Does the G-spot? | Diseases and conditions

The G-spot, named in honor of the German medical Emst Gräfenberg - first suggested its existence-is a small erogenous zone located on the inside of the vagina, which raises many controversies.
The G-spot - named in honor of the German doctor Emst Gräfenberg, who was the first to suggest their existence in the 50s of the last century - consists of a small erogenous zone of between one and five centimeters in front of the vagina, and especially sensitive, wall that to be stimulated enables to experience an orgasm.
Even today, the G-spot arouses much controversy, and specialists are not in agreement on whether it is a myth or a real anatomical location. There have been numerous studies and surveys in this regard, and although the results show that the majority of women believe in the G-spot, has not been demonstrated that an anatomical location that meets your description.
Anatomical studies have not found any organ or internal structure that could correspond to the G-spot and neither histological studies, which analyzed the area in search of specific nerve endings that may be involved in an increased sensitivity in the area, have provided conclusive data in this regard.
However, recent investigations have found, through the introduction of thermal sensors in the vaginas of women who participated in the studies that observed greater sensitivity in the anterior wall of the vagina which in the rear, even without practicing any type of pressure.

Connection with the clitoris

In 2009 the French gynaecologist Odile Buisson said the theory that the G-spot may actually be a connection of the internal clitoris into the vagina. In studies carried out with sonogram, this specialist found that when the clitoris swells due to excitation, internal parts are very close to the vagina, so that could explain the increase of sensitivity in the area.
Studies carried out with ultrasound images also found differences in the thickness of urethrovaginal space in women who had contact in the G-spot orgasms and which not. According to these data, Buisson believes that the G-spot may be a part of the vagina that would make it possible to reach the inner part of the clitoris.
Calling it point can do think that it is a 'magic button', which is only necessary to click to get a pleasure immediately, while as said the Professor of Gynecology Italian Emmanuelle Jannini, is rather more complex, and not necessarily a 'point', but it is a thicker area and with a greater number of nerve endings located in the anterior wall of the vagina, and which he calls complex clito-uretro-vaginal (CUV).
The existence of this particularly sensitive area in the interior of the vagina would also explain 'vaginal' orgasms, since although many orgasms that women experience during penetration is actually produced as a result of the stimulation of the clitoris, it has been shown that there are only vaginal orgasms.
Myth or reality, the truth is that its advocates claim that the G-spot is a great erogenous zone that all women would like to find, but without forgetting that the body is full of potentially erogenous zones, and that sex is in the brain, so put your imagination... and enjoy.
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