What is Multiple Intelligences | Psychology Concepts.

"The multiple intelligences theory relies on new neurological discoveries made at Harvard and other universities of the United States, changing lines of neurological knowledge about the human mind and putting in question the processes described above to explain neural systems involved in memory, learning, consciousness, emotions and intellects." (Celso Antunes – how to develop content exploring the multiple intelligences-2001)
Howard Gardner, born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, is a cognitive psychologist and educational. He developed the theory of multiple intelligences in the Decade of 1980, and from there several educators and schools worldwide have become adherents to this theory as pedagogical practice.
According to Gardner, hunkered down in our mind eight intelligences, they are: verbal, linguistic or logical-mathematical, spatial, sonorous or musical, kinesthetic, naturalist, body-intra and interpersonal.
These theories serve as aid in the educational area, because it explains several disorders associated with attention, creativity and learning, that are connected directly to learning and that increasingly occur in educational institutions worldwide.
These changes, these new paradigms, come into play as a new vision of the human mind, renovating the conventional school (traditional).
The theory of multiple intelligences are not a pedagogical method, they act like a new trend, by merging all existing educational methods. She supports and sum the day-to-day school.
The educator in order to develop these Intelligences in the classroom, creates new activities, making the classes more dynamic and enriching.
So this theory offer certainty, it is necessary that the teachers who are using them in the classroom, be trained, to aggregate and become an educational system of effect, as Act of educating.

Bibliographical References:

Antunes, Celso. How to develop content exploring the multiple intelligences – Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2001.
Published for educational purposes
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