What is Gestalt Therapy | Diseases and conditions.

The Gestalt term arises in the 1940s coming from Germany, and means 'form'; i.e., Gestalt Therapy would be the way to therapy. It should be noted that it is not a clinical therapy, and that its aim is not to help the person overcome trauma or psychological disorder, but it is oriented and aimed at anyone who wants to explore in itself and would therefore be closer to personal growth techniques.
But the Gestalt is more than a therapy is an experiential life mode, in which the person learns to incorporate a philosophy of life, based on two pillars: the experience of the moment,-of the here and now-, and emotional rehabilitation, paying special attention to the management of social networks, either with their families or with friends that are live and share.
The first pillar is at the base of some Eastern philosophies, which is that the person be aware of the moment where he lives, focus their thoughts and efforts on the present, and put aside the past, forgetting what he could or have not done in a given time, and the consequences that would have had their actions , and avoid also think in the future, and what should be done, worrying ahead of time for something that still has not happened.
The second pillar of Gestalt Therapy refers to the person's emotional relationship with itself and with others, and pretend that you learn to listen to your body, needs and gaps, but also to their desires and wishes, and to express themselves effectively to others, being aware that one is solely responsible for what feels , and are not all that make us feel one way or another.

Application of Gestalt Therapy

Unlike a clinical therapy, Gestalt is defined as a therapy of accompaniment, where the person has the answers within themselves, and the therapist is only a companion, once it has taught her tools of awareness and responsibility for your feelings, all as part of a process of self-discovery and personal growth.
Hence, even the names of the participants changed, and the patient or patient to become customer, since the relationship that has nothing to do with a situation in which goes to a professional so you cure, but it is being helped to make yourself able to find within themselves the solution , learning to be aware of what you feel here and now, and to integrate it with your external reality.
During the therapy sessions Gestalt avoided diving into the past in search of a trauma or problem that has been marked to the patient, to focus on the difficulties and problems they have today, with the aim that, learn how to overcome them, identifying their share of responsibility in this in the first place, and assuming the feelings and thoughts that generate then put into practice the skills necessary to overcome each situation.
On the basis of a conception holistic of the individual, where the thoughts, feelings and actions interact, seeks that person will become consistent, being aware of their feelings and thoughts that these originate it, as well as acting according to both, and all this without losing sight that we live in a social environment in which it must develop.

Gestalt Therapy is indicated for people who

It is a personal work of self-discovery and connect with yourself, there is no contraindication for anyone who wants to approach this approach of personal growth, having clear through the Gestalt Therapy they will not solve psychological problems, for which there are other more suitable techniques according to the nature of the problem; Similarly, it is preferable not to resort to it when you are under the effects of drugs that may hinder personal growth.
Taking into account the above caveats, it can be said that it is a technique that is affordable for everyone, and at any age from which have some language skills minimum, necessary to describe what it feels like and need. The professional will be who tailor sessions depending on whether a child or an adult, to help you get the best results of self-discovery.
Gestalt Therapy can be approached in different ways, and each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Thus, in addition to individual therapy, there is the possibility of making it as a couple, family, and even group. As are more individualized customer you will have more time to explore and express themselves; whereas if it's a group therapy, social participation will allow you to discover and enhance their relationship with others.
As path of self-discovery is not an objective established, understood this as a goal to achieve or a problem to overcome, but the person, as you are becoming aware of their inadequate habits or ways of being or relate little healthy, can learn to go changing that behavior, changing attitudes and responsible for their own desires and feelings , and thus improving the coherence between what they feel and think, and how it works.

How is a Gestalt therapy session

Although customers often go to Gestalt Therapy to resolve problems such as shyness, stress, psychosomatic problems, or looking for guidance after a sentimental separation or a personal crisis situation, the therapist must indicate in the first session how to work and how it will help the client to know itself, as a starting point on which to find stability.
They tend to be one or two weekly sessions, which extends up to one hour, and whose price is usually between 40 and 60 euros. It is a technique of personal growth, there is a limit on the number of sessions possible, since the objective is building as the meetings occur. While it is true that at the beginning he may have been one or the other reason which led a person to seek therapy, subsequently his continuity depends on how much want to deepen this self-discovery.
Individual sessions are developed with the therapist and the client face to face, without any furniture or barrier, and creates a space where that person can express themselves freely knowing that you will not be judged by the therapist, which furthermore is going to go pointing the emotions and behaviors that observed, it will be increasingly aware of them , and will also provide indications that can help you to change them if necessary.
Sessions in which there are more participants, and the couple, family, or group, the time is extended in order to give option to all attendees participate, firstly in the exercises that the therapist can tell as how to relate and experience, and then to recognize the feelings and thoughts that this interaction has led to each person individually , as a way of awareness and grow.

Who teaches the Gestalt Therapy

Being a growth personal and not so much of clinical treatment therapy, is not required to be a professional of mental health - psychologist or psychiatrist - who provided the Gestalt Therapy sessions, although some specialization by the therapist, for which there are enabled and certified schools, which guarantee a qualification and a correct management techniques to deliver the highest possible quality is necessary.
In such training, as in the case of psychoanalysis, the therapist future party receive theoretical knowledge, will have to exercise as a client, so you know first-hand the process then he will accompany, in addition to the path of personal growth based on awareness of your thoughts and feelings , and responsibility for their actions, which subsequently will have to transmit.
Also during this training you will teach to apply different techniques, like the empty chair and the hot Chair, which help people to explore the point of view of the other, as well as others related to the game of roles, such as the exchange of roles, when it comes to couples, family or groups, so you have enough tools to explore your way of being.
Some people who have received this type of therapy, and have decided to continue the path of self-discovery, passed out to therapists, previous step by mandatory training, since they have discovered the benefits for your life in this way of feeling, thinking, and acting coherently and to be responsible for the consequences of their actions , and want to help others reach the same goal.
Published for educational purposes
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Diseases and conditions