Definition of Repentance | What is Repentance

Concept and Meaning of Repentance

Repentance (also called repentance) is pain, remorse or regret felt by the person for something that she has done, ceased to make or said. He who repents changed his mind or no longer corresponds to a particular commitment.
Examples: "I have no words to express na repentance: I swear that I will never do such a thing", "the judge found no trace of repentance in the declarations of the convicted person", "Without repentance, it makes no sense to present your apologies", "the repentance of the presumed assassin had no importance for the victim's family"
In a religious sense, repentance is recognize the sins, change their attitude and ask forgiveness of God. In the Catholic religion, repentance is associated with the sacrament of confession or penance through which the faithful confess their sins to a priest, it imposed a penance in reparation for these sins and absolve them.
Repentance may also be part of the Act. In some countries, when a person expresses regret for having participated in a crime before a judge or a court, there may be a reduction in his sentence. It is considered that the repentant cooperate with justice and, accordingly, it is recognized him a lower penalty.
In art, finally, repentance is a correction or an amendment that can be observed in the composition of an image or a drawing. The artist, instead of delete and clear the error, leaves to be able to see the process of development of the painting in question.
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