What is the Meaning of: Alchemy | Concept and Definition of: Alchemy

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Alchemy is an esoteric belief associated with transmutation of matter. The practices and experiences of Alchemy were essential in the original development of the chemistry, but alchemists were searching for the philosopher's stone to transform any metal into gold.
Alchemy is regarded as a proto or a philosophical discipline that includes concepts of chemistry, physics, astrology, metallurgy, spiritualism, and art. The Alchemy schools were popular for about 2500 years in regions such as Mesopotamia, Egypt Antique, China, India, ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.
Despite its several forms and currents, Alchemy is strongly associated, at present time, looking for a process to transform any element in gold and the ability to achieve eternal life.
The alchemists believed that the Red stone was able to transform simple metals into gold, and the white stone came to transform conventional metals in silver.
The philosopher's stone is also related to the elixir of life, a substance that would cure all diseases and make possible the eternal life. Although there is no such thing as this potion, of many alchemists like Paracelsus have made important discoveries in the pharmaceutical field.
We will retain that, theoretically, it is not impossible to convert lead into gold. To arrive there, it is sufficient to retrieve three of the 82 protons of an atom of lead and get an atom of gold (of 79 protons). However, in practice, the projections of energy make this impractical transmutation.
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