What is the Meaning of Enema | Definition and What is Enema

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

An enema is a liquid medicine that is administered by intrarectal route, i.e., which is introduced into the body through the anus, and is used to clean the bowel. The term is also used to refer to the action itself, which is to introduce the liquid.
Examples: "yesterday the doctors did an enema to my grandmother because she was very constipated,"the doctor suggested I use a bulb enema to clean the ears gently,"" if I continue like this, it will be necessary that I be an Enema, but the idea does me please not really.
It is possible to distinguish two types of enemas: evacuants enemas and retention enemas. Evacuants enemas are used as a treatment for constipation, the impaction or fecal retention in general. Administered liquid usually has a quick action, generating a response in less than twenty minutes.
The retention Enema, on the other hand, is designed so that the liquid in the body can stay there at least 30 minutes. This substance may be a drug or a liquid to visualize images of the lower intestinal tract with x-rays to make a diagnosis. In the latter case, it is a barium enema.
A third type of enema is the klysmaphilie, but that has nothing to do with medicine. Indeed, it is a paraphilia (unusual sexual practice) where the liquid in question is administered through a rectal bulb.
It is noted that there are several contraindications for enemas. People affected by peritonitis, appendicitis, colitis, intestinal inflammation or abdominal trauma should avoid such treatments.
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