Biography of Georges Bataille

Surrealism and beyond September 10, 1897
July 8, 1962

Who is Georges Bataille?

Georges Bataille was born on September 10, 1897 in Billon, Puy-de-Dome, in Central France. The mother is psychic nature, unstable father afflicted by syphilis degeneration and already blind at the time of conception of the child.

In 1900 the Bataille family moved to Reims. Here the little Georges receives a strict Catholic upbringing. At the time of the explosion of world war mother and son escape German domination by abandoning the breadwinner now completely paralyzed that soon dies, dealing his son an unsurpassed sense of guilt.

But turning regularly studies various cities, from Paris to Chartres in Madrid. Meditate to become a monk. Lose faith because of love come to catastrophe because of his rigorous Catholic.

In 1922, after a period of teaching at the University of Madrid, he returned to Paris, where it is used at the national library. It is a time of unprecedented intellectual processing for the Parisian intelligentsia. Bataille adheres to the circles in which it is formalizing the surrealist credo, under the aegis of Breton. Married the actress Sylvia Makles which, secondly, is the wife of Jacques Lacan.

The dispute with Breton and the surrealist movement soon emerged and soon the breakup is complete.

A rapprochement with an intellectual of the Breton group occurs at the time of the advent of fascism continental: along with Roger Caillois founded the magazine "Counter-attack", in defence of community values, betrayed by socialism.

In 1936 it founded the esoteric circle de The Acéphale and its exoteric version, the College of Sociology whose readers are of extraordinary caliber: among them, Pierre Klossovski, Jean-Paul Sartre, Claude Lévy-Strauss, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno.

Ten years later, Bataille is a philosophical and literary guru. It is thanks to her prescient eye that sees the light the early work of Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida and Foucault.

Tuberculosis that strikes in recent years, albeit treated, causes a weakening of the immune system which leads him to death July 8, 1962.