What is the Meaning of Lake | Definition and What is Lake

Lake, from the latin lacus, is a mass standing water that is deposited in depressions of a field. The formation of a Lake occurs from geological faults (which generate a depression in the ground), the accumulation of glacial moraines or obstruction of a valley because of the avalanches produced on its slopes.
Examples: 'my buddy invited me to spend the weekend in a cabin by the Lake","this summer, I'll go to the Lake Otero to browse it and enjoy the beach","it seems that, in this Lake can be fished a variety of fish.
A Lake may contain fresh water or salt water from rivers or groundwater upwelling. Great Lakes that do not have access to the sea are often called closed seas. This is the case of the Caspian Sea, which lies between Asia and Europe.
It is possible to speak of different types of Lakes. Artificial lakes are those created by humans to exploit the hydroelectric power, a source of drinking water, water sports or leisure activities, etc. In these cases, the lakes are also known as dams or reservoirs.
A crater lake, on the other hand, is the one that forms in a volcanic crater because of the rain. A glacial Lake, however, is produced from the dynamics of thick layers of ice on land with little slope.
What is bound or which belongs to the Lakes takes the designation of Lake: "the Lake ballad was what I liked the most during the holidays."
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