What is the Meaning of Complex thinking | Definition and What is Complex thinking

The notion of complex thought was invented by the french philosopher Edgar Morin and refers to the ability to interconnect different dimensions of reality. With the emergence of events, or multidimensional, interactive objects and with random components we are obliged to develop a strategy of thought that are not simplistic or totalizing, but rather reflexive. Morin calls this ability complex thought.
This concept is opposed to the disciplinary division and promotes an interdisciplinary and holistic, approach but without abandoning the concept of the constituent elements of the whole. The Systemics, Cybernetics, and theories of information support the complex thought.
We can say that the complex thought is based on three main principles: the diaphore (the consistency of the system appears with the Paradox), recursion (the ability to feedback to change the system) and hologrammie (the part in all and all in the part).
Complex thought is therefore a strategy or a way of thinking which intends a holistic phenomena but which, at the same time, recognises the specificity of the parties. The solution is to rearticulate knowledge while implementing such principles.
Everything that concerns the complex thinking is related to epistemology (the doctrine of the methods of scientific knowledge). The object of study of epistemology or theory of knowledge is the production and validation of scientific knowledge through the analysis of different criteria.