Biography of Pablo Neruda | Chilean poet.

(Pseudonym of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto; Parral, Chile, 1904 - Santiago de Chile, 1973) Chilean poet, Nobel Prize in literature in 1971 and one of the greatest figures of 20th-century Spanish-American lyric award. The youth of Neruda belongs which is perhaps the most widely read book in the history of poetry: twenty love poems and a song of despair (1924), written at the age of twenty, had released two million copies on the death of its author.

Pablo Neruda
Love passionate and warmly human twenty poems, with modernist smack but fully original in your bright images, would Neruda to express with the strength of a personal surrealism the absurdity of man and the cosmos in residence on Earth (1933-1935), to build a new faith from the political commitment in the epic of the Canto general (1950) and finally by the simplicity theme and expressive of the elemental Odes (1954-1957) lean. Always receptive to aesthetic innovations, besought production, which includes many books in addition to the above, reflected several trends in the evolution of Spanish lyric and exerted a strong influence on poets of all signs.
Born on July 12, 1904 in Parral, in the Chilean region of Maule, the mother of the poet died just a month later was born, moment in which his father, a railway employee, moved to Temuco, where Pablo Neruda young began his studies and met Gabriela Mistral. He soon began to write poetry, and in 1921 published the song of the Festival, his first poem, under the pseudonym of Pablo Neruda (in homage to the Czech poet Jan Neruda), name which remained thereafter and that would legalize in 1946.
Also in Temuco began to work in a newspaper, until at the age of 16 he moved to Santiago to study French teacher. There he joined as editor the magazine clarity, in which appeared his poems. After publishing some books of poetry, in 1924, he achieved international fame with twenty love poems and a song of despair, work which, together with the infinite man attempt, distinguishes the first stage of his poetic production, marked by the transition from modernism to avant-garde forms influenced by Vicente Huidobro creationism.

Neruda with Matilde Urrutia
and in the delivery of the Nobel Prize (1971)
Economic problems led to Pablo Neruda to undertake, in 1926, the consular career that led him to reside in Burma, Ceylon, Java, Singapore, and between 1934 and 1938, in Spain, where related to Federico García Lorca, Vicente Aleixandre, Gerardo Diego and other components of the so-called generation of 27, and founded the magazine Horse green for poetry. Since its first manifesto took a "poetry without purity" and next to the immediate reality, in keeping with their social consciousness decision. In this sense, Neruda helped Republicans at the outbreak of the civil war and wrote Spain in the heart (1937).
Previously, however, his poems had undergone a transition to tight forms and toward a more somber tone to reflect the passage of time, chaos, and death in everyday reality, themes dominant in another of his essential books, residence on Earth, published in two parts in 1933 and 1935 and that is the axis of its second stage. Highly original and bold images of surrealist roots expressed in this work a deeply desolate vision of the human being, lost in a chaotic and incomprehensible world.
Back in Chile, in 1939 Neruda joined the Communist Party and his work underwent a shift towards the political militancy. This third stage, which was his prelude in Spain in the heart (1937), culminated with the exaltation of the American myths of his Canto general (1950). In 1945 he was the first poet to be awarded the national prize of literature of Chile. At the same time, from his seat of Senator used his speech to denounce abuses and inequities of the system. Such an attitude led to government persecution and his subsequent exile in Argentina.
From there he went to Mexico, and later traveled to the USSR, China and countries of the Eastern Europe. After this trip, during which Neruda wrote eulogistic and propaganda poems and received the Lenin peace prize, he returned to Chile. Since then, the poetry of Pablo Neruda began a new stage in which the formal simplicity corresponded with a great lyric intensity and a general tone of serenity; the same title of a central work of this period, elemental Odes (1954-1957), characterized the verses of those years. In 1956 he separated from his second wife, Delia del Carril, joined Matilde Urrutia, that would accompany the poet until the end of his days.
Its international prestige was recognized in 1971, year in which was awarded the prize Nobel Prize for literature. Pablo Neruda last year he had renounced the presidential candidacy in favour of Salvador Allende, who appointed him shortly after Ambassador in Paris. Two years later, already seriously ill, he returned to Chile. He died in Santiago on September 23, 1973, deeply affected by the coup d ' état which, twelve days earlier, it had ousted Salvador Allende. Posthumous publication is the autobiography I confess that I have lived.
Extracted from the website: Biografías y Vidas
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