Biography of Tirso de Molina | Spanish dramatist.

(Pseudonym of Fray Gabriel Tellez; Madrid, 1584 - Almazan, 1648) Spanish dramatist. It is one of the great dramatists of the Spanish golden age. In his dramatic work was faithful to Lope de Vega, of which only differs by the deeper analysis of the psychology of its characters, especially in the female types, whose variety and nuance is unusual in the Spanish Theatre of the time.

Tirso de Molina
Few details are known regarding the biography of Tirso de Molina. It is known that he ordered the mercedarian convent of Guadalajara (1601); He lived in the monastery from Estercuel (1614-1615); who traveled to Santo Domingo in 1616, where he returned two years later. A Board of reformation sentenced him to banishment from court for writing profane comedies. In 1626 he was back on the Court and he was appointed commander of the convent of Trujillo. He was confined in the convent of basin by order of the P. Salmeron, general visitor, apparently by the same causes that promoted his exile. In 1632 he was appointed chronicler of his order; in 1645 he was commander of the convent of Soria, and the year next, defining provincial of Castile.
He was a very prolific author. He left some 300 comedies, which were printed in five parts: first part (Seville, 1627); Second part (Madrid, 1635); Third party (Tortosa, 1634); Fourth part (Madrid, 1635), and fifth (Madrid, 1636). As religious playwright, wrote several sacramental (the divine colmenero, not rent you gain, the labyrinth of Crete), Biblical comedies (the woman who sends home, about the story of Ahab and Jezebel; The best espigadera, on Ruth; The life and death of Herod; The revenge of Tamar) and hagiographic comedies (the trilogy of Santa Juana, the nymph of the sky, the Lady of the olive grove).
It extracted from the stories and legends national arguments of many comedies: the trilogy of the Pizarro (everything is to give one thing, Amazon in the Indies and loyalty against envy); the story of Martín Peláez (the bravest coward), or María de Molina (caution in women). Character comedies include the pious Marta and the shameful in Palace. A group of comedies of intrigue belong La villana de Vallecas From Toledo to Madrid, the basement and lathe and Don Gil of the Green stockings.
They are attributed, although they were not included in the parts of its comedies, two works of philosophical content of great importance: the trickster of Seville and the stone guest, which introduced the theme of the libertine don Juan Tenorio in world literature, and the convict by distrustful, that dealt with the issue of the arrogance of the man from the divine grace and the importance of free will. His prose work includes a history of the order of mercy and two works sundries: Cigarrales de Toledo (1621) and enjoy taking advantage of (1635).
Extracted from the website: Biografías y Vidas
Biographies of historical figures and personalities