Definition of Return | What is Return

Concept and Meaning of Return

The return is to make something to its previous state; return something to the person who had it before; match a favor (make a service); repay something; pass an asset or a right of a person to another. This word is also synonymous of devolution.
Examples: "We will soon take the return of defective goods", "the seller told me that returns are not accepted', 'If you are not satisfied with the product, you can make us a call to organise his return.
The return can be understood as the return of something to its previous state. If a person intends to repair a wooden door, we can say that this door will recover its former splendour. Thus, the door will return, insofar as possible, to its State prior to its deterioration.
In the field of trade, the idea of the return is applied when the buyer is not satisfied with the goods received or bought and decides to make it to the seller, and in return, it shall refund the money it had paid at time of purchase. Suppose that a person purchases a lawnmower lawn in a store where you can read the slogan "satisfaction guaranteed" because if the buyer is not satisfied with the performance of the machine, it can return/make and retrieve his money. The purchaser therefore tests the machine for several days, but he is not satisfied. Then he decides to return to the store with the machine and realizing the return, he receives his money.
On the other hand, return is antonym to go in the context of travel. Return means go back to the place of destination to enter point of departure, at home.
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