What is the Meaning of: Déjà vu | Concept and Definition of: Déjà vu

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
Déjà Vu is a term of French origin. It is the french psychic researcher Émile Boirac (1851-1917), which is at the origin. The concept describes the experience of having the impression of having testified or previously experienced a new situation.
The already seen or paramnesie is also a huge feeling of familiarity, accompanied by a sensation of strangeness or rarity. Everything suggests that prior experience can be attributed to a dream, even if in some cases there is the strong feeling that the situation has actually occurred in the past.
After several studies, 60% of people say having experienced a deja-vu, did what only once. However, there are few empirical studies on this subject, because it is difficult to rely on this experience in a laboratory. Some researchers find it possible to recreate a déjà vu using hypnosis.
It is necessary to mention two types of déjà vu: the already experienced (what it was like to have lived) and the already felt (something that one has felt, which remains a mental event, that lack of pre-cognitifs aspects and that usually does not remain in the memory of the person after him).
The sensation of déjà vu is often mentioned and resume in popular culture and certain artistic works. At the cinema, for example, the Matrix film presents the déjà vu as a noticeable flaw in the system. On the other hand, Deja Vu is the title of a film whose protagonist is Denzel Washington, where the phenomenon is explained through warnings from the past and clues to the future.
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