What is the Meaning of Resin | Definition and What is Resin

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Resin, from the latin resīna, is a pasty or solid substance naturally obtained from organic secretion of certain plants. Thanks to their chemical properties, resins are used in the manufacture of perfumes, adhesives, paints (or varnish) and food additives, among other products.
The concept of resin is also used to denote the synthetic substance manufactured by humans, with properties similar to plant resins (those of plants). This means that the concept can be divided in natural resins and synthetic resins.
Natural resins, we can talk about balm (secretion that is used as a cleaner or a deodorant), gum resin (which emulsifies when mixed with water) and resin latex (from the coagulated LaTeX), among other types.
Acrylic, in turn, is among the most popular synthetic resins. It is used in many industries, including automotive, shipbuilding and optics. Acrylic, which presents a high resistance to weather and impacts, is the most transparent plastics and serves as insulation and thermal.
Epoxy resin is used to harden other products. Paints and varnishes may include this resin for consistency. In electronics, the epoxy resin helps protect circuits and processors while avoiding possible damages caused by dust or moisture.
Polyester (used as matrix in the manufacture of pipes or in the manufacture of fibres) and polyurethane (which is produced in the form of foam or solid form, intended to be used as sealing agent, to isolate or fill) are other synthetic resins (artificial).
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