What is the Meaning of Possession | Definition and What is Possession

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From the latin possessĭo, possession is the Act to possess certain things, be they physical or intangible assets. Sometimes this term is used as a synonym for property. The verb 'own', meanwhile, can mean have, hold, or know something.
In the legal field, possession is a situation of fact, and not a right (the property is however). The property, therefore, is a consequence of the possession by an order.
Possession requires the thing itself (the corpus) and the intention of the person to act as its owner (the rem sibi habendi animus). In short, it is a fact having legal effects which is protected by law so that the owner is not required to prove his title whenever an individual seeks to disrupt or jeopardise this possession.
For religion, possession is the appropriation of the mind of a person by another spirit who acts as internal and United to it. It is usual to involve possession in the presence of the devil, who takes the individual body and disrupts its behavior.
The convulsions, the development of diseases without cause, access to knowledge previously hidden (a foreign language, for example), changes in the voice, the supernatural force and aversion to the sacred are some of the symptoms attributed to so-called people owned. Possession may be reversed through a ritual known as exorcism.
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