Definition of Lackey | What is Lackey

Concept and Meaning of Lackey

Lackey is an adjective that relates to someone servile or vile. As a noun, the term is used to name the servant who accompanied his master, either on foot or on horseback. By extension, the servants or slaves were often considered the lackeys.
Examples: «tell the lackeys to prepare horses, we leave in an hour, 'lackeys revolted against their masters and nothing more was such in the old town', 'the leader must understand that we are employees and not his minions.'
Formerly, a Footman was a Footman (the boy who was travelling before the Cavalry of his master), or an infantry soldier, armed with a crossbow, accompanying the Knights during the war. The concept therefore always was associated with the idea of serving.
With the modern design of the work, the idea of lackey has acquired a negative meaning. Serfdom and slavery are fought despite the operation of the work that a person can suffer. A lackey in this sense is a person who is not protected by rights.
Nowadays, the term is associated with an individual vile and unworthy, able to stoop to be close to someone powerful. The Secretary of a Governor, for example, is considered a lackey if it is ready/willing to lie to the company to please his superior. Laquai, in this sense, does not take account of the common good nothing to serve the powerful, hoping to gain her sympathy.
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