Augustus of biography

The foundations of an empire September 23, 63 Bc
August 19, 14

Who is Augustus?

Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus was born in Rome in 63 BC, Gaius Octavius is the father and the mother is Azia, the daughter of Julia, sister of Julius Caesar. In 45 BC Caesar adopts, for he has no male descendants. While located in Apollonia, in Greece, in order to study waiting to leave for the expedition against the Parthians, Octavian Caesar receives news of the death of Julius Caesar on March 15 44 BC he returned to Rome to avenge the killing of Caesar and to collect the inheritance left by him. At the age of nineteen Octavian shows great determination and courage, managing to keep his two bitter enemies, Marcus Antonius and the Roman Senate.

The disagreement between Octavian and Mark Antony is now evident, since the latter refuses to deliver immediately in the hands of the first Caesar's legacy. The most bitter conflict you have in Modena, where Octavian supported by veterans of Caesar and the Senate gets the victory against Mark Antony.

In 43 BC, realizing that the Senate strongly supports the oligarchic form of Government and to try to find a truce with Mark Antony, Octavian, as Consul, agree with the latter and Lepidus to create their Triumvirate. In the years of the triumvirate of the three ordered to kill their enemies, seize assets, distributed land to the Veterans of Caesar and enlist military forces to be deployed in the battle against supporters of Brutus and Cassius, who took refuge in Greece. The three men share the Roman lands. In 42 BC, the armed forces of Octavian Caesar and Mark Antony are reporting a huge victory against the men of Brutus and Caesar in Philippi.

Despite a second agreement between the triumvirs and the partitions made, territorial conflict between Mark Antony and Octavian is rekindled, leading to the battle of Actium of 31 BC, which ended in 29 BC, Octavian's victory in 27 BC receives the title of Augustus. He has the task of reorganizing the Roman Empire in terms of political, economic, military and religious. Respectful of the old Roman Institutions, he is preparing to run in an exemplary way the Roman Empire. He also for the position of Roman Consul also accumulates those princeps and Senates of Imperator, which can send Given to his heirs.

Augusto realizes that the time has come to put an end to the Republican form of Government, because the Empire's territory is very vast. In fact, he realizes that the time has come to carry out a constitutional reform in the Empire, it is for this reason that in 27 BC he chastises end of military emergency. Cesare Ottaviano Augusto carries within the Empire a whole series of major reforms including constitutional reform, the reorganization of the armed forces, decreasing the number of Legions by fifty to twenty-eight and eighteen, finally the order to carry out numerous public works to embellish the Imperial capital, Rome. Administratively also creates new colonies, Provinces and prefectures, with the objective of romanizzarle.

Augustus in his hands all the economic power of the Principality, but seeks to ensure that resources are distributed fairly, so that you have the support of all the subject populations. In the provinces it makes build roads, ports, new commercial port facilities. In 23-15 BC reorders the monetary system. His Principality, known for his peaceful characters, actually was characterized by numerous threats and conflicts such as the conflict in the North-Western Iberian Peninsula from 29 BC to 19 BC, which then became part of the Empire. After countless military clashes on the border of the Danube and the Rhine are permanently incorporated in the Imperial domains.

Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus died on 19 August 14 ad, leaving in the hands of Tiberius a great empire.