How to remove a tattoo | Diseases and conditions: Medical tests.

Can I remove a tattoo?

Currently it is possible to eliminate tattoos and micropigmentaciones without damaging the skin, thanks to techniques indicated special laser to do this, but it is a process that takes time and must be performed by experts.
The desire to show off a tattoo becomes a problem for many people who after recording on your skin, figures, names, phrases, or any other decorative motif, decide to delete it for reasons personal, sentimental, professional... It is the case of those tattooed is the name of the person and with time came the heartbreak, of those whose work prevents them from carrying a tattoo in a visible part of their anatomy, and even some whose tastes or lifestyle have changed.
In fact, various sociological studies indicate that six out of every ten people making a tattoo regret this sometime in their life. Options that existed before to remove a tattoo - and that ranged from camouflaging it with another drawing, to perform a surgical procedure that required grafting and reconstruction of the affected area - were ineffective and left scars.
Luckily for the repentant, it is currently possible to eliminate virtually any tattoo without damaging the skin thanks to the modern laser techniques. Depending on the type of tattoo with ink, the colors that have been (Blacks are easier to remove than the Red or blue), its extent and depth, and the area where you are and how is the patient's skin, especially indicated different lasers are used to remove tattoos, such as the Q-Switched, and also varies the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired result.

Process to remove a tattoo

Remove tattoos and micropigmentaciones without damaging the skin or leave marks, is a slow and expensive process that must be performed by experts to avoid burns or other complications. They are usually needed between five and ten sessions of laser (with a price of between €200 and €500 each), and let pass a time (about three months) between sessions.
The firing of the laser breaks up the ink particles so they can be reabsorbed and eliminated by the body
The procedure begins with the application of topical anesthesia and Occlusive antibiotic cream, which should also be applied to the next day, and that serves to prevent the risk of infection. The laser emits a very short pulse which is carried out directly on the pigment and does not damage the skin that surrounds it. The firing of the laser breaks up the ink particles so they can be reabsorbed and eliminated by the body.
Each session can last anywhere from two to ten minutes, depending on the size of the tattoo, and at the end covered the area intervened with a dressing for two or three days. For a few months the skin in the treated area is more sensitive and can not be exposed to the Sun, therefore it is recommended to choose the coldest months of the year to undergo this procedure, and always protect the area treated in the rays of the Sun by covering with clothing or a dress, until the skin to regenerate completely.
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