Paleotraining, prehistoric training | Diseases and conditions

The Paleotraining is a training based on the main movements that human beings were during the Paleolithic, which can increase muscle mass and recover certain physical abilities lost.
In the Paleolithic period - period covered from two million years ago until 10,000 years ago the human species had two fundamental activities: hunt to feed themselves, and flee from predators to avoid end forming part of their diet. To carry them out successfully, our ancestors were prepared to run, jump, push, or load, and this kind of action is based on the technique of the Paleotraining©, a type of training that is to reproduce the movements that human beings have done over 95% of the history of its evolution.
The objective of the training paleo, which has its origin in an exercise program for people with back problems, devised by a team of doctors, physiotherapists and physical educators, biologists, is not to build muscle, but the body recover health, and muscle mass is adequate and is available for use, as that was in human beings of the Paleolithic.
Paleotraining, as explained Néstor Sánchez, physical therapist and one of its creators, is a training high intensity aimed at who practice to reach your ideal muscle mass – which it is estimated that the men should be 50%, and women between 30 and 35% - but in a healthy way and conforming to the needs of the body.

Benefits of the Paleotraining health

The Paleotraining is made up of 150 exercises which combine in 30 different training systems, and which are based on movements that most frequently human being performed during the Palaeolithic period, and which are: Ascend, walking, load, scroll, raise, push, scale, stabilize, turn, launch, reptar, jump, sit, drop and rise, and pull.
The goal of the training paleo, that it has its origin in an exercise program for people with back problems, is that the body recover health and proper muscle mass
In terms of their health benefits include:
  • Greater physical and sports performance. With this method the drive functions using homo sapiens to survive, are developed by allowing recover or improve physical abilities which the human being has been losing with the sedentary lifestyle, but that are still present in our genes, as agility, strength, speed, power, aerobic capacity, flexibility, balance, resistance...
  • Correct posture. The Paleotraining has its origins in an exercise program aimed at patients with problems of column created by experts in Biomechanics - a science that studies the mechanical structures of the body human-, and his practice helps to recover the body extension and improved posture.
  • Provided body. There is an increase in muscle mass and a reduction of the fat surface and visceral, in addition to a balanced development of the body volume facilitating proportions comes the harness shoulder and lumbar are correct.
  • Weight control. Although the aim of this type of training is not to lose weight, your workout easier to control weight and help achieve a lean silhouette in a healthy way.
Published for educational purposes
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Diseases and conditions