Definition of Plantation | What is Plantation

Concept and Meaning of Plantation

Plantation, from the latin plantatio, is the action and the effect of plant (plant a plant, cuttings, a tuber or bulb in the Earth to take root and grow). Everything that is planted and the soil in which plants are grown, therefore, are planting.
Examples: 'my brother has a raspberry planting in his home in Patagonia', "walking in the fields, I was surprised by the amount of plantations", "the police uncovered a huge plantation of marijuana in the Bush."
As an economic resource, cotton, sugarcane, coffee, tea and cocoa are among the most frequent plantations in countries around the world. The development of these plantations implies a whole social such as successions practices or the hiring of labour in precarious conditions. Large scale it is use as the owner of the lower cost of people hiring to deal with planting and harvesting of the fruits.
The characteristics of plantations depend on soil and environmental conditions. It is impossible to grow coffee in cold regions because this culture requires high temperatures, to cite just one case.
Plantation management is vital to ensure that the environment is not affected by human activity. It is important to pay attention to the cycles of nature and native species to prevent crop and soil degradation.
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