What is Cognitive Inhibition | Psychology Concepts.

The cognitive inhibition is a process that implies in reducing manifestation of any element connected to the acquisition of knowledge. This psychic is manifested through a pathological reaction. This phenomenon, therefore, corresponds to the inhibition of cognitive mechanisms activated by events that require the accommodation being a particular context.
This is expressed in the hatching of a symptom, here understood as learning-disabled. The limitation of one of the phases of displacement is inherent in the mechanism known as balancing-point of balance between assimilation and accommodation-, does not allow the subject definitely reedifique the categories of learning that depart from the following steps: body, body, intelligence and desire.
The pathological signal immobilize these different expressions of learning at any given moment. From this point on the process of acquiring knowledge and experience no longer enjoys its development potential and the Mission of change all around.
This phenomenon leads the subject to destroy or delete everything that cannot be symbolized, while the Act of symbolize gives space for him to give a new meaning to everything and that confers broad freedom to mode, so that she may suffer transformations. Otherwise the category becomes rigid and so will block or complicate the learning of certain facets of the real.
Cognitive inhibition can also be triggered by the commotion of emotions. This variant may not be accepted by a counselor if this professional does not enter the affection as variable factor in the mechanism of learning. Therefore, it is important to resort to Paulo Freire's assertion about the emotional field. He states that it is necessary to remove the misleading view that there should be a gap between the austerity of the teacher and their emotions.
Premature inhibition of actions that involve assimilation and accommodation gives space to different points of interest in the mechanisms of representation. Your ultimate limits can thus be explained:

  • Hipoassimilação: sketches of the objects retain their grace period, as well as the power to structure them. The result is a deficiency of playful elements and functional disorder of the performance of the imaginary.
  • Hiperassimilação: here is a reflection of the early sketches, and highlights the playful aspect, which can lead to dispossession of real harmful form in the mind of the child.
  • Hipoacomodação: this problem arises when the rhythmic pattern of the child has been disrespected, even at your convenience to relive over and over again the same experiences. In this case they may touch upon the conquest of language disorders, especially when incentives are chaotic and ephemeral.
  • Hiperacomodação: occurs whenever there is a superincitação of the reproduction process. The child follows the guidelines received, but she has no own experiences or past experiences in a natural way.


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