What is the Meaning of Abstract painting | Concept and Definition of Abstract painting

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

The painting is the fluid which, when applied in thin layers, to cover a surface. The concept is used to designate the material, the canvas used for painting or the art of painting (graphic representation made with pigments or other substances).
Latin abstractus, the abstract adjective refers to what does not intend to represent things or beings specific, but which only deals with issues such as the form, structure, or color.
Means abstract art event which focuses on chromatic, structural or formal aspects, while ignoring the physical or material reality imitation. Painting abstract, therefore, is the pictorial branch of abstract art.
The opposite of abstract painting is figurative painting, which aims to represent recognizable images. Abstract painting, however, relies on the generation of sensations from the forms and not the imitation of reality.
The first abstract events date back to the beginning of the 20th century, through artists such as Wassily Kandinsky and Umberto Boccioni. There are of many currents stylistic concerning abstract art, namely, lyrical abstraction, the synthetic abstraction and geometric abstraction.
Expressive abstract painting is lacking structure and presents an Unsimplified composition through improvisation. Geometric abstract painting, in turn, consists of works planned according to rational criteria from neutral elements, while abstract figurative painting was intended to represent a reality mobile (moving) and changing (evolving) in a static and unchanging environment.
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