Biography of Ignacio Allende | Independence military.
(Maria Ignacio Allende and Unzaga; San Miguel el Grande, current San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, 1769 - Chihuahua, 1811) Mexican independence military, one of the most outstanding protagonists of the first phase of the uprising that would lead to the independence of Mexico. After a series of victories and defeats, partly due the latter strategic shortcomings of Miguel Hidalgo, she assumed command of the hosts insurgents when the revolt had already been virtually crushed.
Ignacio Allende
Ignacio Allende
Ignacio Allende was a Creole from a good family, skilled in the arts of cavalry and strong character. In 1795 he joined the army, where he received a solid education and obtained the rank of captain in 1797 by vocation. In the canton of Jalapa, Ignacio Allende met other Creoles that shared their political ideals of discontent against the Spanish Government. At the end of 1809 colonial Government discovered a vast conspiracy in Valladolid (today Morelia) and tried to dismantle the independence movement, but Allende contacted a major branching in Queretaro, in the House of the corregidor Miguel Domínguez and his wife, Josefa Ortiz.
By one of the participants, the official Joaquín Arias, the conspiracy was discovered. Ignacio Allende was timely warned and could warn another conspirator, the priest from Dolores Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, he decided to advance the rebellion. At dawn on 15-16 September 1810 he summoned all the people to Bell to take up arms. A large contingent of Creole and indigenous people marched on San Miguel, and in Atotonilco del cura Hidalgo adopted the banner with the Virgin of Guadalupe as a logo.
On September 28 took Guanajuato, defended by the realistic Mayor Antonio Riaño. In Guanajuato insurgents, uncontrollable, fiercely assaulted the alhondiga de Granaditas and killed without mercy the Spaniards along with their families. This caused that Hidalgo and Allende antagonise each other. In the city of Valladolid, taken on 17 October, they were joined by more rebels, who fought successfully to the Royalist Army in the Monte de las Cruces.
Favour a military war and not the guerrilla actions which advocated Hidalgo, Ignacio Allende proposed then to occupy the city of Mexico; but the prospect of another killing, Hidalgo decided to go back. In Aculco awaiting them realistic troops of Félix Calleja and Manuel Flon, which were defeated. Allende became strong in Guanajuato, but was forced to leave the city on November 25 due to the siege of the viceroy Calleja. Again they faced royalists at the bridge of Calderón (January 17, 1811), in which the losers were again the insurgents.
After take refuge in a ranch, retired to Hidalgo command and the army was divided into two; one, with Ignacio López Rayón front, went to Michoacán; the other departed northward with Ignacio Allende and Miguel Hidalgo searched for support in the United States. But in Acatita de set, Coahuila, were apprehended by Ignacio Elizondo. Subjected them to trial and Allende was executed along with Ignacio Aldama and Mariano Jiménez. His remains rest in the column of independence in the city of Mexico.
Extracted from the website: Biografías y Vidas