each according to its means.
The snake came up to Zeus crawling, with a rose in his mouth. More to see it said Zeus:
-All accept their gifts, but I don't want them in your mouth.

Zeus and the turtle

To celebrate their weddings, Zeus invited all the animals. Just missed the turtle.
Intrigued by his absence, you asked the next day:
-How only you among all the animals do not come to my feast?
-Family home, ideal home!-replied the turtle.
Zeus, angry against it, condemned her to eternally carry the House slopes.

Zeus and the Fox

Zeus admired of intelligence and finesse of the Fox, given the rule over the animals.
He wanted to, however, know if the change of Fortune had moved also inclines, and finding the new King's walk in his bunk, Zeus let fall a beetle before their eyes.
Then the slut, unable to contain himself, seeing the beetle to flutter around his bunk, leaped outside this, and despising conveniences, tried to catch the beetle.
Outraged Zeus of their conduct, returned to the Fox to its former State.

Zeus and the bees

Envious bees because of the honey that the men, from them were in search of Zeus and begged him to give them strength enough to kill with the pangs of her sting those who approach to their diapers.
Zeus, angry to see them envious, condemned them to lose its DART often maiming some and then die themselves.

Zeus and the men

Zeus, after modeling men, instructed Hermes to circulate them intelligence.
Hermes left the intelligence in equal shares for all and poured each one his.
It came to pass that the men of short stature, filled by its portion, were men brainy, while since the portion not reaching all parts of your body, corresponded to men of great stature, less intelligence than others.

Zeus and Oaks

The Oaks complained to Zeus in these terms:
-In vain we see light, since we are exposed, more than all the other trees, to the brutal blows of the axe.
-You yourselves are the authors of your misfortune, said Zeus; If not you glared the wood to make the handles, beams and plows, the AX would you respect.

Zeus, Prometheus, Athens and Momo

Zeus made a bull, Prometheus a man, Minerva House, and called Momo as judge.
Momo, jealous of his works, began to say that Zeus had made a mistake not to position the eyes of Bull Horns, so that it could see where injured, and Prometheus to not suspend the heart of the man out of his chest so the evil was not hidden and everyone could see what is in the spirit. As Athena, who had placed his house on wheels, so that if an evil is installed in the neighborhood, residents could move easily.
Zeus, outraged by his jealousy, threw to Momo's Olympus.

Aphrodite and the cat

A cat of a beautiful young woman had fallen in love, and prayed to Aphrodite woman to do it. The goddess, compadecida of his desire, transformed her into a beautiful maiden, and then the young man, captivated her, invited her to his house.
While both resting in the bridal chamber, he wanted to know Aphrodite if changing to the cat he had moved also character, so it released a mouse in the center of the alcove. Forgetting the cat of his present condition, rose from the bed and chased the mouse to eat it. Then the goddess, indignant, returned it to its original state.

The goods and evils

Prevaliendo of the weakness of the goods, the evils drove out them of the land, and goods then went up to heaven.
Once being there was Zeus asked what should be his conduct with respect to men. God told them that not they were introduced to all mortals altogether, but one after the other.
This is the reason why ills, living continually among men, besieging them relentlessly, while goods, as they are descended from the heavens, only approach them from time to time.

Hercules and Athena

Hercules was advancing along a narrow path.
She saw land like an Apple object and tried to crush it. The object has doubled its volume. Seeing this, Hercules stepped on it with more violence, also beating her with his Mace. But the object continued to grow, closing the road with its large volume. The hero then threw his Mace, and was planted dam greater astonishment.
In this Athena appeared to him and said:
-Listen, brother; This object is the spirit of the dispute and discord; If it is left quiet, remains as it was at the beginning; But if you touch him, look how it grows!

Momo and the gods

They say that, once, competed three great gods of Olympus.
It was Jupiter, Minerva and Neptune. Each of them claimed to be capable of producing a play unsurpassable, perfect.
And they decided to prove it.
Jupiter, God of gods and Lord of Olympus, he used his immense power to create a human creature.
Minerva, Goddess of wisdom and protector of science, wanted to provide a safe haven man: its creation was the House.
Neptune, who reigned over the waters, in turn made a splendid animal: Bull.
The three works were amazing.
They asked then Momo, God of mockery, to judge what was best.
Momo started by del toro and found him a serious defect: having the horns above the eyes.
-If I had them down - he said-, he might give an onslaught.
It followed with the man and also put qualms:
-You should have a window in the chest - he said-. That way everyone could see their true feelings.
And the House?
-Too bad you don't have wheels - lamented Momo-. So, if you have bad neighbors, its inhabitants could change it easily place.
The disappointment was general; nothing had made of him. According to Momo, none of the three gods had been able to create a really unbeatable.
Then Jupiter had a fit of rage and, without more, drove out to the criticón of the abode of the gods, Olympus.
While Momo moved away, yelled from the clouds, with the voice of Thunder:
-Your unique science consists of finding defects on the outside works!...
... It's doing something useful before you criticize the work of others.

Mercury and the Woodman

A woodcutter was cutting trees on the banks of the river when, suddenly, the axe slipped from his hands and fell into the water.
He could not rescue her because it sank immediately and fell into the background.
The woodcutter sat on the shore and bitterly mourned the loss of his tool.
It happens that the River was the domain of the God mercury, who, to hear their cries, came to the surface to find out the reason for his punishment.
Aware, mercury was immersed in the deep river and, in moments, reappeared with an axe of pure gold.
-Is this yours? -He asked.
-Mine was not gold - said the lumberjack.
The God returned to plunge and reappeared with a silver axe.
-Is this?
-No Sir, is not mine.
For the third time it sank in waters and returned to the surface with the axe that the Woodman had lost.
-Thank you, Lord! That is my tool.
Moved to mercury both the honesty of the man who in award, also presented him with the axe of silver and gold.
Lumberjack was to meet with his companions and told them the extraordinary event.
One of them then decided to do the same, hoping to have identical luck.
He went to the Woods and he wielded the axe, but instead of sinking it in the trunk, it dropped into the River with all intention.
Moments later, waters came mercury with a magnificent golden axe.
-Is it yours? -He asked.
-Yes, Yes, give it to me! -replied the woodcutter with impatience.
It held out the hand to seize the treasure but mercury, in punishment for his dishonesty, not let you touch her. And it also returned the tool that had been thrown into the river.
Sooner or later, one way or another, the dishonest lose.
Sooner or later, one way or another, the honesty receives his award.

The frog

Wolves and dogs getting ready to fight

Wolves and dogs are ready to fight. They chose dogs as general a Greek dog. But this seemed to not be in a hurry to start the battle and therefore claimed him.
Do you know - answered - why give time? Because before you act always it is good to discuss. All wolves are of the same breed, size, and color, but we are very different customs, and come from different regions of which every one proud. Our uniforms are not even like them, we have blond, black, white and cenicientos. How am I going to start a war with soldiers so uneven? I should first devise leveling my people.

Wolves reconciling with dogs

They called the wolves to dogs and told them:
-Hey, you and we are so similar, why not we understand each other as brothers, instead of fighting us? The only thing that we have different is how we live. We are free; on the other hand you submissive and subject in all the men: they hold his punches, support collars and keep them herds. When their masters ate, only they let you bones. We propose the following: give us the herds and we will put them in common us a lot.
They believed the dogs wolves words betray their masters, and wolves, entering the pens, the first thing they did was to kill the dogs.

Proud of its shadow Wolf and the lion

One day wandered a Wolf by solitary places, at the time that the Sun was put on the horizon. And seeing his shadow beautifully elongated exclaimed:
-How will I scare the lion with similar size that I have? With thirty metres long, easy I will be becoming King of the beasts!
And while he dreamed of his pride, a powerful lion fell over and began to devour it. Then the Wolf, changing opinion said:
-The presumption is cause of my misfortune.

The Wolf and the lion

Once a Wolf, after capturing a sheep in a flock, dragged him to his lair.
But a lion who watched him, came out in their path and snatched it is.
Annoying Wolf, and keeping safe distance it claimed him:
-Me unjustly seized what is mine!
The lion, laughing, told
-Aja; you gonna say for sure that you received it good from a friend.

The Lions, Rams and the father Ram

They sent the wolves a representation to a flock of sheep, promising them to make permanent peace if they gave the dogs. The Rams agreed to do so, with the exception of one old ram father who claimed the wolves:
-How I'm going to believe and live with you, right now, even with the care of the dogs not I pacer calmly?

The Lions and Rams

They tried to surprise a herd of sheep wolves. But thanks to the watchdogs, they could not get it. They then decided to use his cunning. They sent delegates to the Rams to ask them to hand over their dogs telling them:
-Dogs are the cause for feud between you and us. You only have to deliver them and peace will reign among us.
Naive Rams, without suspecting what would happen, gave them the dogs and the wolves, now free of dogs, seized without any problems from the herd.

The Wolf and the Lamb Brook

I watched a wolf to a lamb that drinking at a stream, and imagined a simple pretext to devour it. Thus, even when the higher in the course of the stream, accused him him muddy water, preventing him from drinking. And he replied the lamb:
- But if I drink only with the tip of the lips, and am also below and why you can not muddy the water you have back up.
Being teased Wolf, he insisted:
-Last year you injuriaste my parents.
- But back then was not even born I! --
He said the lamb.
Then the Wolf said:
-I see that you justify very well, but not so I will let you go, and you will always be my dinner.

Wolf, Nanny and children

A Wolf was hungry and wandering in search of food. He came to a hut and heard a child who was crying and nanny who told him:
-Do not cry, my child, because I'll take you where the Wolf.
Wolf believing those words, I am waiting for you for a long time. And night arrival, nanny, when he cradled the child sang:
-If the Wolf comes, we will kill him.
To hear new words, Wolf followed his way meditating:
-In this House say first one thing and then want to do quite another.

The Wolf and the goat

He found a wolf to a goat grazing on the edge of a precipice. As he could not reach where it was, she told him:
-Hey friend, better low then there you can fall. In addition, look this meadow where I am, it is green and grown.
But the goat said:
-I know that I will not invite to eat me, but to yourself, being I your plate.

The Wolf and the lamb at the temple

Realizing that was pursued by a Wolf, a small lamb decided to take refuge in a nearby temple.
He called it Wolf and told him that if it was there the sacrificer inside, he inmolaría his God.
-Better as well! -replied the Lamb - I'd rather be victim to a God to have to perish in your fangs.

The Wolf and the Shepherd

He accompanied a wolf to a flock of sheep but not to hurt them. At the beginning the Shepherd watched him and had care of him as an enemy. But as the Wolf followed him and never tried any theft, it came to think the pastor who rather had a guardian of ally.
One day, having the pastor need to go to the town, left their sheep confidently alongside Wolf and departed.
The Wolf, seeing arrived timely, was launched over the flock and devoured almost everything.
When the pastor returned and saw what happened he exclaimed:
-I have well deserved; because of where I got to trust the sheep a Wolf?

The Wolf and the crane

A Wolf eating a bone, choked you the bone in the throat, and ran everywhere seeking help.
He found in their run to a crane and asked him to save him from that situation, and that immediately pay you for it. He accepted the crane and introduced its head at the mouth of the Wolf, taking throat flowed through bone. He then requested cancellation of agreed pay.
-Hey friend - told Wolf - don't think it's enough pay with removing your head safely from my mouth?

The Wolf and the horse

Passing a Wolf by a seeding of barley, but as it was not food of your choice, left her and went on his way. Found out a horse and took him to the field, commenting on you lot of barley that had found, but instead of eating it, best had left it was because he liked most hear the noise of their teeth to chew it. But the horse answered him:
-Friend, if the wolves ate barley, not had preferred to please your ears but your stomach!

The Wolf and the donkey

A Wolf was elected King between conspecifics and enacted a law ordering that each captured in the hunt, put it in common and bestow it by equally among all; so now they would not have the wolves who devour each other in times of hunger.
But in that heard him a donkey that was out there about, and moving his ears told him:
-Great idea has sprouted from your heart, but what you have hidden all your loot in your cave? Bring it to your community and distribute it also, as you have decreed it.
Wolf, discovered and mistaken, repealed its law.

The Wolf and the dog

A Wolf was found with a burly subject a collar dog, and asked him:
-Who has chained you and who has fed you that way?
-My master, the Hunter - replied the dog.
-That the gods we clear the Wolves of similar destination! I'd rather die of hunger will have to load so heavy necklace.

Wolf fed up and the sheep

A Wolf hartado food and without hunger, saw a sheep lying on the ground. Taking account that had collapsed simply of terror, approached him, and reassuring her promised to let her go if she told her three truths.
Then said the sheep than the first is that I would prefer him not found; the second, which as you already found it, would have liked to find it blind; and by the third truth said:
-Hopefully, all the evil wolves, die bad death, since, without having received evil any of us, give us a cruel war!
Wolf acknowledged the reality of those truths and let go to the sheep.

The wounded Wolf and the sheep

A wolf who had been bitten by a dog, was lying on the ground all wounded. Viewing the impossibility of procuring food in that situation, he asked a sheep that passed through there to bring him some water from the nearby river.
-If I bring water to drink - he said, I myself will take care of my food.
-If you carry water for drinking - he said the sheep-, I will attend your dinner.

The Wolf and the labrador

A labrador led his team of oxen to the drinking trough.
I walked there about a hungry Wolf in search of food.
Wolf found the plow and began to lick the edges of yoke, and quickly and without account finally put his head in. Stirring as best he could to let go, he dragged the plough along the Groove.
Back the labrador, and seeing him in this activity said:
-Ah, Wolf thief, that happiness if it were true that you resign your job and you've joined honestly working the land!

The Wolf and the dog asleep

He slept peacefully a dog in a home portal. A Wolf rushed towards him, ready to feast, when in that dog begged to not sacrifice him still.
-Look at me, now I am bone - he said-; wait a little while, since my Masters will soon celebrate their weddings and I will also give me my good eating binges, I engordaré and insurance will be a much better dish to your liking.
He believed her Wolf and departed. After some time again. But this time found the dog sleeping on an elevated piece of the House. He stopped in front and reminded the dog that had been agreed. Then the dog answered:
-Ah Wolf, if another day again see me to sleep in the House portal, do not worry to wait for the wedding!

The Wolf and the kid locked up

Protected by the safety of the yard of a House, a kid saw pass a Wolf and started to insult him, broadly mocking him. Wolf, calmly replied:
-Unhappy! I know you're not you who is insulting me, but the site you are.

The flutist Wolf and the kid

A kid has lagged in the flock and was hit by a wolf who chased him. He turned to this and said:
-I know, Mr Wolf, I am doomed to be your lunch. But to not die without honor, he plays the flute and I dance for the last time.
And they did so, but the dogs, which were not far away, heard the noise and came to chase Wolf. Seeing the trick, said Wolf:
-With ample reason me has happened, because I the hunter was not should get a flutist.

The Wolf and the shepherds dining

A Wolf passing near a palenque, saw there a few shepherds dining the meat of a lamb. Approaching them, he told them:
-What scandal would already if I was who was doing what you do!

The Wolf in sheep skin

He thought one day a Wolf change your appearance in order to facilitate the obtaining of your meal. I then went into a sheep skin and went to grazing with the herd, despite fully to pastor.
At dusk, for your protection, he was taken along with all the herd to a closure, leaving the secured door.
But at night, looking for pastor his supply of meat for the next day, took the Wolf believing that it was a lamb and sacrificed it instantly.

The Milano

The pigeons, the Milan and the Falcon

Doves, terrified by the presence of a Milan, called the Hawk to defend them.
He immediately accepted.
When already they had admitted it within its Dovecote, they realized that was much more havoc and kills in one day, that I would do a milano in a year.

The Milan wanted neighing.

Another voice, a piercing voice had formerly milano. But one day he heard a horse neighing admirably, and wanted him to imitate. But in spite of all of their attempts, failed to adopt exactly the voice of the horse and lost also its own voice. This was without the voice of the horse and his old voice.

The Milan and the snake

He kidnapped a milano a snake, to soar through the air. The snake turned and bit him, dropping both from atop a cliff, and the Milan died. He said the snake:
-Foolish! Why you wanted to do evil did not who? In righteousness you've been punished for having kidnapped without reason.

The milano and the Seagull

She swallowed a Seagull a too big fish and exploded the throat, being dead at the edge of the beach. A Milan saw her and said:
-Have your well deserved, because knowing of your capability, abused what was you permitted.


The swallow, the snake and the Court.

A swallow who was returning from his long journey, was happy to live again among men.
He then built his nest above the overhang of a wall of a Court of Justice and there incubated and took care of her chickens. A day passed by there a snake, and approaching the nest devoured the helpless chicks. The swallow to find your empty nest lamented:
-Wretched me, in this place where to protect the rights of others, I am the only one that I should suffer wrong.

The Nightingale and the Hawk

Uploaded on a high oak, a Nightingale sang in the usual way. A hungry Hawk saw it, and immediately throwing over it, took it in his claws.
Sure of his upcoming death, Nightingale begged him to drop him, telling him that only him it would not suffice to fill your belly, and that if I was really hungry, it should seize other larger. The Hawk answered him:
-Fool would be if you had heard and let escape the dam I have, go get that not even I have seen.

The Nightingale and the swallow

He invited swallow a Nightingale to build its nest as it did under the roof of the houses of men, and to live with them as she already did. But the Nightingale said:
-I don't relive the memory of my ancient evils, and why I prefer staying in faraway places.

The goose that lays the golden eggs

Greed breaks the sack. I don't need another example of that man, who according to the fable, had a chicken every day putting him a golden egg.
The good man thought that the chicken had the treasure inside your body and decided to kill her. What would not be surprise when open the saw that inside it was just like the hens that laid normal eggs!. It had killed whom he provided wealth.
Beautiful lesson for the greedy!
Many people have seen, in recent times, that of the overnight, have been poor for wanting too much?

The rooster and the weasel.

A weasel caught a cock and wanted to have a plausible reason to eat it.
The first charge was the importuning men and prevent them from sleeping with their annoying songs at night. Defended the Rooster saying he did so to serve them, thus awakening them, reminded them that they should start their daily work.
Weasel then sought a second indictment: that abusive nature by search as brides even his mother and his sisters. He said the Rooster which is thus also favored the owners, because thus the hens laid more eggs.
-Go cried weasel, I see that you know have answer for everything, but not why I'm going to stay in an empty stomach! - and served it for dinner.

The chickens and the weasel

He knew a weasel in a corral had some sick chickens, and masquerading doctor, took the tools of the trade and approached the henhouse. Already at the door, asked the hens that you them how would your health.
-Much better if you you long! - responded you.

The cocks and the Partridge

A man who had two roosters, bought a domestic Partridge and led her into the yard with them to feed. But they attacked her and pursued her, and Partridge, thinking that they did it by being different species, felt humiliated.
But days later saw how cocks were fighting each other, and that each time that they separated, were covered with blood. Then he said to herself:
-I no longer complain of roosters I do, because I have seen that or even among them they are in peace.

Swan made by goose

A very rich man feeding a goose and a Swan together, although with different purpose each: one was for the song and the other for the table.
When it came time for which was fed the goose, it was night, and darkness did not allow to distinguish between the two birds. Captured Swan instead of goose, sang his beautiful singing prelude to death. Hearing his voice, master recognized him and his singing saved him from death.

The Swan and its owner

It is said that swans sing just before he died. A man saw for sale to a Swan, and having heard that he was a very melodious animal, bought it.
One day the man gave a dinner, brought to the Swan and begged him to sing during the feast. More Swan maintained silence.
But one day, thinking Swan that already was going to die, necessarily in advance wept its melody. To hear him, the owner said:
-If you only sing when you're gonna die, I was a fool begging you that you sing instead of immolate yourself.


You NIP a thrush beads of a grove of Blackbirds, and pleased for the pleasure of their seeds did not decide to leave.
A Hunter of birds noted that thrush is used to place and hunted it.
Seeing the thrush its next weekend, he said:
-Miserable Oh!, for the pleasure of eating, I have private life!

The swallow and the prodigal son

Having squandered his heritage, only remained a prodigal son, a mantle. Suddenly he saw a swallow which had come to the station. Believing that already reached the spring, and that therefore it would not need more of the mantle, it was also to sell it. But he returned the bad weather and the air got colder. Then, as he walked, he found the cold dead swallow.
-Miserable! -told - we have damaged them both at the same time.

The alcion

This bird likes solitude and lives forever on the banks and on the sea. It is said which to flee the men who give hunting, makes its nest in the rocks of the shore.
One day an alcion who was going to put, climbed on a mound, and overlooking an erect rock within the sea, made in its nest. The next day that came out in search of food, rose sea by a storm, reached the nest and drowned the birds. To return the alcion and see what happened, he exclaimed:
-Unhappy me, fleeing from the known dangers of Earth, took refuge in the sea and I was worse!

Monuda Lark

A monuda Lark fell into a trap and said sighing:
-Miserable Lark! Nobody has stolen neither gold nor Silver, nor any valuable thing; be an insignificant foreign wheat grain will be the cause of your death.


A thrush nip the

grains of a grove of Blackbirds and pleased by the sweetness of his nuggets, did not decide to leave.
A Hunter of birds noted that thrush is used to place and hunted with League.
Thrush, seeing near its end, said:
-Miserable! For the pleasure of eating I've deprived of his life!

The tortoise and the Eagle

A turtle that was recreated in the Sun, complained to marine birds from their sad fate, and that no one had wanted to teach flying.
An Eagle who walked to drift around, heard and asked with what paid you if she lifted her and carried her through the air.
-I'll give you - he said - all the riches of the Red Sea.
-Then I will teach you to fly - replied the Eagle.
And taking her by the feet it took her almost to the clouds, and then release it soon, let her go, dropping the poor turtle in a superb mountain, shattering its shell. To be moribund, the tortoise exclaimed:
-I renounced my natural luck. What have I to do with winds and clouds, when with difficulty I just move on land?

The plumage of the swallow and the Crow

The swallow and the Crow were arguing about their plumage. Raven ended the discussion claiming:
-Your feathers will be very nice in the summer, but the mine shelter me against winter.

The thirsty pigeon

A dove, uncomfortable by the nagging thirsty, saw a pond of water painted on a banner.
But inadvertently realizes that was just a drawing, flew toward it at full speed and inevitably collided with the label, cutting himself unfortunately.
Having broken wings by the coup, he fell to Earth where he was captured by one of the passers-by.

The goat

The goat and the goatherd

She called a goatherd goats to carry them to the barn.
One of them, when passing by a rich pasture was stopped, and the goatherd threw a stone, but with such bad luck that broke a horn. Then the goatherd begged the goat that without it is the pattern, to which the goat replied:
-I would like to I stay quiet, but I could not! Clear view is my broken Horn.

The goat and the donkey

A goat and a donkey were eating at the same time in the stable.
The goat began to envy the donkey because he believed he was better fed, and said to him:
-Between the wheel and the load, your life is a never-ending torment. Pretending to attack and drop into a pit so they give you a vacation.
donkey took the advice, and dropping it hurt themselves throughout the body. Seeing the master, called the vet and asked him a remedy for the poor. Prescribed the healer who needed an infusion with the lung of a goat, as it was very effective to return to the force. To do this they then slew the goat and thus heal the donkey.

The mountain goats and the goatherd.

It carried a goatherd to graze their goats and suddenly saw a few mountain goats accompanied them. Night arrival, took all his grotto.
The next morning broke out a heavy storm and may not lead them to pasture, nursed them inside. But while only giving their own goats a handful of forage, to the wild served them much more, with the purpose of staying with them. Finished at last evil time and went out to the field, but the wild goats escaped to the mountain. Accused them the pastor of unpleasant, for abandoning him after having attended as well; but they answered him:
-Greater reason to distrust you, because if we just arrived, has treated us better what your old and loyal slaves, means that if then come other goats, we despreciarías ourselves for them.

The vine and the goat

A vineyard was exuberant in the days of harvest with leaves and grapes. A goat that went through there nibbled its tendrils and tender leaves. The winery claimed him:
-Why me abuse without cause and eat my leaves? Do not see that there is enough grass? But I will not have to wait too long for my revenge, because if you keep eating my sheets and I abuse up to the root, I provide the wine that will miss you when you're the victim of sacrifice.

The Crow

The Crow and the Raven

I felt a jealousy against the crows Crow because they give omens to men, to predicting the future, and for this reason take them as witnesses. He wanted the Raven possess the same qualities.
Watching a few travellers he landed on a tree, throwing frightful screams. Hearing that DIN, travelers retreated frightened, except one of them, he said to others:
-Uh, friends, calm; This bird is only a Crow. Their cries are omens.

The Raven with the Ravens

A crow that was larger than her companions, scorning and mocking his fellows, for those things in the target went to live among the crows asking that they accepted to share his life.
But the crows, who your figure and voice were them unknown, without much thought beat her and threw her from your group.
And the Raven, expelled by the Ravens, returned again where the other crows. But these wounds by the outrage that had made them, refused to receive it again. So, was this Crow excluded of society of ones and others.

The Crow and the birds

I wanted to once Zeus proclaiming a King among the birds, and noted them one day to appear in front of him, because I was going to choose which you will find more beautiful that reign among them. All birds headed to the Bank of a river to be cleaned. Then the Raven, being more ugly than the others, devoted himself to collect the feathers leaving other birds, adjusting them to your body. Thus, composed with other clothes, turned out the most beautiful birds.
The time of the selection, and all the birds were presented to Zeus, without of course, missing the Raven with its magnificent plumage.
And when it was Zeus to grant him the kingship because of so much beauty, other birds, outraged by the deception, plucked each pen was. In the end, plucked from the alien, the Crow, Crow simply stayed.

The Crow and the pigeons

He met a crow a pigeon that inhabited by a few very well-fed pigeons, and wanting to enjoy such good food bleached their feathers and joined them.
While the Raven was silent, chicks, believing it as one of their own, was admitted without complaint. But forgetting his performance, in an oversight the Crow screamed. Chicks, which did not recognize you his voice, then cast it nest.
And the Raven, watching chicks food, escaped him returned to find their neighbors.
But having lost its original color, the other crows also received it in their society; so by wanting to enjoy two meals, stayed without any.

The fugitive Crow.

A man shot a Crow, tied a wire to a leg and handed it to his son.
More the Crow, and may not resign themselves to living prisoner in that home, it took a moment of freedom in an oversight to flee and try to return to its nest. But the wire became entangled in the branches of a tree and the bird could not fly more, being seized. Seeing near his death, he said:
-Fact is! By having failed to support slavery among men, now I am private life.

The lion

The lion and the cowbird

A Bootes that grazed a herd of oxen lost a calf. He sought it, touring the surroundings without finding it. Zeus then promised sacrifice a kid if I discovered who it had stolen it.
He immediately joined the forest and saw a lion eating the calf. Terrified raised hands to the sky shouting:
-Oh great Jove, earlier I promised sacrifice you a kid if he found the thief; but now I promise to sacrifice a bull if I can avoid falling into the clutches of the thief!

The lion and the three oxen

Three oxen grazing always together.
A lion wanted to devour them, but being together three oxen prevented him doing so, because the fight against the three at the same time put it in disadvantage.
Then with cunning resorted to anger them together with perfidious humbug, separating them from each other.
And thus, not be already attached, it devoured them quietly, one by one.

The lion and the mosquito fighter

A mosquito approached a lion and said:
-Do not you fear, and in addition, you are not stronger than me. If you think otherwise, please prove me wrong. Spiders with your claws and bite with your teeth? Also a woman fending off a thief does that! I am stronger than you, and if you want, I now challenge to combat.
And sounding their buzz, fell on the lion mosquito, biting her repeatedly around the nose, where it has no hair.
The lion began to scratch with his own claws, until he gave up the fight. The victorious mosquito again sounded its buzz; and without realizing it, with so much joy, it was to become entangled in a spider's Web.
At the time who was devoured by the spider, complained of him, fighting against the most powerful overcoming them, was to perish at the hands of an insignificant animal, spider it.

The good Lion King

There was a lion that was not annoying, cruel or violent, but treatable and just like a good creature, who became King.
Under his reign was held a general meeting of the animals to apologize and receive mutual satisfaction: Wolf gave peace to the Lamb, the camel Panther, Tiger to the deer, the Fox the Hare, etc.
The timid Hare said then:
-I have longed to see ardorosamente get this day, to allow the weak to be respected with justice by the strongest.
(E) immediately ran what could.

The lion captured by the labrador

He entered a lion in the block of a labrador, and this, wanting to get it, closed the door. The lion, seeing that he could not leave, began to devour first the Rams, and then the oxen.
The labrador, fearing for his own life, then opened the door.
The lion, and the wife of the farmer, went to hear him complain said:
-You have what you asked for, because why they tried to lock up a wild beast that rather had to keep away?

The lion in love with the daughter of the labrador

A lion of the daughter of a farmer had fallen in love and asked her in marriage.
And not the farmer could decide to give their daughter so ferocious animal, or refuse it by the fear that inspired him. Then devised the following: as the lion kept insisting you, told him that he thought worthy to be husband of his daughter, but that should at least meet the following condition:
that will start the teeth and you cut your nails, because that was what frightened her daughter.
The lion accepted the sacrifices because he really loved her.
Once the lion was requested, when it returned to arise already without his powers, full of contempt for him, labrador fired it mercilessly beating.

The lion, the Fox and the deer

Having been sick Lion, is you lay in a cave, telling the Fox, which estimated much and who had very good friends:
-If you want to help me to cure me and that still alive, seduces with your cunning to deer and bring it here, because I'm packed their meat.
The Fox went out to play the role, and found the deer jumping happy in the jungle. Approached him greeting her kindly and said:
-I come to give you great news. As you know, the lion, our King, is my neighbor; but it turns out that he has fallen sick and is very serious. I wondered what animal could replace him as King after his death.
And told me: "wild boar, so not is not very intelligent; the bear is very awkward; Panther very temperamental; the Tiger is a blowhard; "I think that the deer is the most worthy of reign, it is slender, long life, and feared by the snakes by its horns." But what I tell you, it is determined that you will be the King.
And that I get by having it announced first? Answer me, that I have haste and fear to call me, because I am his counselor. But if you want to hear an experienced, I advise that I follow and join the lion faithfully until his death.
He had finished speaking the Fox, and the deer, full of vanity with those words, walked decided to cave without suspecting what would happen.
To see it, the lion rushed him, but only managed to scratch her ears. The deer, frightened, quickly fled into the forest.
The Fox hit is legs to see lost your game. And the lion threw loud cries, stimulated by his hunger and grief. He pleaded with the Fox to try it again. And he said the Fox:
-It's painful and difficult, but I'll try.
He came out of the cave and followed in the footsteps of the deer until it replacing its forces.
Seeing deer, angered and ready to attack it, he said:
Miserable bitch, do not come to deceive me! If you give one step further, have you dead! Looking for others who do not know you, talk nice to them and upload them smoke promising them the throne, but already no more to me.
But the cunning Fox replied:
- But Mr Hart, don't be so loose and funky. Not desconfíes of us who are your friends. The lion, to take your ear, just wanted to tell you secret tips and instructions on how to govern, and you don't even have patience for a simple scratch of a sick old man. It is now furious against you and you're thinking about making King the fearless Wolf. ! Poor!, all it suffers by being the master! Come with me, you have nothing to fear, but that Yes, be humble as a lamb. I swear by all this jungle that you should not fear anything lion. And as to me, only intend to serve you.
And deceived again, he left the deer toward the cave. There was more that entered, when already the lion saw fully satiated your whim, not leaving or memory of the deer. However the heart fell to the ground, and the Fox took him on the sly, as payment for their efforts. And the lion looking for the missing heart asked the Fox by it. The Fox replied:
-The naive deer had no heart, nor seek it. What kind of heart could have a stag which came twice to the House and the paw of the lion?

The lion and the Hare

He surprised a lion to a Hare sleeping peacefully. But when he was about to devour her, he saw pass a deer. Then let the Hare chasing the deer.
He woke up the Hare to chase noise, and not waiting for more, undertook their flight.
Meanwhile the lion, which was unable to give scope to the deer, already tired, returned to take the Hare and he found that it had also sought his way safely.
The lion then said:
-Well I deserve it, as already having a dam in my hands, I left it to go after hoping to get more.

The lion and the boar

During the summer, when the heat increases thirst, they came to drink to a single source, a lion and a boar.
They argued about who should be the first to drink, and the discussion went on to a fierce fight to the death.
But, in a moment of rest, they saw a cloud of birds of prey waiting for some overdue to devour it.
So, recap, they said:
-It is better for us to be friends and not the vultures and crows pasture!

The lion and Dolphin

A lion walking along a beach and saw a dolphin to peek her head out of the water. Then proposed you an Alliance:
-We should unite both, being your the King of the sea animals and me in the ground - he said.
Gladly accepted the dolphin. And the lion, who for some time was at war with a wild parrot, called the Dolphin who will help you. Tried the dolphin out of the water, but it did not, by what the lion accused him of traitor.
-I am not the culprit or who should accuse, but nature said the dolphin, because she is who I made water and does not allow me to go to the land!

The lion, the Fox and the Wolf

Tired and old Lion King, stayed sick in his cave, and other animals, except the Fox, were to visit.
Taking the opportunity of the visit, he accused the Wolf the Fox expressing the following:
-She does not have any respect for our Highness, and so have not even approached to say hello or ask for your health.
At that precise moment came the Fox, just in time to hear what the Wolf said. Then the lion, furious to see her, launched a fierce cry against the Fox; but she asked for the word to be justified, and said:
-Tell me, among all the visits here, would who has given you special service like that have I done, that I looked for everywhere medical than with your wisdom prescribe you a remedy to cure you, finally finding it?
- And what is the remedy?, let me know immediately. -I ordered the lion.
-You must sacrifice a Wolf and get your skin as shelter - replied the Fox.
The Wolf was immediately sentenced to death, and the Fox, laughing, cried:
-The employer not we must take the grudge, but benevolence.

The lion and the donkey

The lion and the donkey got together to hunt wild animals. The lion used his strength and donkey the kicks of his feet. Once they accumulated a number of parts, the lion divided them into three parts and said to the donkey:
-The first belongs to me as the King; the second is also mine for being your partner, and on the third, you'll better releasing if you do not want to come to the prey.

The lion and the presumptuous donkey

Again became friends naive donkey and the lion to go hunting. They came to a cave where wild goats took refuge, and the lion was to record the output, while donkey entered the cave kicking and reared, for outputting to a goat.
Once the action, cave donkey came out and asked him if not had seemed you excellent performance to having fought so bravely to oust the goats.
-Oh yes, pride - replied the lion, that even I myself would have scared me if you don't know who it was!

The lion and the mouse

I slept calmly a lion, a mouse began to play up his body. The lion woke up and quickly grabbed the mouse; and about to be devoured, asked this that forgive you, promising to pay duly arrived timely. The lion laughed and let him go.
A few days later, some hunters captured the King of the jungle and tied with a rope to a leafy tree. He spent around the mouse, who heard the cries of the lion, rushed to the scene and he gnawed the rope, leaving him free.
-Days ago - said he, te burlaste me thinking that nothing could make for you in gratitude. Now it is good to know that the small mice are grateful and fulfilled.

The lion, the Fox and the donkey

The lion, the Fox and the donkey were associated to go hunting.
When they had enough, said the lion to the donkey which distributed among the three loot. Did the donkey three equal parts and asked the lion to choose yours. Outraged by having three equal parts, jumped on him and devoured it.
He then asked the Fox that it was she who distributed.
The Fox made a lot of almost everything, leaving only a few scraps in the other group. He called the lion to choose again.
Seeing that, he asked the lion who had taught him to hand out as well.
-Then the donkey, Lord!

The lion, Prometheus and the elephant

He wouldn't let a lion to complain to Prometheus.
-You made me very strong and beautiful, with JAWS with good teeth and powerful claws on the legs, and I am the more dominant animal. However I have a great fear to the rooster.
-What you accuse me as to the light? Are you not satisfied with all the physical advantages which you have given? That decline is your spirit.
Prometheus replied.
Followed the lion deploring the situation, judging from coward. She then put an end to his life.
It was in this situation when came the elephant, they welcomed and they began to chat. He noted the lion elephant constantly moving his ears, so it asked the cause.
-Do you see that tiny insect that hums to my around?
He said the elephant, because if it does enter into my ear, I'm lost.
Then said the Lion: it would be foolish to let me die, being me much stronger and powerful than the elephant, as well as much more strong and powerful is the Rooster with the mosquito?

The lion and the bull

Thinking of the lion as capturing a very full-bodied Bull, he decided to use cunning. Del toro said that he had sacrificed a ram and that he invited him to share it. His plan was to attack him when he had cast next to the table.
He came to the toro site, but seeing only large fountains and grills, and no trace of ram, started without saying a Word.
Claimed you the lion that why you left, then nothing had done you.
Yes there is reason said del toro, as all the preparations you have made are not for the body of a ram, but of a bull.

The lion and the deer

It was a very furious, roaring and screaming without any reason lion.
Saw it a deer a prudent distance and exclaimed:
-Miserable from us, the other animals of the forest, when the lion was calm us was so unbearable,
that is not able to being in the way it is now?

The lion, the Fox and the mouse

I slept calmly a lion, when a mouse was running over his body.
The lion woke up, and moved in all directions looking to see who was the intruder that bothered her.
A Fox watched him, and criticized him for believing that I was afraid of a simple mouse, it still all a Mr leon.
-It is not fear of the mouse - you said the lion, but it surprised me that there was an animal that had the courage to trample on the body of a sleeping lion.

The bulls and the lion

There were once three bulls that grazed together.
They were known for some time and among them all was peace and friendship.
They not imagined that, from afar, lion watched them waiting for the opportunity to attack them.
As an expert Hunter, knew that he would bring the lost while the bulls to remain together. He therefore had to proceed with cunning.
He came to the place where they grazed and pretended to be a peaceful lion who just want to soak up sun and snooze.
It was gradually gaining the confidence of three animals.
The bulls became accustomed to their presence. Every day they greeted him kindly and asked for his health.
The lion, considering that his plan was working, approached one of the bulls and said in his ear:
-What are you doing in the company of those two? From afar it shows that your race is superior...
Then, stealth, he convinced the second that his friends took advantage of the best of the field and condemning it to eat a very poor pasture.
-Did say it to my friends? -asked the third.
-Tell them? Nothing! I listened to them with disgust because they do more than speak ill of you.
Thus, with deceit, got sowing mistrust and suspicion among them.
The bulls began to depart...
They stopped talking about and soon began to graze at a great distance from other.
The lion did not wait more: it was time to attack.
Separated, without companions who protect them, the Bulls were easy prey for the lion.
And, one by one, ended up in its claws.
Because disunity and anger, only encourage the enemy.

Aquatic animals

The dolphin, whale, and mackerel.

Dolphins and whales fought a battle each other. As the fight is prolonged fiercely, a mackerel (which is a small fish) surfaced and wanted to reconcile them. But a dolphin took the floor and said:
-It humiliates us less fight against us and die for the other, you have to you by mediator.

The lobster and his mother.

-Andes not crossed and not rods your sides against the wet rock, - told her daughter a lobster.
-Mother, - said this, - you, you want me, walk right and I will watch you and you imitaré.

The tuna-dolphin.

Seeing a tuna pursued by a dolphin, he fled with a great crash. About to be caught, the strength of its jump threw without realizing it, on the shore. Carried by the same impulse, the Dolphin also ended in the same place. The tuna turned and saw the Dolphin exhaling the last breath.
-No me importa morir said, because I see die with me to the cause of my death.



Dropped a fly in a pot full of meat. On the verge of drowning in sauce, she said to herself:
-I ate, drank and bathed me; death can come, I don't care now.

The flies.

A honeycomb spilled his delicious honey and flies came eager to devour. And it was so sweet that they could not leave it. But its legs were turning in the honey and could not lift the flight again. Already on the verge of drowning in his treasure, they exclaimed:
-We die, miserable us, wanting him to take it all in a moment of pleasure!

The Ant

A legend says that current Ant was once a man who, devoted to the work of agriculture, was not satisfied with the product of his own effort, but watched with envy the foreign product and stealing the fruits to their neighbors.
Zeus outraged by the greed of this man, transformed you into Ant.
But although it changed shape, not he changed the character, because even today runs through the fields, collect the wheat and barley outside and saves them for use.

The Ant and beetle

Come the summer, an Ant that was patrolling the countryside collecting grains of wheat and barley, keeping them to eat during the winter. A beetle saw her and was amazed to see her so busy at a time in which all the animals, neglecting their jobs, are abandoned to the good life. Nothing replied the Ant at the moment; but later, when came the winter and rain wept the droppings, hungry beetle was to ask Ant alms of food. Then he answered Yes Ant:
-Look beetle, if you had worked in the time that I did and you you burlabas me now not missing you food.

The two beetles

He merrily a bull on a small island, and two beetles feed on the dung. Come winter, one of them said to the other that he will cross the sea to his companion had enough food, while he would spend the winter on the Mainland. He added that if he found food in abundance would bring to him also.
When the beetle came to the continent, found in the many and fresh droppings, so it was established there and nourished itself abundantly. He spent the winter and returned to the island. To see him healthy and fat fellow, he reproached him that he had failed him nothing's promised.
-Do not blame me I - said-, but the nature of the place, because it can be found with what live in it, but it is impossible to lift flight with so much load.

The Dove and the Ant

Forced by thirst, an Ant fell to a spring, and dragged by the current, was on the verge of drowning.
Seeing this emergency a dove, he detached a twig of a tree and he threw it into the current, rode up to the Ant saving it.
Meanwhile, a Hunter of birds came forward with his weapon ready to hunt Dove. Saw you Ant and Stung him in the heel, making Hunter drop his weapon. He took the time Dove to boost flight.


The man and the Golden Lion.

A miser who was also a shy mood found a Golden Lion, and began to say:
-What to do in this trance? The fear paralyzes my reason; the lust of wealth on the one hand and on the other hand fear me torn. What random or what God has made a Golden Lion? What is happening I filled my soul out of trouble; I want the gold, and fear the job done with gold; desire me pushes to take it, and my natural to leave it. Oh Fortune offering and which does not allow any! Oh treasure which does not give pleasure! Oh please a God who is a torture! What can I do for to come into my hands? I'll be back with my slaves to catch the lion with this troop of friends, while I look at from afar.

The man and the lion travelers.

Once a man and a lion traveled together. They were disputing who was where at the foot of the way, found a stone stele depicting a man strangling a lion.
-There you see how we are stronger that you said the man teaching the lion.
-If the Lions knew sculpt - replied the lion with a smile, you would see many more men between the claws of the lion.

The man and the satyr.

It is said is that once a man entered into a Pact of friendship with a satyr. The winter came and with it the cold; man arrimaba his hands to his mouth and blew on them. He asked the satyr why did. He said that you heat is the hand because of the cold.
They served after a meal and food were very hot, and man, grasping them into small pieces, approaching them to his mouth and blew on them. Asked again the satyr why it towards. He replied that he had food because it was very hot.
-Because you hear - said the satyr, waive your friendship because the same blow with your mouth what is cool what is hot!

The doctor and the patient who died.

A doctor had treatment to a patient.
It died, and the doctor said to accompanying persons:
-If this man had abstained from wine and enemas had been, he had not died.
-Friend, they answered him-, it is not now, that it is nothing when you had to have said this, but before, when your advice could have been useful!

The patient and his doctor.

Asked a doctor to a patient by his State, said the patient had to sweat more than usual.
-That goes well said the doctor.
Asked a second time about their health, said the
a patient who was shaking and felt strong chills.
-That goes well - said the doctor.
He came to see you doctor for a third time and asked him for his illness. Replied the sick have had diarrhea.
-That goes well - said doctor and left.
A relative came to the sick and asked him how it was going.
-I die - I answer - to strength go well.

The ignorant physician.

An ignorant doctor was a sick person; the other doctors had ensured that, although it was not in danger, his evil would be long lasting; only the ignorant doctor told him to take all its provisions because it would not happen in the next day.
After some time, the sick rose and went out, pale and walking with difficulty. Our doctor found him and said to him:
-How are friends, the inhabitants of hell?
-Calm - answered-, because they have drunk water from the milk. But lately Hades and death sounding terrible threats against doctors because they don't let dying patients, and all pointed them in his book. They were to join you also, but I threw at his feet swearing them that were not a real doctor and saying that you had accused without reason.

The man and the statue.

A poor man had a figurine of a God, he begged to give her fortune; but as their misery did not swell, angry, and taking God by a foot, was hit against the wall. The head of the God, spreading gold coins was broken. The man collected them and exclaimed:
-From what I see, you have the ideas upside down, in addition to being an ungrateful, because when you loved, have not helped me, and now that I just throw yourself, answer me filling me wealth.

The Castaway and the sea.

Thrown a shipwrecked on the shore, she fell asleep from fatigue; but he wasn't waking up, and to see the sea, faulted him for seducing men with its quiet appearance for then once it has embarked them on its waters, rage and let them perish.
The sea took the form of a woman and said:
-It is not me but the winds to who you should direct your criticisms, my friend; because I am as you see me now, they are winds that jumping on me suddenly, I curl and they infuriate.

The fisherman

The fishermen and the tuna.

They went out fishing at sea fishermen and after long time without catching anything, sat in his boat, giving in to despair.
Suddenly, a tuna pursued and that it was loud, jumped and fell accidentally to their boat; the fishermen then took it and sold it in the town square.

The Hunter and fisherman.

Returning a hunter with his dogs and his product, when he stumbled upon a fisherman who also was returning from fishing, both with their baskets full.
It wanted the Hunter have fish, and the owner of the fish, meats. They soon agreed on exchanging baskets. The two were so pleased its deal that long continued doing it day to day.
Finally a neighbor advised them to:
-If they go on like this, the time come that often Exchange, ruin the pleasure of it, and each one will want to only keep what you got.

The fishermen and the stones.

Threw some fishermen of a network and as they felt it very charged, danced and shouted with joy, believing that they had made a good catch. Dragged the network to the beach, instead of fish they found only stones and other objects, so his disappointment, not so much by the rage of his disappointment, was very large by have expected anything else.
One of the fishermen, the oldest, said to his companions:
-No more sorrow, boys, since that apparently the joy has a sister sadness; After having made both ahead of time, it was natural that we tropezásemos with some disappointment.

The flutist fisherman.

A fisherman who also played the flute skillfully, caught together their flutes and their networks to the sea; and sitting on a rock overhang, was playing the flute, waiting for the fish, attracted by their sweet sounds, jump water to go towards him. More tired at the end of their effort in vain, he left the flute by his side, launched the network water and caught good numbers of fish. Watching them jump on the Bank after removing them from the network, said the flutist fisherman:
-Animal cursed: when he played the flute you have does not want to dance, and now that I don't think giving you rope!

The fisherman and the Minnow.

A fisherman, after throwing the sea his network, only took
a Minnow. She begged it to the fisherman who left him for the moment in grace of its smallness.
-When I grow up, you can catch me again, and then I will be for you more profit, - ended the Minnow.
-Man said the fisherman, well silly would be dropping the dam I have in hand for having the future dam, great to be!-

The fisherman and the fish large and small.

A fisherman pulling the network took to land big fish, but small escaped him the sea flowing between screens.

The fisherman stirring River.

Caught a fisherman in a river, crossing it with your network from one to the other shore; then, with a stone tied to the end of a flax string, it ruffled the water so fish, stunned, fell to flee between the meshes of the net. You saw him do so a neighbor and reproached him the revolver of the River, forcing them to drink the murky water; He more said:
-If not I every river, will have to die of hunger!


Wolves and dogs getting ready to fight

Wolves and dogs are ready to fight. They chose dogs as general a Greek dog. But this seemed to not be in a hurry to start the battle and therefore claimed him.
Do you know - answered - why give time? Because before you act always it is good to discuss. All wolves are of the same breed, size, and color, but we are very different customs, and come from different regions of which every one proud. Our uniforms are not even like them, we have blond, black, white and cenicientos. How am I going to start a war with soldiers so uneven? I should first devise leveling my people.

Wolves reconciling with dogs

They called the wolves to dogs and told them:
-Hey, you and we are so similar, why not we understand each other as brothers, instead of fighting us? The only thing that we have different is how we live. We are free; on the other hand you submissive and subject in all the men: they hold his punches, support collars and keep them herds. When their masters ate, only they let you bones. We propose the following: give us the herds and we will put them in common us a lot.
They believed the dogs wolves words betray their masters, and wolves, entering the pens, the first thing they did was to kill the dogs.

Proud of its shadow Wolf and the lion

One day wandered a Wolf by solitary places, at the time that the Sun was put on the horizon. And seeing his shadow beautifully elongated exclaimed:
-How will I scare the lion with similar size that I have? With thirty metres long, easy I will be becoming King of the beasts!
And while he dreamed of his pride, a powerful lion fell over and began to devour it. Then the Wolf, changing opinion said:
-The presumption is cause of my misfortune.

The Wolf and the lion

Once a Wolf, after capturing a sheep in a flock, dragged him to his lair.
But a lion who watched him, came out in their path and snatched it is.
Annoying Wolf, and keeping safe distance it claimed him:
-Me unjustly seized what is mine!
The lion, laughing, told
-Aja; you gonna say for sure that you received it good from a friend.

The Lions, Rams and the father Ram

They sent the wolves a representation to a flock of sheep, promising them to make permanent peace if they gave the dogs. The Rams agreed to do so, with the exception of one old ram father who claimed the wolves:
-How I'm going to believe and live with you, right now, even with the care of the dogs not I pacer calmly?

The Lions and Rams

They tried to surprise a herd of sheep wolves. But thanks to the watchdogs, they could not get it. They then decided to use his cunning. They sent delegates to the Rams to ask them to hand over their dogs telling them:
-Dogs are the cause for feud between you and us. You only have to deliver them and peace will reign among us.
Naive Rams, without suspecting what would happen, gave them the dogs and the wolves, now free of dogs, seized without any problems from the herd.

The Wolf and the Lamb Brook

I watched a wolf to a lamb that drinking at a stream, and imagined a simple pretext to devour it. Thus, even when the higher in the course of the stream, accused him him muddy water, preventing him from drinking. And he replied the lamb:
- But if I drink only with the tip of the lips, and am also below and why you can not muddy the water you have back up.
Being teased Wolf, he insisted:
-Last year you injuriaste my parents.
- But back then was not even born I! --
He said the lamb.
Then the Wolf said:
-I see that you justify very well, but not so I will let you go, and you will always be my dinner.

Wolf, Nanny and children

A Wolf was hungry and wandering in search of food. He came to a hut and heard a child who was crying and nanny who told him:
-Do not cry, my child, because I'll take you where the Wolf.
Wolf believing those words, I am waiting for you for a long time. And night arrival, nanny, when he cradled the child sang:
-If the Wolf comes, we will kill him.
To hear new words, Wolf followed his way meditating:
-In this House say first one thing and then want to do quite another.

The Wolf and the goat

He found a wolf to a goat grazing on the edge of a precipice. As he could not reach where it was, she told him:
-Hey friend, better low then there you can fall. In addition, look this meadow where I am, it is green and grown.
But the goat said:
-I know that I will not invite to eat me, but to yourself, being I your plate.

The Wolf and the lamb at the temple

Realizing that was pursued by a Wolf, a small lamb decided to take refuge in a nearby temple.
He called it Wolf and told him that if it was there the sacrificer inside, he inmolaría his God.
-Better as well! -replied the Lamb - I'd rather be victim to a God to have to perish in your fangs.

The Wolf and the Shepherd

He accompanied a wolf to a flock of sheep but not to hurt them. At the beginning the Shepherd watched him and had care of him as an enemy. But as the Wolf followed him and never tried any theft, it came to think the pastor who rather had a guardian of ally.
One day, having the pastor need to go to the town, left their sheep confidently alongside Wolf and departed.
The Wolf, seeing arrived timely, was launched over the flock and devoured almost everything.
When the pastor returned and saw what happened he exclaimed:
-I have well deserved; because of where I got to trust the sheep a Wolf?

The Wolf and the crane

A Wolf eating a bone, choked you the bone in the throat, and ran everywhere seeking help.
He found in their run to a crane and asked him to save him from that situation, and that immediately pay you for it. He accepted the crane and introduced its head at the mouth of the Wolf, taking throat flowed through bone. He then requested cancellation of agreed pay.
-Hey friend - told Wolf - don't think it's enough pay with removing your head safely from my mouth?

The Wolf and the horse.

Passing a Wolf by a seeding of barley, but as it was not food of your choice, left her and went on his way. Found out a horse and took him to the field, commenting on you lot of barley that had found, but instead of eating it, best had left it was because he liked most hear the noise of their teeth to chew it. But the horse answered him:
-Friend, if the wolves ate barley, not had preferred to please your ears but your stomach!

The Wolf and the donkey

A Wolf was elected King between conspecifics and enacted a law ordering that each captured in the hunt, put it in common and bestow it by equally among all; so now they would not have the wolves who devour each other in times of hunger.
But in that heard him a donkey that was out there about, and moving his ears told him:
-Great idea has sprouted from your heart, but what you have hidden all your loot in your cave? Bring it to your community and distribute it also, as you have decreed it.
Wolf, discovered and mistaken, repealed its law.

The Wolf and the dog

A Wolf was found with a burly subject a collar dog, and asked him:
-Who has chained you and who has fed you that way?
-My master, the Hunter - replied the dog.
-That the gods we clear the Wolves of similar destination! I'd rather die of hunger will have to load so heavy necklace.

Wolf fed up and the sheep

A Wolf hartado food and without hunger, saw a sheep lying on the ground. Taking account that had collapsed simply of terror, approached him, and reassuring her promised to let her go if she told her three truths.
Then said the sheep than the first is that I would prefer him not found; the second, which as you already found it, would have liked to find it blind; and by the third truth said:
-Hopefully, all the evil wolves, die bad death, since, without having received evil any of us, give us a cruel war!
Wolf acknowledged the reality of those truths and let go to the sheep.

The wounded Wolf and the sheep

A wolf who had been bitten by a dog, was lying on the ground all wounded. Viewing the impossibility of procuring food in that situation, he asked a sheep that passed through there to bring him some water from the nearby river.
-If I bring water to drink - he said, I myself will take care of my food.
-If you carry water for drinking - he said the sheep-, I will attend your dinner.

The Wolf and the labrador

A labrador led his team of oxen to the drinking trough.
I walked there about a hungry Wolf in search of food.
Wolf found the plow and began to lick the edges of yoke, and quickly and without account finally put his head in. Stirring as best he could to let go, he dragged the plough along the Groove.
Back the labrador, and seeing him in this activity said:
-Ah, Wolf thief, that happiness if it were true that you resign your job and you've joined honestly working the land!

The Wolf and the dog asleep

He slept peacefully a dog in a home portal. A Wolf rushed towards him, ready to feast, when in that dog begged to not sacrifice him still.
-Look at me, now I am bone - he said-; wait a little while, since my Masters will soon celebrate their weddings and I will also give me my good eating binges, I engordaré and insurance will be a much better dish to your liking.
He believed her Wolf and departed. After some time again. But this time found the dog sleeping on an elevated piece of the House. He stopped in front and reminded the dog that had been agreed. Then the dog answered:
-Ah Wolf, if another day again see me to sleep in the House portal, do not worry to wait for the wedding!

The Wolf and the kid locked up

Protected by the safety of the yard of a House, a kid saw pass a Wolf and started to insult him, broadly mocking him. Wolf, calmly replied:
-Unhappy! I know you're not you who is insulting me, but the site you are.

The flutist Wolf and the kid

A kid has lagged in the flock and was hit by a wolf who chased him. He turned to this and said:
-I know, Mr Wolf, I am doomed to be your lunch. But to not die without honor, he plays the flute and I dance for the last time.
And they did so, but the dogs, which were not far away, heard the noise and came to chase Wolf. Seeing the trick, said Wolf:
-With ample reason me has happened, because I the hunter was not should get a flutist.

The Wolf and the shepherds dining

A Wolf passing near a palenque, saw there a few shepherds dining the meat of a lamb. Approaching them, he told them:
-What scandal would already if I was who was doing what you do!

The Wolf in sheep skin

He thought one day a Wolf change your appearance in order to facilitate the obtaining of your meal. I then went into a sheep skin and went to grazing with the herd, despite fully to pastor.
At dusk, for your protection, he was taken along with all the herd to a closure, leaving the secured door.
But at night, looking for pastor his supply of meat for the next day, took the Wolf believing that it was a lamb and sacrificed it instantly.

The dog

The two dogs

A man had two dogs. One was for hunting and another for care. When he came out of hunting was the fighter, and if he caught any prey, returning, master gave a piece to the watchdog. Upset by this hunting dog, launched his companion some criticisms: that was only him who went out and suffering at all times, while the other dog, caregiver, doing nothing, enjoyed his work of hunting.
The watchdog replied:
-It is not me who you claim, but our love, since instead of teach me to work as you, has taught me to live quietly outside work!

Hungry dogs

Some skins that were implemented for cleaning; saw some hungry dogs at the bottom of a stream but as they could not reach them because of the water that stood decided to drink the water first to easily reach the skins.
But it happened that both drinking and drinking, they burst before reaching the skin.

The man he bit a dog

A dog bit a man, and this ran through all side looking for who healed him.
A neighbor said that he wet a piece of bread with the blood from his wound and throw it down the dog that bit him. But the wounded man said:
-If so reward the dog, all dogs of the village come to bite me!

The dog and the Cook

A man prepared a dinner in honor of one of his friends and relatives. And your dog also invited another friend dog.
-Come to dinner at my house with me - he said.
And came the joyous guest dog. He stopped to contemplate the great feast, saying to himself:
-What luck so unexpected! I will have food to fill me and not move hunger for several days.
While in these thoughts, he was wagging the tail as large old trusted friend. But to see him Cook happily moving from there to here, he took the legs and without thinking about it more, threw it out the window. The dog became launching large screaming, and being on the road with other dogs, they asked him:
-How much you've eaten at the party, friend?
-Both drink, - said - so I've drunk, that I even know where I have gone.

The dog, the cock and the Fox

Once a dog and a cock joined in partnership to explore the world. Arrival one night, gallo climbed a tree and the dog leaned back at the foot of the trunk.
And as it was his custom, the cock crowed before dawn. He heard her singing a Fox and ran to the site, standing at the foot of the tree. She begged him to get off, because I wanted to kiss an animal that was so exquisite voice. He replied then the Rooster that please first awoke to the Porter who was sleeping at the foot of the tree. And then the dog, when the Fox sought as set up conversation with the goalkeeper, jumped you over hacking it.

The dog fight and simple dogs

A dog had been very well-fed in a House and was trained to fight against wild beasts.
One day, seeing a large number of them settled in row, broke the collar which held him and quickly ran through the streets of the village. They saw him pass other dogs, and seeing that he was strong as a bull, asked:
-Do run that way?
-I know that I live in abundance, without famines, with my stomach always satisfied, but I'm also always near death to fight those bears and Lions - he said.
Then other dogs commented:
-Our life is really poor, but more beautiful, without having to think about combat with Lions or bears.

The dog and the Hare

A hunting dog caught a Hare, and sometimes one day biting it and at times was licking the snout. Tired that changing attitude Hare said:
-Lets already bite me or kiss me, to know I if you're my friend, or if you are my enemy!

The dog and the reflection in the river

A river holding in its mouth a tasty piece of meat wading a dog. He saw his own reflection in the water of the river and believed that that reflection was in fact another dog carrying a piece of meat older than yours.
And wishing to take over the outside piece, he gave his to snatch the piece his so-called friend.
But the result was that he fell without the own and the alien: this because it did not exist, was only a reflection, and the other, the true, because the current took him.

The dog and the butcher

It penetrated a dog into a butcher's shop, and noticing that the butcher was very busy with customers, he picked up a piece of meat and it ran. Butcher turned, and seeing him flee, and without being able to do nothing, he exclaimed:
-Hey friend! Where find you, I will not look at you!

The dog with a Bell

There was a dog that used to bite without reason.
His master put a Bell to warn people of their close presence. And the ACN, ringing the Bell, went to the public square to show off. But a wise dog, already advanced in years said unto him:
-What boast so much, friend? I know that you're not wearing that Bell by your great virtues, but to announce your evil hidden.

The dog that was chasing the lion

A dog was found with a lion and departed in their pursuit. But the lion came back roaring, and the dog, all frightened, quickly receded along the same path. She was a slut and said:
-Unhappy dog! First you really the lion and now even support their roars!

The dog and the Crow

A crow offered a victim in sacrifice to Athena invited a dog at the banquet.
He said the dog:
-Why squandered your property in useless sacrifices? As you should know that the goddess you despise to the point of removing all credit to your doom.
Then answered the Raven
-That is why I make these sacrifices, because I know very well their ill-feeling with me and wish their reconciliation.

The dog and the clam

A dog of those accustomed to eat eggs, to see a clam, didn't think it twice, and believing that it was an egg, swallowed it is immediately. Then tears his bowels, he felt very bad and it was said:
-I have it well deserved, for believing that everything I see round are eggs.

The old hunting dog

An old hunting dog, who in their youth and strength never surrendered to any beast in the forest, found in his elderly days a wild boar during a hunt. And it grabbed him by the ear, but could not hold it because of the weakness of their teeth, so that the boar escaped.
His master, coming quickly, was very upset, and rudely berated the dog.
The dog looked at him sadly and said:
-My master, my spirit is as good as always, but I can not overcome my weaknesses of the body. I prefer my blades which have been, and not that I maltrates by what I am now.

The dog in the barn

A dog in a haystack snarled and barking to prevent the oxen eat straw that had been laid for them.
-What selfish dog! - told his companions - an ox
-He does not eat the straw, and still aims to those who do eat, do not act it.