What is the illusion | Diseases and conditions.

Lack of illusion

The illusion is a positive emotional state characterized by the combination of the desire to get a goal and the belief that this objective can be achieved. It is therefore a positive emotion that drives or motivates our behavior. This emotion is highly mediated by mental or cognitive elements, as in the case of our expectations (the belief of what will happen if we carry out certain acts) and powers (the cause which we attribute to the consequences that have followed our acts).
Not to lose the illusion depends on personal motivation (intrinsic motivation) and proposals that suggest others (extrinsic motivation). The lack of enthusiasm is cause and consequence of the lack of motivation which results not achieving our objectives. This fact may be associated with learning disabilities such as anxiety, anger, or sadness.

What does depend on that or not we feel excited?

As we have just said, the expectations and attributions are the two elements of cognitive character which have greater weight when it comes to mark a degree of high illusion illusion thermometer. To understand this better, imagine the following example: a student, after submitting to an examination of the very important race, has been suspended from what will depend on this student have illusion for trying to pass this course in recovery or, on the other hand, pull the towel? The answer is in the causal explanation (powers) which gives the suspense and the expectations that generates it such attribution. For instance, if the student makes functions of a permanent nature ("gives equal to study, will always suspend"), generals ("and so in the rest of the subjects") and uncontrollable ("the teacher has me mania"), will lose the illusion of approve because you feel helpless in the situation which occurred. Conversely, if the student makes temporary powers ("this has happened in this test and has no why it happens to me in the following"), specific ("addition not me occurs in all subjects") and ("I'll study more"), will have enthusiasm for the next test and try again.
Motivation also increases levels of illusion; well because it is myself who want no more a goal (intrinsic motivation): for example, I want to be a good doctor because it is the illusion of my life; I want to participate in the NGO because I believe in altruism; or get rewards at having achieved my goal (extrinsic motivation) external: for example, I want to be a good doctor because this way I'll win lots of money; I want to participate in the NGO because it is well seen and people will admire me. Intrinsic motivation is the most potent when it comes to raising our level of enthusiasm, but on many occasions the lack thereof can be supplemented with external reinforcements.
Certain personality traits such as optimism or the search for new sensations may increase our level of enthusiasm, as well as a previous history of personal success does.
Work and the couple or family relations tend to be the main areas where the lack of enthusiasm is more impressive in reducing our life satisfaction. The lack of enthusiasm in the work can be motivated, as well as by the factors previously described, by factors inherent to the job as the ambiguity of the role (no clear what our functions), or the incompatibility of role (having incompatible functions among themselves within the same job). Low economic incentives, the precarious contracts, or the performance of work that underestimate the ability of the worker may also reduce the professional motivation.
In regards to the couple and family relationships, repeated and frequent conflicts that seem to not get resolved never, routine, or the lack of commitment to each other, are among the main reasons that remaining illusion in this aspect of life, and can cause rupture of the couple or the separation between members of the family.

Consequences of the lack of illusion

We do not ask that you ilusione all around you, but if there is nothing that makes you hope, you can not be happy. The lack of enthusiasm can be transient and respond to a normal reaction to stressful life events (separation, dismissal, death of a loved one, etc), or well being of a permanent nature adversely affecting our lives. In the latter case, and especially when the strategies used to get out of this State have failed, it may be necessary to apply for specialized psychological care.
You then describe the main consequences people without illusion:
• Lack of goals and objectives. There is a two-way relationship between illusion and our goals; the lack of goals means that we have no illusion, and the lack of enthusiasm makes that we do not have goals.
• Expectations are not realistic: in relation to the previous point, having no firm targets raised the achievement of ideals, and not to see fulfilled their expectations, lose the illusion to achieve another goal, different and more affordable.
• Sadness, helplessness (sense that nothing depends on them) and, in some cases, depression.
• Feeling of dispersion that verbalize as "I feel lost, without hope, I don't know what I want".
• Feeling of vacuum and constant dissatisfaction.
• Bad mood.
• Envy towards others by believing that the good things that happen to them "come to them marriages".
• When the lack of illusion affects the couple: boredom, feeling of detachment, disappointment, frequent arguments need to spend little time with the couple (and in some cases living in the company of other people), lack of in common plans, lack of desire to make happy the other, decreased sexual desire, etc.
• When the lack of illusion affects work: unwillingness to play the professional work, poor performance, lack of desire for promotion, lack of interest in relationships with coworkers, loss of time, feeling of bitterness before getting back to work after the weekend or a few days of vacation, tiredness, fatigue, and other physical symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep or headaches.

How to promote and recover the illusion

It is preferable to feel disappointed at not having achieved a specific objective, that lack of enthusiasm. Then we offer you some tips to encourage or restore the illusion:
• Have you ever thought once if in your life, you do what you like or what you owe? Do you think that you do what you really want? It is important that the answer to these questions is affirmative. If not, you should consider how to make it so. Sure something can change.
• Attempts to people surrounding you strengthen you in some way or most appreciate your efforts. It is not arrogance, but to love oneself. So for example, if you think that your work is poorly paid, let know your bosses. What we get paid for what we do is related to the value we feel that they give others. Another example has to do with relationships; If you think that your partner does not value yourself, and will not tell you explicitly what you do well, please tell him and ask him to do it. Your partner may not be aware of how you affect their lack of attention.
• Ask yourself some goals in life with realistic expectations in terms of time limits and tools to achieve them (learn a language within a period of time, prepare to participate in a race, arrange with your partner that dream trip,...).
• Think about the objectives, steps or sub-targets, that you must perform before you reach your final goal, and strengthen you or congratulate you whenever you get one of them.
• The failures you must deal with them with the greatest sense of humor as possible. Think what can do you so that they do not become repeat, and tries to explain your failures as something temporary, specific and controllable by you.
• Take care: Ponte handsome, get sport, dress well... feeling good with one same affects our self-esteem and makes us feel capable of achieving much more.
• In your work: think of what you would like to make progress, how would be more enjoyable your functions, suitable job in such a way that you find most comfortable, tries to improve your relationships with your co-workers, and especially incorporates what you think you need to be able to perform the function that you like.
• Partner: cares for the relationship every day, you don't ignore you an anniversary, spends time with your partner, think on how to surprise her, you do not neglect the sex, and tries to make these quality; tell your partner what you like about her, and ask her to tell you, put plans in common in the medium to long term, etc.
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