What is the Meaning of Tip | Definition and What is Tip

From latin astutĭa, the trick said what is clever or cunning. A clever person is able to deceive or avoid getting wrong, or who has the ability to achieve its ends by artificial means. The trick can also be a ruse.
Examples: "MP has proven astute insofar as he managed to not answer more complex questions posed to him by journalists'," Mr Dupont almost got scammed, but it had enough tip for not falling into the trap ","tip of the goalkeeper who caught the ball during the last quarter of an hour has been decisive for the final result.
The trick is generally not associated directly with intelligence or academic training, as it is understood as the ability of a person to act in a certain way. Who is astute can if see when it is about to be the victim of a trap or can itself develop a scheme to deceive others.
Two people are knocking at the door of the home of a woman and say that they are employees of the electricity company. These men asked him to open the door so they can go and check the meter. The clever woman replied that she will call the company in question to confirm what they are saying. Given this response, they go. In fact, it was thieves who wanted to rip off the Lady.
The trick can also appear in an athlete who is able to interpret playing techniques and the development of the games to anticipate opponents. A football player who is always placed in the same position on the ground and which is able to grab the ball in the repair area and make goals is a clever player.
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