Competitiveness | Marketing Concepts.

We define competitiveness the capacity of an organization, public or private, non-profit or not, consistently maintain comparative advantages that enable it to achieve, sustain and improve a particular position on the socio-economic environment.
The term competitiveness is widely used in business, political and socio-economic means in general. This is because the extension of the framework of our economic agents who have passed a constructs attitude to a more open, expansive and proactive approach.
Competitiveness has impact on how to raise and develop any business initiative, which is obviously causing an evolution model of enterprise and entrepreneur.
The comparative advantage of a company would be its ability, resources, knowledge and attributes, etc., available to that undertaking, the same of those who lack competitors or that they have to a lesser extent which makes it possible to obtain yields that are higher than those.
The use of these concepts implies a continuous orientation towards the environment and a strategic attitude by large companies as in the small, in the newly-created or in the mature and in general in any kind of organization. On the other hand, the concept of competitiveness makes us believe in the idea of "Excellence", i.e., with characteristics of efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

Competitiveness and business strategy

Competitiveness is not a product of chance or arises spontaneously; It was created and is achieved through a long process of learning and negotiation groups collective representative that they shape the dynamics of organizational behavior, such as shareholders, managers, employees, creditors, customers, competition and the market, and finally, the Government and society in general.
An organization, either that is the activity it carries out, if you want to maintain an appropriate level of competitiveness in the long term, be used sooner or later, procedures of analysis and formal decisions, framed in the context of the process of "strategic planning". The function of this process is to systematize and coordinate all the efforts of the units that make up the Organization aimed to maximize overall efficiency.
To better explain this efficiency, consider the levels of competitiveness, competitiveness internal and external competitiveness. Internal competitiveness refers to the ability of organization to achieve maximum performance of available resources, such as personnel, capital, materials, ideas, etc., and the processes of transformation. Speaking of internal competitiveness comes the idea that the company has to compete against itself, with expression of its continuous effort to overcome.
External competitiveness is aimed at the elaboration of the achievements of the Organization in the context of the market or the sector to which it belongs. As the system of reference or model is alien to the company, this should be considered exogenous variables, such as the degree of innovation, the dynamism of the industry, economic stability, to estimate its long-term competitiveness. The company, has reached a level of external competitiveness, you must be available to maintain its future competitiveness, based on generating new ideas and products and seek new market opportunities.

Competitive reinforcement

Competitiveness means a sustainable benefit for your business.
Competitiveness is the result of an improvement of consistent quality and innovation.
Competitiveness is strongly related to productivity: to be productive, tourist attractions, investment in capital and human resources must be fully integrated, since they are of equal importance.
The actions of competitive reinforcement should be carried out to improve:
  • The structure of the tourism industry.
  • The strategies of public institutions.
  • The competition between companies.
  • Conditions and demand factors.
  • Associated support services.

Total quality: key competitiveness strategy

The world undergoing a process of rapid change and global competitiveness in an increasingly liberal economy, frame, necessitating a total shift in the management of organizations.
In this period of change, companies are looking for raising rates of productivity, achieve greater efficiency and provide a quality service, which is forcing managers to adopt models of participatory management, the central basis to the human element, developing work team, to achieve competitiveness and of ideal way answer the growing demand for products of optimum quality and services at all levels , each time more efficient, faster and better quality.
To understand the concept of total quality, it is useful to do so through the concept called "paradigms". A paradigm is understood as model, theory, perception, presumption, or frame of reference that includes a set of rules and regulations that establish parameters and suggest how to successfully solve problems within those parameters. A paradigm is, a filter or a lens through which we see the world; not so much at a visual level per se, but rather perpetual, comprehensive and interpretive.
Total quality is a concept, a philosophy, a strategy, a model of doing business and is located towards the customer.
Total quality not only refers to the product or service itself, but it is the permanent improvement of organizational, managerial appearance; taking a company like a gigantic machine, where each worker, from the Manager to the official of the low tier are committed to business objectives.
So the total quality has been achieved fully, it is necessary that basic moral values of society are rescued and is here, where the entrepreneur plays a fundamental role, starting with the education of their workers to get a more prepared workforce, better capacity to assimilate the problems of quality, with better criteria to suggest changes for the benefit of the quality , with better analysis and observation of the process of manufacturing products and be able to amend errors.


The necessary stimulation to make a country, a national company, a transnational etc, more competitive, are the result of a policy encouraged by the State that produce the conditions to provide the stability needed to grow and requires the construction of a civil State, capable of generating, community, cooperation, and responsibility.
Some of the conditions required for a country to be competitive, is that State should be encouraged in their Government policies conditions necessary to guarantee the commercial activity that allows the normal development of the business of these companies. The actions of competitive reinforcement should be carried out for the improvement of certain points, this may be:
  • The structure of the tourism industry.
  • The strategies of public institutions.
  • The competition between companies.
  • Conditions and demand factors.
  • Transparency and clear rules that will enforce, within an environment where finances are in order.
  • Establish appropriate tax rules
  • A macroeconomic policy that is able to promote the investment of capital, within an economic framework where there is no regulation and control of prices (prices according to supply and demand).
  • Restructuring plans of education in such a way that the education sector this in line with the real needs of the productive sector. Favouring especially the sector of public education of low income. The new companies will require of qualified personnel who are at the height of the new technologies.
  • The establishment of a strong and committed partnership Gobierno-Sector private, to encourage the growth of technology, productivity, etc, in order to provide competitiveness at the international level within the framework of benefits equal for all.
Published for educational purposes
Concepts of Leadership and Marketing