Biography of Stephen Hawking | British theoretical physicist.

(Stephen William Hawking; Oxford, United Kingdom, 1942) British theoretical physicist. Despite their physical disabilities and the progressive limitations imposed by the degenerative disease being treated, Stephen William Hawking is probably the best-known physicist among the general public since the times of Einstein. Fighter and winner, throughout his life has overcome the vastness of impediments posed by her evil of Lou Gehrig, an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that bedevils him since that was 20 years old. Hawking is certainly a special case of vitality and resistance to the misfortune of the destination.

Stephen Hawking
On January 8, 1942, in moments in which the capital of the United Kingdom survived under the permanent threat of German bombing, was born Stephen Hawking in the city of Oxford. There he began to study at University College, where he graduated in 1962 with the title of mathematician and physicist. At that time it was a guy in normal life, whose singularities were only your bright intelligence and a keen interest in science.
But in 1963, during a session of ice skating, the young Stephen slipped and had difficulties to merge. He was immediately diagnosed with a degenerative neuromuscular disorder, ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Doctors assumed that the disease would end her life within a few years; However, they were wrong. The life of Stephen was not the same since then of course, their physical limitations not interrupted at any time their intellectual activity; in fact, they rather increased it.
While going to his doctorate at Trinity Hall at Cambridge, he married Jane Wayline (1965). After nearly twenty-five years of marriage, in 1990 the couple separated and the scientist went to live with Elaine Mason, one of the nurses who took care of him and with which five years later contracted marriage. After obtaining the title of doctor in theoretical physics (1966), his passion for the study of the origin of the universe was increasing, and his research focused in the field of general relativity, particularly in the physics of black holes.

With Jane Wayline (1965) wedding day
and with Elaine Mason, where he married in 1995
Certainly, Hawking is not only comparable with Albert Einstein for his popularity: like the formulator of relativity, Stephen Hawking was the ambitious goal of harmonization of general relativity and quantum mechanics, in search of a unification of physics that allow to realize both the universe of subatomic phenomena. In 1971, he suggested the training, after the big bang, of numerous objects called "black miniagujeros", which would contain about 1 billion metric tons of mass, but would occupy only the space of a proton, a circumstance that would lead to enormous gravitational fields, governed by the laws of relativity.
His studies on the black miniagujeros would lead it to combine for the first time, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics to solve the problem of studying these structures very small and extremely high density, which was not believed that you could get some knowledge. In 1974, proposed in accordance with the predictions of quantum physics, that black holes emit subatomic particles to deplete your energy, time in which occurs a final burst. Hawking has also explored some singularities the space-time binomial.
In 1974, Hawking was appointed member of the Royal Society and, three years later, Professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge, where he was awarded the Lucasiana Chair of Mathematics (1980), which had been issued by Isaac Newton and the British teacher would continue occupying in the following decades. But as the intellectual achievements and recognitions were happening in his life (has published many books and received numerous awards and doctorates honoris causa,), also wore the degenerative process of the disease. First the immobility of his extremities led him to rely on a wheelchair; After paralysis spread throughout his body, and 58-year-old only could communicate using a synthesizer connected to your Chair.
A great Communicator
It is a great paradox, without doubt, that a man who was fully involved in the task of clarifying the scientific concepts to the average public (unlike most of his colleagues, Hawking opted resolutely disclosure) has had to deal harshly with the difficulty of being able to communicate them. However, thanks to his determination and tenacity, not stopped save the pitfalls that arise from their physical disabilities. In 1989, on the occasion of his visit to Spain to receive the Prince of Asturias prize, Stephen Hawking stressed the importance of citizens standing possess sufficient scientific notions to participate in debates that open up new scientific and technological advances avoiding that everything is in the hands of experts.
That is the message that is found in some of his most famous books, such as history of time: from the big bang to black holes (1988), that has been translated into thirty-seven languages and that in a few years more than twenty million copies were sold. In its purpose of getting the book to a wide audience, Stephen Hawking resignation to formulas and exposures for specialists, but does not abandon the rigorous treatment of the issue. First is a comprehensive presentation of the current cosmological ideas (the big bang and the expansion of the universe), as well as the main findings of the physics of the particles, which explain subatomic level is like matter and the forces that govern it. Hawking highlights the striking convergence of these two avenues of research, which have given birth to a new discipline: the Astrophysics of the particles.
History of the time the author deals with also, always maintaining the tone of high disclosure, subjects such as black holes and, in addition to the source, the possible fate of the universe. Neither evades the question that the common man is formulated when confronted with these issues: the role of God in all these phenomena, as well as the creation of the universe, the point in which Stephen Hawking abandons the rigorously scientific treatment to venture into the uncertain ways of metaphysical speculation.
Other later book, the universe in a nutshell (2002), has one still higher than his previous books informative intention. With respect to its more specialized bibliography, their efforts to describe from a theoretical point of view the properties of black holes, as well as the relationship that these properties stored with classical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, laws have been collected in works such as The Large Scale Structure of space-time (1973, in collaboration with G.F.R. Ellis), Superspace and Supergravity (1981) and The Very Early Universe (1983).
Extracted from the website: Biografías y Vidas
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