What is the Meaning of Emotional intelligence | Definition and What is Emotional intelligence

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
From latin intelligentĭa, the concept of intelligence is related to the ability to make the best choices to find a solution. It is possible to distinguish between the different types of intelligence all depends on skills that are at stake. Whatever it is, intelligence is the ability to understand and to develop information to use them properly.
Emotional, on the other hand, is an adjective that is said of what belongs or relating to emotion (a psycho-physiological phenomenon which presupposes an adaptation to changes in environmental requirements). This or that is emotional is also emotional (sensitive to emotions).
The concept of emotional intelligence was popularized by the American psychologist Daniel Coleman and refers to the ability to recognize his own feelings and those of others. The individual, therefore, is intelligent (clever, capable) to the extent where she knows how to manage feelings.
For Coleman, the emotional intelligence involves five basic capabilities: discover his own feelings and emotions, recognize them, manage them, create its own reasoning and manage personal relationships.
Emotional intelligence has a physical basis at the level of the brainstem, which is responsible for setting the basic vital functions. The human has a said emotional centre neocortex, whose development is pre-what is called the rational brain.
The cerebral amygdala and hippocampus are essential in all processes related to emotional intelligence. The amygdala, for example, releases norepinephrine that stimulates the senses.
Unlike QI, there is no study to measure capacity or the degree of personal intelligence of a person. In this regard, the assessment of this ability is rather subjective.
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