What is the cause of hiccups | Diseases and conditions.

Hiccup is an inspiratory sound due to the sudden, involuntary contraction and intermittent inspiratory muscles and the diaphragm. It is a common problem, but annoying. You know how to stop it.
The I hiccups, which in medicine is called singultus, consists of an inspiratory sound that occurs as a result of the sudden, involuntary, and intermittent contraction of the diaphragm (a muscle that is located at the base of the lungs) which makes that the epiglottis closes, causing the typical sound hic.
The hiccups, which often start for no apparent reason and usually goes away in a few minutes, can affect people of all ages; in fact, even fetuses can have hiccups, and it is very common in infants up to six months of age, which usually concern first-time parents.

Why do we have hiccups?

The diaphragm descends when we inhale so that the lungs are filled with air, and rises when we exhale to facilitate the exit of air from the lungs. When this mechanism is altered and the diaphragm rises or low earlier than normal, breathing becomes different, causing the hiccups.
Hiccups can be a disorder passed and benign, that only lasts a few minutes and it resolves spontaneously, but in exceptional cases can last days, weeks, or months, becoming then in persistent hiccups, you need medical care because it may have originated in gastric disorders, thoracic, metabolic or neurological, and even be a symptom of diseases such as pancreatitis, esophagitis, or stomach ulcer , among others.
Some possible causes of hiccups are:
  • Overeating.
  • Eat very fast.
  • Abuse of alcohol
  • Irritation of the diaphragm.
  • Alterations of the stomach.
  • States of nervousness or excitement.
  • Abdominal surgery.
  • Consume food or liquid hot and spicy.
  • Suffering from any disease or disorder that irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm.

How to stop hiccups

There are no specific measures or proven scientifically to stop hiccups, and which for some people it is effective, does not help others at all, but some suggestions that you could try are:
  • Drink a glass of cold water.
  • Drinking water bending the body forward.
  • Hold the breath and then exhale slowly, repeating the process several times.
  • Take a spoonful of sugar.
  • Repeatedly breathing into a paper bag.
  • Take a teaspoon of lemon or a little vinegar.
  • That you give you a fright when you find yourself unprepared (although this may not be recommended for some people, and it should not be done with children).
  • Drugs (single must be administered in the event of persistent hiccups and according to medical prescription).
In the case of babies, experts explain that there are no remedies to stop the hiccups and wait patiently to that passes them spontaneously. It is considered harmless to small, but if child has frequent or prolonged hiccups attacks (half an hour or more) it is advisable to consult with your pediatrician to rule out is of a type digestive, respiratory or neurological problem.
Published for educational purposes
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Diseases and conditions