What is the Meaning of Landscape | Definition and What is Landscape

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Landscape design is a concept acknowledging two major uses. Firstly, the term refers to art which includes the planning, design and maintenance of parks and gardens. On the other hand, the concept is linked to the pictorial genre that focuses on the representation of landscapes (the extension of land visible from somewhere).
Landscape design, therefore, can be associated with all activities aimed at changing the visible aspects of a field. The artist who devoted himself to this task is the landscape.
Landscapers are responsible for working with agencies alive (like plants, flowers and trees), natural elements (a river, a stream, a hill, etc.), human creations (buildings, roads, bridges) and abstract questions (climate, for example).
By studying these factors, landscaping experts create an environment that is aesthetically pleasing. We can say manipulated landscape design is the work of art of the landscape, because this is how he expresses his ideas and feelings.
Beyond the artistic level, the landscape is also required to protect the environment and ensure the sustainability of its design.
As a kind of paint, landscaping is to represent scenes from nature. The figures and tables with beaches, mountains and forests are examples of landscape design in the fine arts.
Landscape painters, however, do not paint that natural images. There is talk, in this sense, of urban landscapes (representing the) cities(, with their buildings, their streets and inhabitants) or dreamlike landscapes (reflecting images of dreams).
Published for educational purposes