What is the Meaning of Symbolism | Definition and What is Symbolism

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
The system of symbols to represent a concept, a belief or an event is called symbolism. This system operates on the basis of the association of ideas that promote the symbols and networks that appear of the latter.
Examples: 'the Masonic Lodge is known for its strong symbolism","I do not understand the symbolism of the books of this author","tomorrow, I will attend a Japanese conference specialized in the symbolism of the dragons.
The symbolism, on the other hand, is an artistic movement that emerged in France at the end of the 19th century and is characterised by the fact to mention or suggest objects rather than naming them directly.
The appearance of the symbolism is related to opposition to naturalism through fantasy (or fantasy). The artists belonging to this movement were trying to retrieve the ideas of romanticism which lost importance face in advance of the industrial revolution. The symbolism is therefore linked to the spiritual.
The symbolists proposed to decipher the mysteries of the world in seeking a correspondence between sensitive objects. Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine are among the pioneers of the movement, which has spread from literature to painting, sculpture and theatre.
Inter alia, the symbolism is not confined to the France. It has spread all over the world without knowing of geographical boundaries while making many followers. He crossed the ocean and even arrived in Latin America.
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