Facts about sneezing

What is a sneeze A I sneezing is a sudden, involuntary and uncontrollable expulsion of air through the nose and mouth, whose cause is the irritation of the nasal mucosa, causing a strong inspiration of air that will go into the lungs and from which are excreted outside.
When the air is released through the mouth, it does so in a violent and noisy way at a speed of up to 160 Km per hour.
In fact, sneezing is a defense mechanism of the respiratory system to remove any substances irritating as dust, pollen, etc.
A variety of muscles that work together and in the proper order, such as are involved in the Act of sneezing:
  • Abdominal muscles.
  • Chest (diaphragm) muscles.
  • Muscles that control the vocal cords.
  • Muscles of the back of the throat.
  • Muscles of the eyelids (it is very difficult to sneeze with your eyes open).

Why we say Jesus?

When we sneeze, have the habit of saying words or phrases which we do not know the why, but even so, we are mentioning them. The reasons can be found them long time ago, in different civilizations where, in each of them, there were superstitions.
These expression after each sneeze date back to Roman times: Roman Catholics thought when a healthy person issued a sneeze, it signal that the body was trying to expel the evil spirits of future diseases, by what Act followed, after sneeze, they said all kinds of phrases that invoked happiness, like "Congratulations", "Congratulations"...
But this custom is lost from the year 590, during the reign of Pope Gregorio I (540-604). In this period of time appeared the plague in Europe, where the sick sneezed quite frequently. To combat the disease, the Pope ordered pray consistently Christian prayers invoking Jesus Christ or the Virgin, so whenever someone heard the sound of a sneeze should be immediately blessed to prevent the development of the plague. Thus begins the habit that currently will follow saying "Jesús" or "health" to hear a sneeze. Something that also occurs in other languages, like for example "bless you" or "God bless you", in English.
A story relates that the Athenian general Xenophon, in the year 400 BC sang a tragic speech urging his soldiers to escort him to liberty or death against the Persians. After talking for an hour, one of his soldiers sneezed, understood as a favorable sign from the gods, thus making general Xenophon, following all your orders.
Between the Egyptians and the Greeks, a sneeze was a portent. When it occurred in the afternoon it was good, while if it is just sneezed rise from bed or table it could have negative consequences. If did a newly born is considered blessed.
In Japan, the sneeze twice is signal that someone is talking about you.
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