What is Hysteria | Psychology Concepts.

One can divide the history of hysteria in before and after Freud. French and Greek hystéra hystérie, "uterus", this disorder is a neurosis marked especially by emotional lability. On the infield of the individual, it manifests itself through symptoms such as paralysis, blindness, deafness, among others. The hysterical normally lose control because they are under intense pressure from radical dread that reaches. She usually manifests when the latent anxiety turns into an organic, i.e. symptom occurs a Somatization.
The hysteria was much studied by Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893), famous French neurologist, and later by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). The first proved that sick ideas could be expressed in the physical body, then Freud, along with Breuer, investigated the psychic processes this disturbance and found that it has as source hidden subconscious memories, emotional content high. Until that time, this disease was considered a privilege of women. But, in fact, she can manifest also in men, and is most common in adolescence.
Since the origins of humanity are known stories of hysteria. Egyptian documents created for four thousand years reveal examples of hysterical crises – women in pain throughout the body, unable to walk and talk. Hippocrates also reported cases of the disease, by assigning them, however, to the female. He believed that the womb of the woman moved within the body, hence this evil being known among the Greeks as ' uterus '. The treatment prescribed at the time was inhalation of vapors which emanated from eccentric products and physical activities that would replace the uterus function in its right place. Interestingly, indicated to preemptively practice sexual acts. During the medieval era, many hysterical patients were accused of witchcraft and killed at the stake because of this unforgivable mistake.
Disturbances that reach patients are sensory order hysterics and motor. Among the first are the disturbances of vision, hearing, taste and tact; excess sensitivity or general anesthesia; intense pain, with no organic origin. The motor range from complete paralysis, tremors, tics nervous, until contractions and convulsions. Other hysterical symptoms are the complete or partial loss of voice, cough, dizziness, vomiting and hiccups. More rarely observed the incidence of amnesia and sleepwalking.
In terms of personality, one can say that the patient hysterical reveals a trait known as histrionic, denoting something theatrical. For this disorder in his character, he usually acts as if you were on a stage, of a somewhat exaggerated and dramatic. Your emotions are always more intense, because he has the need to constantly be the central focus of attention. You can also find a strong connection between hysteria and depression – about 38% of hysterical patients also have a diagnosis of depression.
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