What is the Meaning of Terrestrial globe | Definition and What is Terrestrial globe

Globe, from latin globus, is a spherical surface whose points are equidistant from the Center. The term may be used to identify objects various such toy qu´un, an ornament or an aircraft.
Earth, in turn, is an adjective which concerns the Earth. The concept is applied to the globe or the terrestrial sphere.
The globe (said also planetary) is therefore a sphere whose area represents the land and seas have on planet Earth. This is a scale model in three dimensions of our planet which is used for scientific, educational, recreational (recreational) or ornamental.
Examples: "when I was little, I spent hours watching the Earth', 'my uncle gave me a globe to decorate the library', 'the professor asked me to find three European countries on the globe.
A globe built by Martin Behaim in 1492 is the oldest of those who remain today. The first globe with representation of the land that Europeans experienced after Christophe Colomb and other explorers 1507 date travel and is Martin Waldeseemüller.
As a general rule, the globe is on an angle bracket. Thus, it can represent the global angle facing the Sun and the rotation of the Earth, which allows to visualize how days pass.
The globes are generally parallels and meridians so that different locations can be located more easily. Some globes feature reliefs to show the topography or make call to different colors for good highlight elevations.

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