What is the Meaning of Debt | Definition and What is Debt

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Debt is a concept originating from the latin (debĭta). Its meaning refers to the requirement that one has to pay, repay or something (usually money) meet someone. Examples: "I am very worried because I don't know how I'll pay my debts," "I have a debt of 2,000 euros that I owe to Jean Marc", "the most important thing to avoid financial problems, it's not to incur debts.
There are different types of debts according to their characteristics. Public debt is on the State and which is recognized by securities bearing interest. Public debt may be external (when it is paid abroad with a foreign currency), domestic/internal (that is paid in his own country with national currency), consolidated (in perpetuity, with titles that generate a fixed income) or variable (fixed term or subject to agreement), between other classifications.
For citizens, the debts are accounts payable. It owes from the time it made a loan or acquired goods in instalments or deferred payment. If a person purchases a television and pay only 50%, the other half to be settled until next month, it will have incurred a debt.
The concept of debt is also linked to a moral obligation that is owed to someone: "you saved my life: I'm in debt with you", "to be frank, I feel like I'm in debt with Daniela because I could not help it," "you helped my son and me, I have worked with your: there is no debts between us.
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