The need for support after a suicide attempt | Diseases and conditions.

Attempted suicide, how to move page

Suicide is one of the three leading causes of death worldwide among people who are between 15 and 44 years. A serious social problem that should be approach from different points of view to try to avoid it, and in which all, familiar surroundings, friends, media must... be vigilant to possible signs of people with ideas suicide in anticipation of their fatal consequences. However, there are numerous cases only staying in attempts, and that should be followed closely to prevent relapse and support the involved in their recovery and exit forward.
The first thing we must do is to banish some existing beliefs wrong in connection with a suicide, as that which says that those who want to kill themselves always gets it. Also have to park the myth that who want to kill does not say it, since the majority of persons who commits suicide sends a signal above and in many cases, has tried previously.
It is also false that who resets a suicide attempt because it has no danger of relapse. There is a risk of between 10 and 20 per cent again try in the subsequent year. In addition, it must not establish the Association of ideas that a person who commits suicide is depressed, because there are also other possible causes such as alcoholism, schizophrenia, paranoid personality disorder...
The World Health Organization says that the percentage of suicides that occur without warning is minimal. In the majority of cases there is prior evidence or a previous attempt. Causes that can exacerbate a severe personal situation are various, for example, the unexpected abandonment by the couple, deep loneliness, failure, economic problems, a dismissal, death of a loved one close, an addiction...
To get an idea of an invisible problem for many, data: 8 of every 100 calls answered by the phone of hope are suicide-themed. In addition, job loss, long-term unemployment and the economic crisis represent a 5% increase in such calls. Fortunately, 90% of calls of this type are well resolved. And is that a support we all need at some point in our lives. It is possible to turn the page after a suicide attempt, knows how to achieve it.

Tips for who has tried to commit suicide

Having gone through a suicide attempt and all that implies previous and later is one of the hardest situations that a person can face. However, if for different reasons, finally I do not carry it out or it could save time, is a stage for front where it is essential to note a series of support and advice that will help you to move forward and try to see life from a different perspective:
1. After having suffered an income as a result of a suicide attempt, is medical staff who gives the necessary instructions to the patient and the family on the steps that should take from that moment.
2. The affected need to have psychological or psychiatric support to have a professional tracking. In that case, the patient must really trusting your psychologist, talk about himself naturally, share with him their problems and concerns, take out the pain of the soul, because as stated by Wittgenstein, the words are tools and play a therapeutic role, since they express a thought.
3. Develops a plan of action with the help of your doctor about how to act at a time of personal crisis. This plan has to be adapted to the mode of being of each person to make you feel safer.
4. Know how influences mood on the way to interpret the reality also encourages the understanding of one's self. First of all, the way of looking at a situation changes completely when we are sad or despondent. With the passing of the days, when you change your own State of mind, that same situation may have a completely different color. Therefore, rest, trust and care about you. He thinks that those thoughts that make you suffer are like an annoying noise that with help you can silence, because a suicide crisis is passed.
5. After having suffered a suicide attempt it is useful to have a list of people you trust to be able to call at the moment in which you feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts. It is sufficient to have one person to call and which can relieve you. Sometimes people muted his thoughts never to worry about family members again. However, the time does not solve anything by itself. You should not suppress an idea or thought thinking that by doing so will disappear, since what is repressed tends to sprout more forcefully.
In fact, time is an ally when you hear the negative ideas like an alarm signal that drives to ask for help as soon as possible. If you feel overwhelmed by the discomfort of negative ideas that remind you of the chapter which you have previously lived, it is advisable that you talk to someone nearby, call your health care provider or you personally present in the query.
6. Physical activity and routine. Go for a walk every day, preferably in the company. You can also play sport because the exercise is very healthy physical and mental. Keep regular hours for rest, meals and entertainment.
7. Do not you are alone even if you feel well. Under the influence of negative thinking, our impressions do not coincide with how things actually are. A first step to curb the strength of the negative thoughts is to question these ideas and not take them as an absolute truth. It analyzes the cause that generated a repeatedly those negative thoughts in order to have more control over the situation.
8. Keep a confidant with whom speak with total freedom and transparency of your ideas and your thoughts. If you don't want or you can do it with a friend or family member, there are immediate as the phone of hope help entities because this phone with a positive name, never communicates. The phone of hope staff consists of volunteers that go beyond a long training process before to offer support. Anyone who needs it can call to speak, since one of the most important needs of a person who is suffering is to be heard of truth.
9. It reinforces in your diary space to practice hobbies. Power plans with people that you feel well and reduces the treatment with negative companies. Avoid drinking alcohol in social plans and at home.
10. Lives every day, so, get short-term and not long-term plans. Let that suppose you a lot when you feel stronger.
11. Lean on your loved ones as a cane that helps you walk more forcefully. Avoid guilt and love yourself. Give you the opportunity to start again.


The support of the family is helpful for those who have attempted suicide unsuccessfully, but is not decisive. Make this point serves as support because many people that they have experienced suicide of a loved one may suffer a deep feeling of guilt for having not been able to avoid it. There are some useful tips that can help you guide this situation in order to deal with it and give you your maximum support:
1. In the first place, be observer signals that can that they mean nothing serious, but it is better to be proactive. For example, be attentive to possible expressions very pessimistic and defeatist that remember the person's behavior in the days leading up to his suicide attempt. Observe possible sudden changes in behavior in the person with regard to their mode of customary. Acute sadness and gloom. Keep in mind also that the risk of suicide increases when there is a prior family history.
2. In situations of this kind, the immediate environment has the role of strengthening the company and be more aware of that person, but the other feel that it is a situation that is natural and not forced. I.e., agrees that the affected person does not feel controlled by your environment, but I care.
3. Pressure close to the affected persons accumulating also can be high, so it can also be healthy to receive emotional support. It is impossible to care for someone when you neglect yourself. The relatives of a person who has suffered a suicide attempt are afraid that might happen again.
4. Having an attitude of trust in oneself and the other thinking precisely on the ability of overcoming that every human being has in its interior. Having empathy with someone who has had a suicide attempt may not be easy, however, to better understand how you are feeling a person with very negative ideas that lead to a suicide attempt, it should be noted some of the features that characterize him. For example, the person who is suffering from deep despair may have difficulty leaving their suffering and the conflict, mental exhaustion may hinder the ability to think of alternatives to solve an issue, intense concerns cause sleep problems, steal the appetite and hinder the concentration at work... People who are in a phase of absolute despair imagine a black and tragic future, underestimate themselves and believe that they are alone in the depths of your heart feel so even if they have to people around.
5.  It is useful to accompany the affected in positive activities that likes to do his routine, since personal enjoyment brings wellness.
6.  Act as point of support from another person involves practicing active listening in an open way and lose their fear of talking about the topic clearly. Although privacy is an important issue at the human level, when a person confesses to another who has returned to having thoughts of suicide, far of keeping this issue in absolute secrecy, there to seek help and have the support of close relatives.
7.  Remove the House all those elements that may pose a risk of injury. Drugs have to be away from this person.
8  Talk to others who have gone through a similar situation and have also passed it can be useful.
9.  At a time of personal crisis of the affected, avoids subtract weight to his thoughts, just listen to him. Not to divert the topic of conversation to you. Avoids resorting to topical phrases like "nothing happens", for downplaying what the other person is suffering. The thoughts are very important before a suicide attempt, because thinking influences feelings and this is reflected in action. That is why, in the first place, it is important to act on the way of thinking, to try to quell unrest, since in this way, also it influences positively on the feeling.
Victor Frankl, founder of logotherapy, explains how behind the loss of sense there is, in the majority of occasions, existential loneliness. According to nel, under this premise, the people who actually have ideas of suicide don't want to die, but put an end to their suffering.
10. Support resources before the suicide: there are some books that can be a good source of support, such as for example, the book suicide, prevention and management, written by Óscar Pérez Barrero and by Dolores Mosquera. In the case of those who have religious beliefs also can find support in their faith.
The media also have an ethical responsibility to report with respect on this subject, on the one hand, because you can produce the imitation effect, so you may want to treat the subject with caution and trying not to give information about the vehicle used by the person. However, you should not fall in error to treat suicide as a taboo subject, since silence so does not help anything, if suicide becomes a taboo, then, its prevention is impossible.
I'd like to conclude this article with a positive message in the hands of Albert Einstein saying that "life is beautiful, live it is not a coincidence".
Published for educational purposes
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