What is the Meaning of: Depression | Concept and Definition of: Depression

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

The word depression comes from the term latin depressus, meaning "shot" or "terraced". It is an emotional disorder perceived moral pain and a State of sadness can be transient or permanent.
For medicine and psychology, depression is a syndrome or a set of symptoms that affect primarily the affective/emotional side of a person. That said, the pathological sadness, impairment, irritability, and mood changes can cause a decrease in professional performance or a limitation in social life.
Depression can also be expressed by means of disease (or disorder) type cognitive, volitional or somatic. In most cases, the diagnosis is clinical.
Although it can be caused by multiple factors, depression generally appears with the stress and some feelings (a sentimental disappointment, the experience of an accident or a tragedy, etc.). Inadequate development of mourning following the death of a loved one or the consumption of certain substances (such as alcohol or other toxic substances) can also be the cause of depression.
In addition to the inability of labour and concentration, depression can have other social and personal consequences also important. In the most extreme cases or even unbearable, it can even lead to suicide.
When the psychic of a subject situation restricts in its daily activities, it is normally recommended to therapeutic treatment, which must be interrupted as soon as this person improve its mental situation and it comes to restore the normal functioning of professional abilities.
Sometimes, especially in the case of severe or psychotic depression, specialists can also prescribe antidepressant drugs.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.