What is the Meaning of: Color | Concept and Definition of: Color

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

The colour is a sensation that the light rays occur in Visual organs and which is interpreted in the brain. It is a physical and chemical phenomenon where each color depends on the wavelength.
Illuminated bodies absorb part of electromagnetic waves and reflect others. These reflected waves are captured by the eye and, depending on the wavelength, are interpreted by the brain. In conditions where there is little or not enough light, the human being happens to see black and white.
The white color, in this sense, is the result of the superimposition of all colors. On the other hand, the color black is the opposite and is considered the absence of color. It is noted that the so-called primary colors are those that cannot be obtained by mixing other colors.
For example: "my father bought a blue car", "I'm looking black color pants to wear with my new shirt", "Laura has done paint her kitchen in turquoise.
The concept of color is also used as a synonym for colour ("I like this table: it has many colors") and as the natural color of the skin of humans ("90% of the NBA players are black").
Moreover, this term is used in symbolic or figurative sense. The particular nature of certain things, the special quality which distinguishes a particular thing and the nuance of opinion can be considered color: "actress gave his character a new color", "tragic color of his latest book is undeniable", "this Government does not only one color, because it's sure to be the most inclusive possible.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.