What is the Meaning of Landowne | Definition and What is Landowne

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Landowner is a term composed of two words: owner and Terran. The concept therefore refers to any person who owns land/land. Its use is often linked to those who have large agricultural areas. Examples: "the president pointed out that big landowners are not exempt from their obligations',"John Milboard Paternusis is a landowner who owns more than 20,000 hectares of fields in the South of the country","I wonder how he did to become a landowner in just three years.
The concept of owner is emerged in the country's monarchical tradition. The landowners were the nobles with the fortunes of the family from the middle ages. Since the French Revolution, the collection of large tracts of land in few hands has tended to change and the distribution of land has been promoted.
The historical and geographical context determines the notion of landowner. In Argentina, for example, historians argue that the landowners have formed a politically powerful bourgeoisie since the early years of national independence, while determining the development of the country. Despite the historical and social changes, it is still a very influential group in the policy.
In Cuba, on the other hand, landowners have benefited from the economic and political power of the socialist revolution. The exploitation of their lands was carried out by Indian and Métis employed, but also through the labor of slaves.
In general, landowners oppose social changes because they represent a privileged class and, therefore, any change in the status quo is contrary to their interests.
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